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OA123 - dewtreats https://dewtreats.com en hourly 1 <![CDATA[The Most Common Molar Pregnancy Symptoms | How To Avoid]]> https://dewtreats.com/the-most-common-molar-pregnancy-symptoms-how-to-avoid-1546 Tue, 06 Aug 2024 17:12:29 +0000 https://dewtreats.com/the-most-common-molar-pregnancy-symptoms-how-to-avoid-1546 Molar pregnancy symptoms which is also known as gestational trophoblastic disease(GTD) is a form of abnormal pregnancy.

Molar pregnancy symptoms appear when abnormal cells form placenta-like tissue develop into the uterus instead of a healthy baby. 

Molar pregnancy vs normal pregnancy 

A normal pregnancy happens when a sperm fertilizes an egg to form a fertilized egg that has 46 chromosomes.

The fertilized egg travels to the wall of the womb and implants. 

In molar pregnancy there is an imbalance in the chromosomes (genetic material), and there is no fetus.

molar pregnancy symptomsTypes of molar pregnancy 

Complete molar pregnancy

It happens when a sperm fertilizes an empty egg, there is no genetic material in the egg so the placenta is formed abnormally.

It contains tumors called fluid-filled cysts. 

Molar pregnancy symptoms occur same as normal pregnancy symptoms because the pregnancy hormone HCG ( human chorionic gonadotropin) is produced.  

Partial molar pregnancy 

It happens when two sperm fertilize a normal egg to form an embryo that has 69 chromosomes instead of 46 chromosomes. 

The fetus is incomplete and could never develop into a baby. 

Molar pregnancy symptoms 

Symptoms of molar pregnancy and normal pregnancy are the same, but the severity of molar pregnancy symptoms is much more.

The signs can include: 

Missed period 

The first sign of molar pregnancy is missing a period which is known by amenorrhoea.

Some women experience light bleeding and think it's the period but it is not.

High levels of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 

High levels of HCG cause all molar pregnancy symptoms and make all the changes inside the pregnant body.

HCG hormone is exaggerated in molar pregnancy.

Irregular vaginal bleeding 

Women with molar pregnancy symptoms get dark brown to bright red bleeding and watery brown vaginal discharge during the first three months. 

Pieces of the molar tissue may be passed which can look like clusters of grapes (sacs).

Abdominal swelling 

Women who have molar pregnancy symptoms get more swelling in the belly area than in a normal pregnancy.

Their tummy gets bigger more quickly. 

Extreme bouts of nausea and vomiting 

Nausea and vomiting are the most common symptoms of molar pregnancy. 

Most women face morning sickness and loss of appetite.

They may experience these two signs throughout the day not only in the morning.


The huge increase in the sex hormone progesterone makes the pregnant more tired and unable to do her normal daily routine. 

Progesterone slows the metabolism of the body.

But it's very important to thick the uterine lining and help the baby to grow.

Fatigue and tiredness make the pregnant woman want to sleep all day.

Breast changes 

The breasts are highly affected by molar pregnancy, they become swollen, gender and fuller. 

The veins of the breasts become more obvious and around the nipples become darker. 

Frequent urination 

Frequent Urination is one of most common molar pregnancy symptoms.

It may occur within weeks after conception due to the hormonal changes. 

Frequent urination occurs because the levels of body fluids increase.

The growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder and the body gets rid of the waste quickly through the kidney. 


Anemia is a rare sign of molar pregnancy symptoms but it may occur.

Anemia means low red blood cells, it happens due to vaginal bleeding. 


Reflux and heartburn is associated with molar pregnancy symptoms.

The progesterone hormone relaxes the muscle between the esophagus and the stomach.

This leads to the reflux of the stomach acid and pain.

Indigestion occurs due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the organs of the abdomen.

Mood changes

Molar pregnancy hormones release chemicals in the brain which cause mood changes.

Cysts in the ovaries

Ovarian cyst is a complication of molar pregnancy symptoms.


Molar pregnancy symptoms may be complicated, it may lead to overactive thyroid gland and thyrotoxicosis.

Signs of hyperthyroidism include fast heartbeat, sweating, and weight loss.

Preeclampsia (high blood pressure)

Molar pregnancy produces more anti-angiogenic proteins than normal pregnancy which leads to increase in blood pressure.

Pelvic pain

The pain in the pelvis happens due to the severe pressure in this area. 

molar pregnancy symptoms

Molar pregnancy complications 


It is a serious condition in which the blood gets infected followed by suppression of the immune system.


It is the most aggressive form, cancer cells could spread from the placenta to the body if the molar pregnancy symptoms got untreated.

Risk factors for molar pregnancy 


Age affects only in complete molar pregnancy, women -over 45 years- are more susceptible to complete molar pregnancy. 

There is a small risk for molar pregnancy Symptoms in the young teenagers. 


Being of Asian descent makes you more liable to Molar pregnancy than others.

In Asian women, molar pregnancy is about twice as common compared to non Asian women.

In the UK, about 1 in 590 pregnancies is a Molar pregnancy.

molar pregnancy symptoms

How early can molar pregnancy be detected?

Molar pregnancy is diagnosed during the routine pregnancy scans and tests. 

Urine and blood tests 

Unpregnant women don't have human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (HCG hormone) in her blood, it's important for the baby to develop.

Once she becomes pregnant, the placenta releases HCG hormone. 

In molar pregnancy, the percentage of the hormone is much higher than normal. 

Abdominal ultrasound 

Abdominal ultrasound is a good method to detect complete molar pregnancy in the 12th week.

Partial molar pregnancy is diagnosed by blood tests.

Abdominal ultrasound scan with high frequency waves puts a picture of a part of your body.

This scan takes up to 45 minutes. 

Pregnant woman does this scan at 12 weeks to make sure there are no abnormalities.

In molar pregnancy, ultrasound waves show no fetus tissue and a characteristic “snowstorm appearance” on the scan. 

Transvaginal ultrasound 

Your doctor may ask you to do this if you have any earlier symptoms before your routine scan. 

It is done internally to get a more detailed picture inside your vagina.

You may feel slightly uncomfortable while doing it but it doesn't hurt at all. 

After abortion or miscarriage 

After 3 weeks after abortion, your gynecologist may ask you to do a urine test to make sure that HCG levels have completely gone.

Treatment of molar pregnancy 

As soon as you know you have molar pregnancy, you must remove it immediately.

You may get rid of it by surgery or through medications according to your doctor’s recommendations.

Treatment includes dilation and curettage (D&C) with suction to remove all the molar tissue. 

It is a painful process so the patient got general anesthesia.

Is it important to monitor HCG levels after surgery ?

It is the only way to make sure that molar tissue is totally removed from your body. 

You must monitor HCG levels regularly after the surgery. 

Can molar pregnancy cause cancer later in life? 

Molar pregnancy begins not cancerous benign ,but if the Molar cells are not removed well,they will develop to form cancerous cells.

It's a small risk to occur but it might happen.

molar pregnancy symptoms

How to prevent molar pregnancy?

There is no certain way to avoid molar pregnancy.

You can reduce the risk of molar pregnancy by avoiding the pregnancy for up to a year once you have had molar pregnancy.

Emotions and molar pregnancy 

The miscarriage association suggests that the experience of molar pregnancy is associated with hard feelings including : 

Confusion and shock

Molar pregnancy makes women very confused as the pregnant woman thinks she will finally have the baby she dreams of but this does not happen, she gets shocked and disappointed.

Anxiety and fear

Molar pregnancy may lead to the fear of getting cancer and the fear of experiencing molar pregnancy again in the future. 

Loss and sadness

Feeling grief is normal for the baby you were expecting. 

Feeling isolated and alone

Especially if there is no one around you knows what molar pregnancy is and you do not have the ability to tell him.

Unable to move on 

You have to wait for at least one year before you become pregnant again.

It is an important step to prevent molar pregnancy from occurring again.

In conclusion, experiencing molar pregnancy is very hard and stressful but it is very rare.

It happens by chance, about 1 pregnant in every 700 will be a molar pregnancy.

If you get molar pregnancy symptoms one day, telling your partner is important for your mental health. 

Follow up with your doctor is essential to make sure all the fetal tissues are away from your body.

<![CDATA[Paul Mitchell Shampoo And Conditioner | Make Your Hair Shiny]]> https://dewtreats.com/paul-mitchell-shampoo-and-conditioner-make-your-hair-shiny-1545 Tue, 06 Aug 2024 16:33:12 +0000 https://dewtreats.com/paul-mitchell-shampoo-and-conditioner-make-your-hair-shiny-1545 Paul Mitchell shampoo and conditioner are the best hair care products to fix your damaged, brittle, and frizzy hair. 

Through the last 44 years, Paul Mitchell system (JPMS) has been known as the first professional hair brand worldwide.

Paul Mitchell's system aims 

The Paul Mitchel system has a deep knowledge of the benefits of natural substances. 

JPMS tries hard to combine chemical ingredients with natural ones to get luxury products with no side effects. 

The JPMS system believes that happy hair starts at the scalp.

This is how Paul Mitchell shampoo helps you, it makes your scalp very good and clean. 

Following your regular shampoo with conditioner makes hair softer and more manageable.

The JPMS system offers a variety of Paul Mitchell Shampoo and conditioner which are suitable for every hair type. 

Paul Mitchell shampoo and conditioner

Types of Paul Mitchell shampoo and conditioner 

Tea-Tree Paul Mitchell shampoo and conditioner 

It is the best-selling bundle, tea-tree oil is the main active constituent in this bundle.

It cleans the scalp very well and helps us to get rid of all dandruff, it is the best choice for hair loss. 

This kit is suitable for all hair types except those who have infected or damaged scalp.

Hawaiian awapuhi Paul Mitchell shampoo and conditioner

Awapuhi liquid extract is the main ingredient in this bunch.

Hawaiian awapuhi was cultivated in the Hawaiian islands by Polynesians.

The extract was used to heal bruises, it also has been known for its moisturizing properties.

It is used as a natural shampoo and conditioner to get the moisture back to your hair. 

Frequent heat styling, exposure to sunlight, and humidity are the main causes of frizzy, brittle, and damaged hair. 

If you are affected by these factors, do not hesitate to try these products. 

Choose Hawaiian awapuhi Paul Mitchell shampoo and conditioner for your routine and make sure your hair will be better in 2 weeks.

Nourishing Paul Mitchell shampoo and conditioner 

This bundle contains several surfactants, these surfactants are used in shampoos as a foaming agent to cleanse the scalp very well. 

These surfactants are also used as a conditioning agent.

Nourishing Paul Mitchell shampoo and conditioner contains some ingredients to retain moisture such as keratin, proteins, glycerin, and hedychium coronarium (white ginger) root extract.

This bundle is the best for dry, weak, and color-treated hair. 

Baby don’t cry shampoo

It is a very delicate shampoo for babies and kids. 

Baby don’t cry shampoo has a neutral Ph to kindly clean up their scalp with no tears. 

It contains chamomile and coneflower extract for a safe and calm shower.

This shampoo could be used as a body shower too, its scent is soft with floral notes and comforting vanilla.

Double hitter 2-in-1 Paul Mitchell shampoo and conditioner

It is two in one product, it's specialized for men's washes and conditions in one step. 

The 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner product creates a hearty lather and leaves hair glowy and healthy.

Lather it into hair, massage, and rinse. You're done!

Why Paul Mitchell's shampoo and conditioner are completely safe? 

They are gluten-free

Gluten in hair products may cause hair sensitivity in some people which starts with blisters, itchiness, and rash on the scalp.

This inflammation leads to hair thinning and hair loss in the end. 

Paul Mitchell products are free from gluten, they are the safest choice for your hair.

Paul Mitchell products are free from paraben

Paraben is a chemical substance that is commonly used as a preservative in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

Although parabens are used as preservatives, they are very harmful.

Parabens cause drying, fading of your hair color, irritating the scalp, and even hair loss. 

The JPMS system puts in every formula-safe preservative.

Phenoxyethanol and methylisothiazolinone prevent the growth of molds and harmful bacteria. 

Paul Mitchell shampoo and conditioner

Types of hair Paul Mitchell products fix 

Coarse hair

Coarse hair has the largest diameter among all hair types, it's larger than 0.08 mm.

This makes the cuticle layers overlap and isn't able to absorb moisture.  

Paul Mitchell conditioner can fix this problem easily.

It has a strong conditioning agent that penetrates the cuticle layers with the help of Silicone.

That coats the hair shaft and keeps hair moist.

Oily hair

Too much oil can lead to buildup and dandruff on your scalp.

You should use a strong clarifying shampoo for deep cleansing.

Paul Mitchell dry shampoo is an excellent addition to your no-wash days. 

Fine and thinning hair

Genetics and aging are the main causes of thinning hair. 

Using Paul Mitchell shampoo and conditioner helps you add more volume to your thin hair. 

You can use Paul Mitchell extra-body boost volumizing spray for extra volume.

Color-treated hair

Color-treated hair requires special care to extend the life of hair color. 

Special sulfate-free shampoos keep hair color from fading.

Help protect hair against the damage that can be created from over-styling with heat tools. 

Curly hair 

From coils to spirals to waves, you’ll find the perfect curly hair care regimen.

Paul Mitchell shampoo and conditioner for curly hair helps you to make your curls healthy and define the shape of your curls.

You can choose Paul Mitchell curl-enhancing styling products like hair gel and styling cream as an extra step. 

Paul Mitchell products and nature

The JPMS system aims to take positive and impactful action that leaves the ecosystems and communities a better place.

The Paul Mitchell system is taking action to reduce the amount of waste by improving the recyclability rates of the packaging.

JPMS is following the guidelines around single-use plastic, waste and reducing carbon output. 

In conclusion, taking care of your hair isn't hard at all, you just have to choose a professional routine such as Paul Mitchell products.  

They are very characteristic with a wide variety of lines for all hair types. 

Eat well, take your supplements, and use Paul Mitchell shampoo and conditioner for healthy and shiny hair.


<![CDATA[Simple 10 Home Remedies For Bruises | When To See A Doctor]]> https://dewtreats.com/simple-10-home-remedies-for-bruises-when-to-see-a-doctor-1536 Thu, 25 Jul 2024 08:08:44 +0000 https://dewtreats.com/simple-10-home-remedies-for-bruises-when-to-see-a-doctor-1536 A bruise is a discolored area of skin, it may be blue, purple, or black.

Home remedies for bruises are very important to make you heal fast, according to its severity, the color of the injured area changes. 

It occurs when something hits you hard, the blood vessels under the skin rupture,  and the blood leaks out from your capillaries and veins. 

Locations of bruises

Bruises do not have a constant location to appear, they may be on your leg, arm, face, or even at your nail. 

Nail bruise

This case is called a subungual hematoma when you wear tight shoes or something hits your thumb.

The blood may accumulate under your nails and cause severe pain.

Breast bruise

It also may appear on the breast due to the seat belts of the car or something hitting you.

In this case, you apply home remedies for bruises such as using an ice bath for 2 days and taking acetaminophen. 

Bruises on the breast may indicate a serious condition such as inflammatory breast infection or breast cancer. 

There are other symptoms in this case such as the feeling of heaviness of the breast, rapid increase in the size, or an inward-turned nipple. 

You must not apply home remedies for bruises in this case and see your doctor quickly, you should check up on yourself monthly.

Bone bruise

Bruises may also occur in bones and joints which is called a microfracture, it is not a bone break but it is dangerous.

You may get your bones bruised through sports injuries, car accidents, or even osteoarthritis, home remedies for bruises are not accepted in this case. 

Home remedies for bruises 

1. Ice remedy 

Using Ice in the injured area is the first step for applying home remedies for bruises.

It should be done immediately after the injury for 10 minutes.

Cooling the bruise helps to reduce the leakage of blood flow in the tissue.

2. Nonprescriptive pain reliever

You could safely use acetaminophen ( paracetamol) as an analgesic.

the single dose must not exceed 1 gm and the maximum dose of the day is 4 mg.

3. Heat 

After 48 hours, you could use heat as one of the effective home remedies for bruises.

It improves the blood flow in the bruised tissue and makes the discoloration fade away. 

4. Elevation 

Elevation fastens the swelling and healing time. 

When you raise your bruised leg or hand so it is above the heart.

It helps you to relax and drains the fluid away quickly. 

5. Compression

The elastic bandage around the bruised tissue was known as one of the oldest home remedies for bruises.

It reduces the severity and prevents the break of blood vessels. 

6. Arnica

The main use of arnica is for osteoarthritis but It is also used for home remedies for bruises as a topical cream. 

It is very dangerous to use it orally as it has extreme chemicals and must be diluted well first. 

7. Vitamin C 

Vitamin C deficiency weakens blood vessels and makes your body get bruised.

It also has strong anti-inflammatory properties so we can use it orally or topically.

Home remedies for bruises depend on Vitamin C such as an important vitamin for the healing process.

8. Vitamin K 

Many studies have shown that vitamin K reduces bruises by reducing blood vessel accumulation under the injured skin. 

9. Aloe vera 

Aloe Vera plant has a strong anti-inflammatory substance called (aloesin).

You could make it by extracting the aloe vera gel from the leaf and applying it directly to the bruise. 

It reduces the purple pigmentation of the bruises. 

10. Bromelain

It is a mixture of enzymes that is naturally occurring in the stem or fruit of the pineapple plant ananas comosus.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect and we can consider drinking pineapple as a home remedy for bruises. 

Taking bromelain supplements may interact with other medications.

So you must not use it by yourself as a medication.

home remedies for bruisesWhen to see a health care provider?

1. If you do not have a known reason for the bruises and they are frequent and large, you should see a doctor.

2. If you have a history of your family of blood diseases you should tell your physician about it.

3. Some medications may cause you a bruise as a side effect.

4. Unexplained bleeding.

5. Pain that lasts for several days after the injury.

Some dangerous symptoms may indicate a serious condition such as blood clotting so home remedies for bruises are useless in this case.

home remedies for bruises

Bits of advice to avoid minor bruises

1. Do not walk in the dark at your home  

2. Avoid an untidy room around you

3. Be careful when you are on the street and do not use your mobile phone when you walk

Mental health and bruises 

There is a syndrome called Gardner-Diamond syndrome.

It is also known as auto erythrocyte sensitization, psychogenic purpura, or painful bruising syndrome. 

Some people during times of stress, their body develop painful and unexplained bruises. 

If you have a hard time and there are different bruises in an unusual location such as your face.

It is a serious case of bruising and you should improve your mental health and stay away from stress as much as possible. 

Domestic violence is a very important case of bruises you should take care of. 

Blood tests and bruises

Complete blood count, especially blood platelet count plays a main role in determining the cause of the bruise as platelets in our body help to stop the bleeding. 

Low blood platelets are indicated by the immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) test, so it is important to check up. 

Prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time tests are strong indicators of blood clotting. 

Elderly people and bruises

We have a protective fatty layer in our skin that protects the blood vessels and prevents them from being injured.

This layer is thinner in old people and makes them get bruised easily.

The oldest ones should know how to apply home remedies for bruises well for their health. 

In conclusion, Home remedies for bruises are very simple methods but you should know well when to do them and when to see a doctor.

If you get injured, eat well, rest, and apply a cold compressor to heal fast. 


