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Abdelmonem - dewtreats https://dewtreats.com/index.php en hourly 1 <![CDATA[Natural Ways To Kill Bed Bugs | Top 10 Home Remedies]]> https://dewtreats.com/index.php/natural-ways-to-kill-bed-bugs-top-10-home-remedies-613 Thu, 29 Jul 2021 22:47:05 +0000 https://dewtreats.com/index.php/natural-ways-to-kill-bed-bugs-top-10-home-remedies-613 Natural ways to kill bed bugs, Do you have sleep disorders?

Bed bugs may be the source of your sleep anxiety.

Because they're so small (about the size of a grain of rice), they're difficult to notice with the naked eye, but if you have them strolling around your house and chewing on you and your family, you'll know. Their bites are unpleasant and irritating, even though they are harmless.

However, because there are so many natural ways to kill bed bugs, getting rid of them isn't tough.

Symptoms of Bed Bug Infestation

Before you can get rid of bed bugs, you must first assess whether or not you have a bed bug infestation. The issue with these little insects is that they are difficult to identify. There are, however, telltale symptoms that can assist you in determining whether bed bugs are present in your mattress.


They are rusty or red – It's most likely dried blood from these bugs if you find crimson or rusty stains on your mattress or linens.


- Although eggshells are difficult to identify due to their small size and lighter colour, keep an eye out for tiny specks of white or ivory on your bed, carpet, or even furniture, as these are bed bug eggshells.

3.Black spots 

- If you notice small dark stains or black dots on your bed or mattress, they could be faeces or the skin of younger bugs shed.

4.Living bed bugs 

Despite their small size, these insects can grow larger and more noticeable after feeding. If you find bed bugs on your furniture or in your bed, you must act quickly to eliminate them.

Natural ways to kill bed bugs

Natural ways to kill bed bugs

1.Cayenne Chili

Cayenne pepper is said to be one of the natural ways to kill bed bugs on the internet, however, this is just not true. Pests are said to be very irritated by the pepper's antibacterial capabilities, according to some sources. The bed bugs will most likely be eradicated by just using cayenne pepper.

However, there are several reasons why this strategy will not work. 

To begin with, the amount of cayenne pepper required to eradicate a bed bug infestation in your home is unthinkable. To avoid complications like red discolouration and accidental consumption by youngsters and pets, we recommend bypassing this step. Instead, store the cayenne for when you want to make something spicy!

Natural ways to kill bed bugs

2.Soda (baking)

Baking soda is supposed to be one of the simple natural ways to kill bed bugs before they become an infestation. 

Baking soda, like the other natural bed bug remedies, will neither kill nor prevent bed bugs. Thinking out loud, a thick layer of paste formed with water would work by suffocating them, but, like cayenne pepper, you'd need an enormous amount to get the job done. 

Every crack, piece of furniture, and corner of your house, for example, would require a thorough coating of paste. Even if it works, that is! 

Natural ways to kill bed bugs

3.Clove Oil 

Essential oils are also thought to be safe and natural ways to kill bed bugs. 

Due to its highly acidic pH levels and pungent odour, clove oil is said to have insect repellent effects. 

Bed bugs may be driven to a new site by these causes, but they will not be eradicated from your home.

Natural ways to kill bed bugs

4.Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic that can be one of the natural ways to kill bed bugs.

While tea tree oil smells wonderful, there's no way it can help you get rid of bed bugs.

Tea tree oil is better used as a DIY cleanser than as an effective bug deterrent because of its antibacterial and antimicrobial qualities.

Unfortunately, no matter how much of this essential oil you apply to a bed bug's favourite spots (think fabrics or textiles), it won't do anything to get rid of them. If anything, they'll relocate to a different part of your house to avoid the stench, which will just make things worse.

To avoid the odour, they will most likely relocate within your home, which may exacerbate the problem.

Natural ways to kill bed bugs

5.Bean Leaves 

The fifth one of the  natural ways to kill bed bugs is using bean leaves.

Interestingly, there's a notion going around that if you have an abundance of kidney bean leaves — and a lot of free time — you can use brewed tea to fully exterminate bed bugs.

The trichomes (microscopic hairs) on kidney bean plants are thought to penetrate bed insect legs and trap them, preventing them from migrating and spreading. This isn't always the case, and it might be a lengthy procedure. You'd have to cover much of your home's surfaces with bean tea, just like many of these alleged treatments. 

6.Lavender or peppermint spray

Spray with lavender or peppermint essential oils is one effective way of the natural ways to kill bed bugs. 

Lavender is often linked with relaxation, so it may come as a surprise that it may also be used to kill bed bugs. 

Lavender oil can be sprayed on probable bed insect hiding areas in the same way that tea tree oil can. You don't have to be concerned about any negative side effects because lavender essential oil is completely safe for both you and your dogs. 

The pungent aroma of peppermint oil, on the other hand, can assist deter these bothersome animals. When you combine the two, you'll have a natural spray that can aid in the elimination of bed bugs in your house.

Natural ways to kill bed bugs

7.Silica gel 

Silica Gel is a type of silica gel that is considered one of the natural ways to kill bed bugs.

Insects may be killed by the little packets found in food goods and shoeboxes to keep the contents dry. Grind the beads and scatter the powder near the source areas to use them. If you have children or pets, you should avoid this procedure since direct exposure to silica and inhalation of silica is dangerous. Baking soda, on the other hand, has a comparable effect.

8.Rubbing alcohol

Alcohol is not only for drinking but also for Rubbing, and it's the eighth way of the natural ways to kill bed bugs. 

Fill a spray bottle with it and spritz away. When bugs come into touch with the alcohol, they will die.

9.Indian lilac 

Lilac of India is considered as an important way of the natural ways to kill bed bugs.

The leaves of Indian Lilac have a comparable impact to other herbal treatments that are based on plants. Crush the leaves and scatter them everywhere. Alternatively, you might boil the leaves, drain the liquid, and then add it to your bathwater. As a result, bed bugs will no longer feed on you!

This method can be utilised to get rid of infestations in your closet and garments. To keep these pests at bay, spray the solution in closets, on sofas, and throughout the house.

Natural ways to kill bed bugs


Lemongrass, unlike some other natural treatments, kills insects rather than just repelling them. The bugs and their eggs are killed by the acid levels. They also despise the smell, so it works as a deterrent.


An infestation of bed bugs can be aggravating, especially if they continually return. While you wait for the exterminator, you can apply these natural ways to kill bed bugs, to keep them under control as much as possible.

By: Dr Abdelmonem Al-sayed El-kerba


<![CDATA[Women's Health Clinic Near Me | Important Health Screenings]]> https://dewtreats.com/index.php/women-s-health-clinic-near-me-important-health-screenings-612 Thu, 29 Jul 2021 22:25:42 +0000 https://dewtreats.com/index.php/women-s-health-clinic-near-me-important-health-screenings-612 Because of biological and gender-related distinctions, being a man or a woman has a substantial impact on health. 

This piqued my attention in the women's health clinic near me

 Women's and girls' health is of particular significance since they are disadvantaged in many nations due to prejudice based on sociocultural factors.


What are the medical examinations that each woman must undergo?

All women should have 10 health screenings and all are found in the women's health clinic near me.

Mammograms, cholesterol tests, and Pap smears are just a few of the important health exams for women. Is it past time to schedule one of these exams?


Should those examinations be regular? 

Regular tests might help you live a better life and avoid problems. 

Healthy habits such as regular exercise, stress management, and eating the correct meals should be prioritized by every woman. 

One of these practices is to schedule routine health checkups, which can discover any problems early.


What is the benefit of early detection? 

 Screening regularly may even save your life.

 “Detecting a condition early can help you avoid problems and enhance your quality of life,” says Keri Peterson, MD, an internal medicine specialist in New York City. “I've had a lot of patients who were punctual for their screenings and it made a difference in their lives.

Many of my patients were diagnosed with breast cancer when it was in its early stages, allowing them to have breast-sparing surgery and have outstanding prognoses.”

And that which every woman nearby has thanks for the Women's health clinic near me.


What kinds of screenings do women get in the women's health clinic near me? 

 These are the ten most important tests.

Women's Health Clinic Near Me

1.Blood pressure check

Starting at age 20, if your blood pressure is below 120/80 millimetres of mercury (mm Hg), the optimal number, you should get it checked at least once every two years, according to the American Heart Association (AHA).

For individuals aged 40 and above, African-Americans, and those suffering from illnesses such as obesity that put them at risk for hypertension.

I noticed, women not only go to the women's health clinic near me but also hospitals and pharmacies. 

Women's Health Clinic Near Me

2.Cholesterol check 

This is a tool that determines your risk of heart disease or stroke.

According to the National Institutes of Health, if you're 20 or older, you should have your cholesterol checked at least once every five years. 

For women nearby, It's controlled by the women's health clinic near me.

The ideal total cholesterol level is less than 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl); a borderline high level is between 200 and 239 mg/dl.

Make a plan with your doctor about how often you should undergo this blood test if you are at risk for heart disease or stroke. 

3.Pap smears

The USPSTF recommends having a Pap smear every three years starting at age 21 and continuing until age 65. 

Your doctor will enlarge the vaginal canal with a speculum, remove cells from the cervix with a small brush, and evaluate those cells for alterations that could develop into cervical cancer. 

If you're 30 years old or older, If you combine the test with an HPV screening, which is an STD that can lead to cervical cancer, you can get it every five years.



 A mammogram involves compressing the breast between plates to capture X-ray images, which is used to screen for breast cancer.

Given that the risk of breast cancer grows with age and those false positives from regular screening may do more harm than good, there has long been debate regarding when and how often a woman should undergo them.

Women should undergo a mammogram every two years, and that's done in the women's health clinic near me. starting at age 50, according to the most recent USPSTF guidelines. 

According to the American Cancer Society, women should begin yearly mammograms at the age of 45 and convert to biennial mammography at the age of 55. 

Talk to your doctor about starting annual screening earlier if you have a family history of the disease or other concerns.


Women's Health Clinic Near Me

5.Screening for Bone Density

65-year-old women are garnering a lot of attention in the women's health clinic near me. They should begin getting checked for osteoporosis with a bone density test.

Those with osteoporosis risk factors, such as fractures or low body weight, should be examined sooner. 

 A DEXA scan is a test that involves lying down on a table while a low-dose X-ray scanner obtains images of your bones.

Depending on bone density and other risk factors, the frequency of this examination varies.

Women's Health Clinic Near Me

6.Glucose Levels in the Blood

 Women should have a blood glucose test every three years beginning around the age of 45 to monitor for diabetes or prediabetes. 

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, a fasting plasma glucose test reading of 100 mg/dl or greater indicates you may be prediabetic.

A blood sugar level of more than 126 mg/dl suggests diabetes. If you're obese, have a family history of diabetes, or belong to a race or ethnicity that's at higher risk, you should start screening sooner and more frequently. Your doctor can assist you with planning.

Women's Health Clinic Near Me

7.Screening for colon 

 According to the USPSTF, colon cancer screening should begin at the age of 50 and be done at a doctor's office or hospital.

So, the women's health clinic near me cares about that. 

A sigmoidoscopy, in which a lighted tube and camera are put into the anus to inspect the lower colon, or a colonoscopy, in which the entire colon is examined using a longer tube, will be performed.

A sigmoidoscopy is repeated every 5 years, and a colonoscopy is performed every 10 years unless a problem is discovered or you have a higher risk of colon cancer.

Women's Health Clinic Near Me

8.Body Mass Index (BMI)

 Adults should be evaluated for obesity starting at the age of 18, according to the USPSTF, which usually involves having your body mass index (BMI) determined. While there are no hard and fast rules on how often your doctor should take this measurement, it is crucial.

Your BMI tells you if you're overweight or obese, a condition that puts you at risk for significant health issues including diabetes and heart disease.

As a result, there are a lot of doctors who are specialized in the women's health clinic near me.


Women's Health Clinic Near Me

9.Skin examination

 According to the American Cancer Society, women should examine their skin once a month at home. 

 Examine your skin thoroughly all over your body for any new moles or changes to existing moles that could be early indicators of skin cancer.

That is why a dermatologist exists in the women's health clinic near me.

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends speaking with your doctor or dermatologist about how often you should get an in-office checkup if you are at increased risk for skin cancer or have a family history of it.


Women's Health Clinic Near Me

10.Dental check

What was surprising was that there was a dental examination in the women's health clinic near me. 

Dental health is crucial from the time your first baby tooth appears, and all adult women should get their teeth checked twice a year.

Regular dental exams, which include cleaning and analyzing the teeth as well as X-rays, can help you detect early signs of decay and other issues.

Many insurance companies pay these tests since they are deemed preventative. While these tests are vital for your health, they can be pricey. 



Imagine not having to worry about being slowed down by illness. While there are no guarantees in life, there is enough scientific evidence to suggest that living a long and healthy life is conceivable. The Women's Health Clinic near me studied ten medical disorders that are of major concern to women in order to assist them improve their health, and which every woman should have.


BY/ Dr Abdelmonem Elsayed El Kerba 
