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Gehad - dewtreats https://dewtreats.com/index.php en hourly 1 <![CDATA[5 Best Products For Curly Frizzy Hair To Make It Healthy]]> https://dewtreats.com/index.php/5-best-products-for-curly-frizzy-hair-to-make-it-healthy-1088 Mon, 06 Jun 2022 07:12:01 +0000 https://dewtreats.com/index.php/5-best-products-for-curly-frizzy-hair-to-make-it-healthy-1088 Best products for curly frizzy hair is an important issue but before we discuss it, we first must know the types of hair & main causes of frizzy hair.

Types of hair 

- Stright

- Wavy

- Curly

Genes are the cause of those different hair types.

Wavy to Curly hair is more prone to frizziness as Lack of moisture is the main cause of frizzy hair, so frizziness doesn't have a genetic cause, It has an environmental cause. 

Best products for curly frizzy hair

Causes of frizzy hair


Humidity is the main reason for frizzy hair, That explains why you sometimes have oily hair roots & dry rest of your hair. 

Humidity can make any hair type frizzy, not only curly hair. 

Exposure to the sun 

Exposure to the sun for a long time damages your hair & makes it frizzy. 

Swimming in a chlorinated pool 

That is an important cause of frizzy hair & many people may ignore that.

There are many bad routine habits we use daily & they help in making your hair frizzy. 

Bad daily routine habits  

- Shampooing all your hair length.

- Rubbing your hair after bath strongly with a towel.

- Use heated tools a lot.

- Pull your hair back very tight after a bath

Before you search for the best products for curly frizzy hair you can do some good habits that help you to keep your hair looking more healthy & less frizzy.

What are the good routine habits for a healthy shiny hair

- Shampooing hair roots only.

- Use a conditioning spray

- Brush your hair with a wide-tooth comb.

- Don’t shampoo very dry hair every day.

- Don’t Use heated tools for very dry & brittle hair.

- Don’t put gel on your hair.

- Use alcohol-free hair products.

The previous advice may help you to have healthy hair but sometimes your hair needs much care & those tips are not enough.

You must search for the best products for curly frizzy hair, Those products may be used at home & other ones need professional therapists.

First, we will discuss the best products for curly frizzy hair that are easily used at home, they are some plant-based oils & used easily by putting them on hair from its middle to its end.

Natural Oils

Argan oil 

Argan oil is native to Morocco, it is a good source of linoleic & oleic fatty acids, These acids are very important & contain vital nutrients for maintaining healthy hair.

We can use it topically by putting it on our hair, A lot of studies confirm its great role in decreasing hair damage, especially split ends, so it is one of the best products for curly frizzy hair.

Best products for curly frizzy hair

Avocado oil 

Avocado is a healthy fruit that is rich in antioxidants, oleic acid, Monounsaturated omega 9, omega 6 & omega 3 also it is rich in vitamin A & E.

There are a lot of products that contain avocado oil & these products have a role in making your hair more healthy.

Coconut oil 

Coconut oil has a great role in frizzy hair, it can penetrate hair strands & moisture them.

It protects hair from breaking, can strengthen hair & protects against hair damage. It is one of the best products for curly frizzy hair.Best products for curly frizzy hair

Jojoba oil 

Jojoba oil is extracted from seeds of the jojoba plant which is native to the southwestern United States. 

It is rich in vitamins & minerals like vitamin C, B & E, zinc & copper.

It has a good role in moisturizing the hair, mainly hair follicles, so it can protect against dryness, breakage & split ends also you can use it simply by adding drops to your conditioner. 

There is a lot of research about the benefits of jojoba oil, most studies confirm that it has great benefits added to many products as it has a role in treating dandruff, dry scalp & itchy scalp, It has anti-inflammatory properties. 

Researchers found that it doesn’t have a strong role in hair growth but minoxidil & peppermint oil are better so It is one of the best products for curly frizzy hair.

How can you use it

Directly by putting it on hair roots, massage it gently & leave it for 20 minutes then shampoo your hair.

We use 1 tablespoon for short hair & 2 tablespoons for long hair, put a few drops on your conditioner or buy hair products that contain it. 

Olive Oil 

It is one of the best products for curly frizzy hair, It contains oleic acid & palmitic acid, and it acts like emollients.

It softens & strengthens hair by penetrating its shaft so we use olive oil for thick hair, damaged hair due to bleach & split ends also, and it has a role in removing lice & dandruff. The best method is using it as a hair mask.

How to do an Olive oil hair mask

We use amounts ranging from 2 tablespoons to ¼ cup according to hair length.

First, warm it for 10 seconds, massage your hair with oil for a few minutes, wrap your hair in a shower cap and leave it for 15 minutes.

If it is the first time doing that mask, check it as it leaves a green shadow behind, rinse with a wide-toothed comb before shampooing, shampooing it twice. 

Best products for curly frizzy hair

The benefits of the olive oil hair mask

- Moisturize hair
- Makes it shiny
- Strengthens & softens hair
- Decrease hair damage
- Improves hair growth
- Treats hair split ends
- Treats dandruff

Take your breath before we discuss some commercial products that consider the best products for curly frizzy hair. 

Those products moisture hair, and don’t contain sulfate which can be one of the causes of frizzy hair.

Commercial products 

Shampoo & conditioner

A) Ouidad's Curl Quencher shampoo & conditioner 

It can moisture hair & prevent it from weighing down.

B) Pure Argan oil for women & men

It also moistens hair.


For more moisturizing hair you can use Redken One United All-in-one Multi-Benefit treatment. 

This product is good for all hair categories. It is one of the best products for curly frizzy hair.

Protectant spray & serum

If you are using heating tools a lot, be sure you use protectant spray first as it decreases hair damage a lot.

You can try Living Proof Perfect Hair Day heat styling Spray also, and use a serum before letting your hair dry like  OGX locking Coconut Curls Air Dry cream.

The previous products are an example of the best products for curly frizzy hair but there are a lot of products you can choose that are suitable for you. Be sure the product you choose contains the previously described oils.

Now you can release your breath as we reach the end of our article.


We discuss the causes of curly frizzy hair in detail, how to care for it & the best products for curly frizzy hair. 

I hope you are interested in the article & added to the knowledge you want.

Read more about:

The Best Mousse For Curly Hair

Aussie Curly Hair Products

The Best Hair Products For Curly Hair

<![CDATA[What Can I Put On My Dog For Dry Skin | Easy Treatments]]> https://dewtreats.com/index.php/what-can-i-put-on-my-dog-for-dry-skin-easy-treatments-1091 Tue, 07 Jun 2022 07:35:51 +0000 https://dewtreats.com/index.php/what-can-i-put-on-my-dog-for-dry-skin-easy-treatments-1091 What can I put on my dog for dry skin? To answer that question, we first need to know that dogs are like humans, suffer from dry skin due to many reasons in winter, winds & dry air. 

Dry skin causes some symptoms to dogs like itching, flaking & other serious signs we will discuss later.

what can I put on my dog for dry skin

What can cause dry skin in dogs

Now we will discuss the causes of dry skin in detail before answering your question, what can I put on my dog for dry skin?

Dry air 

The main problem of dry air is low humidity. The skin of your dog needs moisture to maintain its elasticity so you can use a humidifier & overcome this problem. 

Forced air heat can dry off your dog's skin & a humidifier will make everyone comfortable including your family & your dog.

Nutritional needs

When the diet of your dog lacks fatty acids, this will lead to dry skin.

You can seek help from a veterinary nutritionist, he will give you supplements containing omega 3, omega 6 & fatty acids.

These supplements are available in liquid form or in capsules, choose supplements proved by the national animal supplement council.

Too many baths

Some people think that many baths for the dog are useful but that is wrong as this removes the necessary oils on the dog's skin, leaving it fragile & dry.

Dogs need a bath only a couple of times per year. Later we will discuss in detail what can I put on my dog for dry skin in this condition.


Especially canines, this leads to serious problems & you need veterinary care immediately.

what can I put on my dog for dry skin

Oatmeal-based shampoo

oatmeal shampoo is a classic method for dry skin in both people & dogs.

It contains avenanthramides which have antioxidant & anti-irritating properties, It acts as a colloid & soothes the skin.

Fill the tub with warm water & put a cup of shampoo in it, Leave your dog to soak for 15 minutes then rinse it well.

If your dog is still itching after a bath, what can I put on my dog for dry skin?

You can bring oats, blend it very well until it becomes powder then take a little amount & massage your dog then leave it for 20 minutes, then clean it very well.

Sometimes the severity of dryness is high & oatmeal shampoo does not give you the result you want so we will discuss the second shampoo.

what can I put on my dog for dry skin

CBD dog shampoo

It is an excellent shampoo & non-toxic, It interacts with cannabinoid receptors which are part of the endocannabinoid system that regulates vital functions.

If you want an extra cannabidiol effect so you can add some CBD to your dog food like oil, It is rich in fatty acids & protein.

- Replenish natural oils.

- Moisture the skin.

- Cleans the dog to decrease the possibility of infection.

The benefits of CBD shampoo 

- Replenish natural oils.

- Moisture the skin.

- Cleans the dog to decrease the possibility of infection.

What can I put on my dog for dry skin

Coconut oil

It has a role in moisturizing your dog's skin.

You can use it topically by rubbing your dog's skin with it or even use it orally with a diet. You can also use it with CBD shampoo as it acts as a carrier for it.

Apple cider vinegar

You can use it topically by rubbing your dog's skin with it.

It decreases the skin's yeast population, you can also use it to clean your dog's feet & ear canals.

When using it orally, it acts as a natural acidifier & increases blood flow to the skin so moisture the skin.

If your dog has major problems like a wound, scar, or rash you must consult your veterinarian before using apple cider vinegar.

If after all that choices, your dog's skin is still dry, you may be upset & angry and ask again what can I put on my dog for dry skin, we still have more solutions.

What can I put on my dog for dry skin

Vitamin E

It can help in moisturizing your dog's skin, it is used topically by rubbing the diseased skin with it.

First, discuss that method with your veterinarian as every dog has a different dose. Products like rejuvenating lotions contain vitamin E.

what can I put on my dog for dry skin

Olive oil

We use the same olive oil used for humans as it is rich in fatty acids, omega 3 & omega 6. Olive oil is used orally only, as it is rich in fats which are necessary for skin elasticity.

Give your dog one teaspoon / 20 pounds of its weight, taking only 2 to 3 times / weak.

What can I put on my dog for dry skin

Bath in Epsom salt

This is used when your dog scratches strongly & makes a deep scar so add only a cup of Epsom salt to the bathwater & this will help the scar to heal.

Baking powder

Some studies discovered that putting baking powder on the inflamed skin can help in moisturizing it.

Bring a cup, put half warm water & half baking powder, Leave it on the diseased area for 15 minutes then clean it well.

Add essential oil to the shampoo

This method is very dangerous & you must seek your vet before using it.

The essential oil has a good role as it acts as an anti-inflammatory & can help the skin to heal. The safest type is eucalyptus oil.

Soak your dog in herbs after the bath

If you bathe your dog with oatmeal shampoo & CBD shampoo and it is still itching.

You will shout what can I put on my dog for dry skin? I want to relieve itching & make my dog more comfortable.

You can fill the tub again with warm water, neither hot nor cold, then put many liters of green tea or chamomile tea in the water, and soak your dog in it for 15 minutes, this will help relieve itching very well. 

Brush your dog routinely

This may be a very simple method but it helps a lot in moisturizing your dog's skin & protecting it against dryness.

Now we reach the end of our article & I hope that it was an interesting journey.


Dogs are like human beings who can have dry skin, that's an annoying problem for them.

What can I put on my dog for dry skin is an important topic, there are a lot of choices, the best ones are oatmeal-based shampoo & CBD shampoo.

Read more about:

Blood in Dog Urine Home Remedies

Home Remedies For Dog Hair Loss

Home Remedies For Dog Ear Infection

<![CDATA[6 Methods Of Home Remedy For Cat Vomiting and Diarrhea]]> https://dewtreats.com/index.php/6-methods-of-home-remedy-for-cat-vomiting-diarrhea-1067 Fri, 03 Jun 2022 13:39:44 +0000 https://dewtreats.com/index.php/6-methods-of-home-remedy-for-cat-vomiting-diarrhea-1067 Home remedy for cat vomiting and diarrhea is an important and easy topic, We will show you how to solve this problem in detail in an interesting journey. 

Cats are very nice animals, it adds joy to the home, But it is liable to diarrhea a lot, that is a common problem but also when mild form it is an easy problem.

Diarrhea is passing stool many times & frequently, If it is a mild form, it will take a little time & recover but if it is associated with blood, abdominal pain, or recurrent vomiting, you must consult your Vet immediately. 

Home remedy for cat vomiting  diarrhea

Causes of diarrhea and vomiting in cats:

Before we understand how to deal with diarrhea by using home remedy for cat vomiting and diarrhea, we should first discuss the causes of diarrhea as diarrhea is a symptom of disease, not a disease.

Sudden change in a cat diet

Cats are like humans who prefer certain food & eat it a lot.

If you change their preferable food suddenly this will lead to diarrhea due to upsetting the gut microbiome.

If you want to add a new food to your kitten, you can add it slowly over 5-7 days & inspect your cat during this period.


Ingestion of hairballs is a common problem in cats, especially long-haired cats.

Commonly it causes constipation but sometimes squeezing a lot for constipation leads to watery diarrhea.


A Lot of cats have an allergy to certain food so if you inspect any changes in your cat's habits after certain foods.  

Now you must discuss that with your Vet and he’ll tell you how to use a home remedy for cat vomiting and diarrhea. 


Infection may be due to parasites or viral infection.  

Common parasites that can affect cats & cause diarrhea are:

A) Giardia

B) Coccidia

C) Roundworm

It is transmitted from cat to cat or from the environment, mainly it affects unvaccinated cats & Sometimes cats reinfect themselves. 


Cats who take antibiotic or anti-inflammatory drugs for any reason can develop diarrhea.

Miscellaneous causes 

There are a lot of diseases that may cause diarrhea for cats like: 

A) Metabolic disease

B) Liver diseases

C) Inflammatory bowel diseases 

Now take a deep breath as we will discuss the most important part of our article.

What is the home remedy for cat vomiting and diarrhea?

Bland food

Cats are comfortable with their food, but sometimes it leads to diarrhea.

You can switch up to bland food until your cat's digestive system recovers or even 48 hours after the cat's stool returns to normal form.

What is bland food

It is one of the best methods of home remedy for cat vomiting and diarrhea, it is boiled white rice mixed with white meat like chicken or fish, White meat is cooked well.

Give your cat a little amount every time, only about 1 tablespoon every 3-4 hours, this gives a chance for the digestive system to have a rest & restore its normal gut flora.

Some studies say having a rest between meals for up to 12 hours gives more chances to restore normal gut flora, but that is not suitable for young kittens.

Be aware to put a lot of water on your cat as it will drink a lot of water.

Take care not to withhold food, just take a rest between meals, As preventing food completely will lead to serious liver problems like hepatic lipidosis.

Home remedy for cat vomiting and diarrhea

Check fiber intake

Cats are different in their fiber needs, some cats take a lot of fiber in their diet & other cats take little fiber.

Fiber is one of the most important items in home remedy for cat vomiting and diarrhea.

What is the role of fiber in the digestive system?

A) Regulate bowel movement 

B) Control water content

You can increase or decrease fiber content in your cat diet.

Use cat food with a crude fiber level of approximately 3% if you want to increase it or lower percentage if you want to decrease it.

Provide CBD

CBD is found in the hemp plant, and CBD is one of the home remedy for cat vomiting and diarrhea.

It has a lot of benefits mainly interacting with the ECS system so can relax the stomach & relieve the symptoms. 

Many tasty products contain CBD. These products may be capsules or even oil.

Increase water intake

Water is the secret of life for all live beings, When your kitten doesn’t drink a lot of water, especially in hot weather, This leads to dehydration which leads to diarrhea & electrolyte imbalance.

You must care about that & put many plates of water for your kitten in different places in your house.

Home remedy for cat vomiting and diarrhea


They are healthy bacterial populations in the digestive system of cats. They have a great role in digestion. When disturbed, diarrhea occurs.

A probiotic supplement is one of the most important home remedy for cat vomiting and diarrhea, It can restore normal gut flora.

Take a rest

Let your kitten take plenty of rest as it speeds up recovery & releases stress.

Put your cat in a comfortable room with a lot of plates for water, a blanket & a box to sleep in it.Home remedy for cat vomiting and diarrhea

Finally, antidiarrheal drugs are not one of the home remedy for cat vomiting and diarrhea as it is dangerous & must be taken under your Vet supervision. 

After doing every single home remedy for cat vomiting and diarrhea & your cat still has diarrhea for more than 24 hours or develops bloody diarrhea or abdominal pain, now it's the time to see the vet.

I hope you are interested in our journey in discussing each home remedy for cat vomiting and diarrhea.


If diarrhea is a mild form, you can use a home remedy for cat vomiting and diarrhea such as using bland food, checking the fiber content of your kitten food, providing CBD, Increasing water intake, Probiotic supplements & leaving your cat to take a lot of rest.
