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MonaAfifi - dewtreats https://dewtreats.com/index.php en hourly 1 <![CDATA[The 11 Best Oils For Low Porosity Hair | Daily Care Routine]]> https://dewtreats.com/index.php/the-11-best-oils-for-low-porosity-hair-daily-care-routine-882 Sun, 24 Oct 2021 18:11:02 +0000 https://dewtreats.com/index.php/the-11-best-oils-for-low-porosity-hair-daily-care-routine-882 We will know everything about hair porosity, before talking about the best oils for low porosity hair. Hair porosity is the ability of hair to absorb and hold onto moisture. Different types of oils work for different types of hair porosity. You should know the type of hair porosity before applying any product to it.

best oils for low porosity hair

 There are 3 types of hair porosity:

1- Low porosity hair. 

2- High porosity hair.

3- Normal porosity hair.

You can differentiate between 3 types of hair porosity by the floating test: 

Steps of floating test:

1- Clean your hair with a clarifying shampoo. 

2- Use a glass of distilled water. 

3- Take a strand of hair and drop it in the water. 

4- Wait for 3 minutes and check if your hair floats or sinks. 

If it floats at the top, you have low porosity hair. 

If it sinks, you have high porosity hair. 

If it becomes in between, it is normal porosity. 

Signs of low porosity hair:

Low porosity hair has a hard time letting moisture into the hair. Does not work with conditioners. Always too dry or too oily. There is always build-up and dirt in hair. Need heat to activate conditioners. Get more dandruff. Spend ages drying the hair. 

What are the causes of low porosity hair? 

Genetics and not deep cleansing hair properly are the main important factors to low porosity hair. 

Products you should avoid on low porosity hair:

1- Proteins:

Too heavy for your hair.

2- Low PH products:

Which forced the cuticles to shut.

3- Natural heavy oils:

As (olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil) they stay on the top of the hair.

4- Heavy butter:

These heavy and creamy Products will just sit on your hair waiting for your hair to absorb them and your hair needs energy and hydration. 

Your routine for low porosity hair:

1- Clarifying shampoo's rule on low porosity hair:

Using a clarifying shampoo once a week is good enough to allow hydration to your hair by removing the excess build-up and dirt barriers. It works by raising the PH to deep Cleanse and detox the hair and scalp. It removes all the impurities that crystallize on your hair and block the pores on the scalp. 

2- Hydration:

 Use deep conditioners with humectants. 

3- Use heat:

To infuse humectants into your hair. To Use hydrating products(deep conditioners) you need to leave them in your hair for at least5 minutes. To Get the best out of this, you should Use heat. You need heat because the steam from the heat opens up the pores and the hair cuticles to swallow up all the nutrients from your deep conditioners. Steam makes your hair absorb. Do this for a few days and you will see a huge difference. 

Low porosity hair needs oil to help seal in the moisture. 

Best oils for low porosity hair are light and easily absorbed. 

Why are lightweight oils important for low porosity hair?

Because they won't weigh down low porosity hair.

best oils for low porosity hair 

1-Argan oil:

It is one of the best oils for low porosity hair. It is one of the most popular exports from Morocco. It is rich in essential fatty acids, omega-3, and omega-9. It also contains high amounts of vitamin E and squalene. Vitamin E gives softer hair in the long run. Argan oil is light and easily absorbed into hair and skin. It improves hair elasticity and prevents breakage and split ends. It also protects hair from environmental elements like UV rays and wind.

How to use it for low porosity hair? 

For low porosity hair, apply it at the ends of hair to guard against split ends and Use a few drops to finish off a hairstyle for some extra shine.

best oils for low porosity hair 

2- Avocado oil:

Properties of avocado oil:

- Avocado oil is one of the best oils for low porosity hair. It is derived from the fruit of the famous Avocado. It is useful for dry and brittle hair because of its content of vitamin E that keeps hair soft.

- It has moisturizing properties because of its rich essential unsaturated fatty acids content. 

- It is slightly heavier than the other oils for low porosity hair but it penetrates hair effectively.

How to use avocado oil? 

To use it on your low porosity hair, apply it as a hot oil treatment. 

3- Apricot kernel oil:

It is one of the best oils for soft and shiny hair and is also ideal for nourishing the scalp. 

It contains vitamin A, C, and E and is rich in unsaturated fats while vitamin K provides scalp nourishment. 

To use Apricot kernel oil on your low porosity hair, pour 1-2 tablespoons into your moisturizing shampoo or mix in with your hair styling cream. 

4- Baobab oil:

- It originates from the tropical regions of Africa and is one of the exports of Tanzania. 

- It promotes softness and moisture in dry and thirsty hair. It improves hair elasticity and contains anti-inflammatory properties that guard against annoying scalp conditions like dandruff and itchiness. 

- To use it on low porosity hair include it in your moisturizing deep conditioning treatment. 

5- Camellia oil:

Why is camellia oil useful for low porosity hair?

Because it is rich in nutrients. It has emollient properties that enable it to smooth down the hair cuticle and enhance shine in dull hair. It forms a protective barrier on hair and locks in moisture for longer. It nourishes the scalp and reduces dryness and itchiness. 

How to use this oil for low porosity hair? 

- Use it as an apre-poo treatment on damp hair and protect your hair from split ends. 

- Mix it with argan oil for an effective guard against split ends. 

- A few drops on low porosity hair ends every day are useful.

best oils for low porosity hair 

6- Grapeseed oil:

It is one of the lightest oils recommended for low porosity hair. It is derived from leftover seeds after the wine is extracted from grapes. It helps prevent protein loss from hair. 

To use It for low porosity hair:

- Apply as a sealing oil or mix with sweet almond oil and use for a scalp massage. 

- It is used as a mild heat protectant by applying It to damp hair before blow-drying or using a heat straightening appliance. 

7- Jojoba oil:

It is an effective scalp massage oil. It is the only oil that's similar to the kind of sebum produced on your scalp. The wax effect of jojoba oil promotes shiny hair and improves the appearance of dry hair. 

It is one of the best oils for low porosity hair:

- It is ideal as a sealing oil in small amounts. 

- After using a heat styling device, use a little on your ends every day. 

- Add 1-2teaspoons in your scalp massage oil. 

8- Monoi oil:

It is useful for dry and damaged hair and strengthens It from root to tip. It is made by infusing tiare flowers, exotic gardenia originating from Tahiti, in pressed coconut oil. The result of this infusion is the light and pleasant selling of monoi oil. It also protects hair from rain, UV rays, and winds. 

For using It on low porosity hair:

Mix it with avocado oil to be used as a sealing oil or as a pre-poo treatment. 

9- Pomegranate oil:

It is one of the best oils for low porosity hair as it contains vitamins E, K, and C and is a rich source of punicic and ellagic acids. It enhances hair elasticity, improves hair appearance, and makes hair softer. 

It can be included in the scalp massage oil.

best oils for low porosity hair 

10- Rosehip seed oil:

It is extracted from rose pods. 

It is one of the best oils for low porosity hair as it contains vitamins A that nourishes the scalp and prevent dryness, itchiness, and dandruff. It also contains a high amount of omega-3 and omega-6 which are important for hydrating hair and help lock in moisture for long periods. It has a high content of beta-carotene that protects hair from breakage and Stronger follicles.

How to use it for low porosity hair? 

To use it, mix with jojoba oil and massage it into your scalp. 

11- Sweet almond oil:

It is derived from dried almond nuts via cold pressing. 

It is one of the best oils for low porosity hair as it contains vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin all are essential for healthy hair growth and preventing breakage. It also contains vitamin E that provides softness. 

To be used for low porosity hair:

Mixes well with jojoba and Grapeseed oil as a sealing oil and also can be used as a pre-poo treatment. 



-To help low porosity hair grow, you should keep moisture in. 

-Always use heat when you make deep conditioning as the heat will help lift your cuticles so products are better absorbed. 

-Clarify your hair when it's no longer absorbing moisture. 

-Don't apply heavy products on low porosity hair as they will weigh your hair down and can prevent moisture from getting in. 

-If you like a heavy oil like olive oil for low porosity hair, you should dilute it heavily with one of the lighter oils. 

Written by: Mona El-Afifi

Read more about:

The Best Shampoo For Low Porosity Hair

The Best Products For Low Porosity Hair

Low Porosity Curly Hair

<![CDATA[The Best Dog Hair Loss Home Remedies That Work Effectively]]> https://dewtreats.com/index.php/the-best-dog-hair-loss-home-remedies-that-work-effectively-875 Sun, 24 Oct 2021 06:57:36 +0000 https://dewtreats.com/index.php/the-best-dog-hair-loss-home-remedies-that-work-effectively-875 Dog hair loss home remedies are used for treating alopecia. 

Alopecia is unnatural hair loss leading to missing patches of hair or complete hair loss, that type of hair loss is different from natural hair loss which is common in dogs when old or damaged pieces of fur naturally fall out. 

Hair loss May be accompanied by irritation and inflammation of skin so you need to apply to your dog's skin some dog hair loss home remedies. Alopecia can affect dogs of all ages and gender.

dog hair loss home remedies 

Areas affected by alopecia:

Dog's skin, immune system, endocrine system, and lymphatic system so you must ask your veterinarian to treat the underlying condition and make sure that there aren't any major health problems. 

Causes of alopecia in dogs:

Alopecia May be caused by several reasons including allergies, infections,  and parasites accompanied by irritation and skin redness. 

Dog hair loss home remedies:

Before using dog hair loss home remedies, you should ask your veterinarian for consultation because a home remedy may fix the problems for now, but the underlying cause is not treated, so it will keep coming back.

dog hair loss home remedies 

1- Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is one of the dog hair loss home remedies, as its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral effects. Apple cider vinegar's high acidity could irritate your dog's skin and cause a burning sensation. Not apply it directly on your dog's skin. Not used on open wounds, it will cause severe pain. 

How to use Apple cider vinegar for dog hair loss? 

Make a spray of Apple cider vinegar and water (50/50)and apply it 2_3times per day until hair begins to grow back then once daily until returning normally. 

2- Lemon juice:

Lemon juice is an easy and affordable one of all dog hair loss home remedies. It has an antibacterial effect. 

Because of the high amount of citric acid, infuse warm water with slices of Lemon for 5 hours and then put the liquid in an empty spray bottle and apply it to affected Areas 2-3times per day. 

3- Olive oil:

Olive oil has a moisturizing property, so it can be used topically as one of dog hair loss home remedies.

4-Coconut oil:

It has mostly positive effects on a dog's skin. It can also reduce allergic reactions, disinfect cuts and promote healing of wounds. It can be given orally or topically but topically is the best. The oral dose depends on the dog's size. Small ones take 1/4teaspoonful but for large ones take one teaspoonful. 

5-Vitamin E oil:

Vitamin E is an antioxidant. It's also good for a dog's immune system, heart and liver health, and overall skin and coat health. 

6-Using a healthy diet free of allergens. 

7-Brushing your dog's coat regularly:

Brushing a dog's coat regularly helps the natural oils to make barriers and prevent hair loss. 

Finally do not forget to ask your veterinarian for a consultation. 


The dog's skin is The largest organ of its body, and The skin and hair together are described as a dog's coat. The coat is The mirror of a dog's health.

If your dog's coat is nice and shiny and no hair loss or bald patches are present, it is a good indication that your dog is healthy and is getting The right amount of nutrition from its food. On The other hand, If your dog's hair is being lost (more than The normal loss), you should take action and ask your veterinarian for advice.

By: Dr. Mona Afifi

If you are interested, read more about:

 Home remedies for dog ear infection

Home remedies for dog skin allergies

