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Yaso1994 - dewtreats https://dewtreats.com/index.php en hourly 1 <![CDATA[Home Remedies For Boils On Bum Cheek | Remedies Butt Boils]]> https://dewtreats.com/index.php/home-remedies-for-boils-on-bum-cheek-remedies-butt-boils-1114 Fri, 29 Jul 2022 22:40:39 +0000 https://dewtreats.com/index.php/home-remedies-for-boils-on-bum-cheek-remedies-butt-boils-1114 Before talking about the top 10 home remedies for boils on bum cheek, you need to understand the difference between pimples, boils, and carbuncles.

How to get rid of a boil?

A pimple

Is a simple blockage in a hair follicle. A hair follicle will become blocked due to an overproduction of oil by the oil glands or a buildup of dead skin.


Are caused by bacteria that get in the hair follicle either through small scrapes or through cuts on the surface of the skin.

We can use simple home remedies for boils on bum cheek to treat them at home.

The most popular bacteria that cause boils is Staphylococcus aureus (staph). When you’ve got more than one boil (also called a furuncle) in a similar area on your skin, then you call that a carbuncle.

It is a serious condition that can in some cases be life-threatening.

You can get boils pretty much anywhere on your skin, but they are most widespread on your butt: on your butt crack, on your butt cheek, and on your upper thighs.

Boils on your butt may be so much more than just unaesthetic, they can be risky to your health, which is why you need to make sure you do everything in your ability to treat them such as using one of the home remedies for the boils on bum cheek.

Another thing you need to know is that boils do not appear on your anus. If you’ve got any pain there, you might need to visit your doctor. You may have hemorrhoids but a boil in the butt does not occur.

Causes of boils on the butt

Boils are different from pimples, as mentioned before, the main thing that induces boils and carbuncles is staph bacteria.

Staphylococcal bacteria can get into the body through small cuts in the skin (they can even be invisible) or they can make their way down the hairs and into the hair follicle where it causes the infection.

It is very important to understand that not everyone who gets exposed to the staph bacteria will develop boils. The people who are most susceptible to skin infections are those who have diabetes, obesity, poor nutrition, or poor hygiene. 

People with a weak immune system and those who are exposed to harsh chemicals that irritate the skin are also at risk of infection of a staph infection that causes boils, you should try one of the home remedies for boils on bum cheek.

In some cases, using home remedies for butt boils is effective and gives remarkable results.

How do you treat a boil on your bum at home


The most popular symptom of a boil is having a red, painful, and tender bump or lump on the skin.

Eventually, a white or yellow tip can rupture with pus leakage. Some boils don’t rupture and may finalize with a crust that forms on top of the bump.

Boils can be large and reach the size of a golf ball.

If you have these symptoms, Try one of the home remedies for boils on bum cheek 

Common risk factors for boils include

If you are a Staphylococcus aureus carrier, which means having this bacterium on the skin chronically 

- Eczema

- Close contact with or living with someone who has boils

- Diabetes mellitus

- A condition that reduces your immune system function

- Anemia from iron deficiency

- Small cuts or injuries to the skin

- Tobacco smoking


Diagnosis of a boil on the buttocks includes a physical exam and medical history. Your doctor may also order a sample of the pus or blood tests to determine the cause of the infection.


There are many treatment options including home remedies for boils on bum cheek.

Nonetheless, it’s important to avoid puncturing or popping the boil yourself. The infection can disperse to other parts of the body and lead to complications.

Home remedies for boils on bum cheek include

How do you treat boils naturally?

We’ll take a look at some home remedies for boils on bum cheek:

- Tea tree oil

- Warm compress

- Turmeric

- Epsom salts

- Castor oil

- Neem oil

- Raw onion

- Garlic

- Tridax daisy oil

- Goatweed

- Devil’s horsewhip extract

Apply heat is the first choice from home remedies on the bum cheek

A warm compress pointed to a boil can help stimulate drainage of the boil. This is the MVP of healing a boil and should be your first method of action. Plus it’s free and easy!

How to use it

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends soaking a washcloth in warm water and putting it in the area for 10 to 15 minutes, three or four times a day.

This will assist break down the pus from it. It is one of the most effective home remedies for boils on bum cheek

top 10 home remedies for boils on bum cheek

Tea tree oil is the top of home remedies for boils on bum cheek

Tea tree oil comes from the Australian melaleuca tree and has significant antibacterial and antiseptic effects. That makes it valuable in treating bacterial infections that can cause boils.

How to use it

Dilute a few drops in a spoonful of carrier oil as castor oil, then apply it to the boil and cover with a dressing. Repeat using it twice a day until the boil has healed.

Turmeric is one of the home remedies for boils on bum cheek

Turmeric’s main compound and active constant is curcumin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and may help fight infection.

It's one of the cheapest home remedies for boils on bum cheek.

How to use it

The amount of curcumin in the common home cooking spice isn’t enough to heal a boil.

You might assume taking an oral turmeric supplement that includes black pepper extract, which helps the body absorb more curcumin. But be sure to speak with your doctor to learn about probable side effects before taking any new supplement.

Maybe Epsom salts are home remedies for boils on bum cheek

Magnesium sulfate is a naturally existing mineral that was found in Epsom, England. The salt melts into magnesium and sulfate when added to warm water.

Some claim that Epsom salts can stimulate relaxation, loosen stiff joints, and even help dry out the pus from a boil. Still, there’s not enough evidence to support that this is any more useful than warm water alone.

How to use it

Soak a warm washcloth in Epsom salts and apply it to the area for about 30 minutes, To target the affected area. Use this three times a day until the boil is gone.

Other home remedies for boils on bum cheek include castor oil

Brought from the castor bean plant, this oil includes ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid that may help kill trapped bacteria.

Castor oil has been used since old times to heal wounds and moisten skin (although it’s important to note that there’s no evidence to support the routine use of castor oil on the skin for the treatment of boils or other skin infections).

How to use it

Apply castor oil directly to the boil three times a day until the boil is healed.

Neem oil

Neem oil, aka Indian lilac, is made from the seeds and fruits of an evergreen tree found in India that be one of the home remedies for boils on the bum cheek

Because of its antibacterial, antiseptic, and antimicrobial properties, it can be found in  lotions, soaps, bug repellents, and ointments that treat skin infections such as boils

How to use it

Swallowing neem oil is a bad idea since it’s toxic. Instead, put it directly to the boil three or four times a day, Be sure to wash your hands before and after.

top 10 home remedies for boils on bum cheek

Put an (onion) ring on it

Onions contain a natural antibiotic ingredient called allicin, which gives them their powerful odor and ability to make you cry. Onion’s natural absorption properties may even help pull out the pus of a boil.

Applying onion to your skin also produces heat, motivating blood circulation and your body’s natural wound-healing mechanism.

How to use it

Cut an onion into thick slices, wrap a slice in gauze, and pertain it to the boil for an hour. Do this once or twice a day until it clears

Garlic compress is one of the effective home remedies for boils on bum cheek

Garlic is a cousin of our friend the onion both are members of the allium plant class. Like an onion, garlic contains allicin which has antimicrobial effects.

How to use it

Squeeze the liquid from a clove of garlic and apply the juice immediately to the boil. Then cover it with a dressing. Feeling extra? Combine onion juice with garlic juice for a potentially strong poultice.

You can also pertain garlic juice to an open boil to avoid infection. But you’ll want to rinse after, so you don’t smell like garlic.

To prepare one, peel and crush five or six cloves and then boil them in a quart of water for 5 minutes. Discard from heat and let steep for 30 to 45 minutes. Strain and remove the cloves.

Add the water to bath water and soak for 30 minutes, repeat doing it daily until the boils have cleared up.

Stop and smell the Tridax daisy

Also called coat buttons, this tropical weed has long been used in India to improve healing. Tridax daisy oil is made from the stems, leaves, and flowers of the plant and has anti-inflammatory antibacterial properties.

How to use it 

Add an amount of this essential oil to a carrier oil like castor oil and apply it to the infected area twice a day.

Devil’s horsewhip extract is one of the home remedies for boils on bum cheek

Found in Nepal, this annual plant can be used for therapeutic purposes such as healing wounds and relieving nausea and diarrhea.

How to use it

Put a few drops of the extract directly to the boil and cover with a plaster. 

When to see a doctor?

You should see a doctor if:

The boil maintains getting larger

You have multiple boils that form a carbuncle

It lasts more than 2 to 3 weeks

It hasn’t gotten better after a week of using home remedies for boils on the bum cheek.

It’s accompanied by fever, pain, or heat around the area

You have received curring boils for several months

You also have an immunosuppressive condition or diabetes.


Boils are skin infections usually bacterial that begin deep inside the skin and always involve hair follicles. It is called furuncle. Boils generally look like red bumps or lumps on the skin, and over time they fill with pus.

They frequently occur on the buttocks. There are 10 home remedies for boils on the bum cheek you should try home remedies for boils on bum cheek if you have one.

Read more about:

Using Turmeric For Boils

How to Cure Heat Boils on Bum

<![CDATA[Aussie Curly Hair products | The Best Care Your hair Needs]]> https://dewtreats.com/index.php/aussie-curly-hair-products-the-best-care-your-hair-needs-1110 Wed, 22 Jun 2022 15:47:56 +0000 https://dewtreats.com/index.php/aussie-curly-hair-products-the-best-care-your-hair-needs-1110 You should know that it needs special care if you have curly hair. Aussie curly hair products give you all you need for healthy and good-looking curly hair.

It may take a little experimentation to find the right care products for curly hair that are right for you and the best routine to keep your curls looking healthy and defined.

we’ll help you find out more about what your curls are preferring because we love your best hair days nearly as much as you do.

Aussie curly hair products

Recognize your curl pattern

All curly hair in between 2A to 4C. The number characterizes the curl shape and type from 1: straight to 4: coily.

The letter indicates how tight your curl is from A: a wider and looser curl to C: a tighter curl.

Shampoo your curled hair

Wash day for Type 2 curls might look extremely different from wash day for Type 4 curls. With Type 2, oils from natural sources move more frequently through your hair, so you may need to wash it more frequently to keep it looking its best.

With Type 4, oils move through your hair extra slowly, so you can go more days without craving to wash.

If your hair’s looking too oily before washing day, try reducing your time between washes. If it’s still feeling damped and not greasy, maybe you can get it on another day before washing. 

Conditioner for your curly hair

Did you know that certain conditioners have a difficult time keeping up on the curvy parts of the hair?

The curlier the hair, the harder conditioners must work to give the same benefits, which is one of the reasons why type 4C hair needs an affluent conditioner than 2A.

So, Aussies have different collections for waves, curls, and coils.

- Miracle Waves For Waves 

- Miracle Curls For Curls

- Miracle Coils For Coils

Aussie curly hair products

Styling your curled hair

Understanding the many types of styles can help you improve your curly hair routine.

While leave-in conditioners and curl creams of Aussie curly hair products are favorable for explanation, mousse, gels, and jellies are favorable for hold.

Survey and mix-and-match with different products and combos to find the styles which work best for you.

Buy Aussie stylers

We created Aussie for the darling of curls. With some investigation and a little assistance from this guide, you’ll have wetted, defined, and frizz-free curls.

Are Aussie curly hair products good for Your Hair

Aussie curly hair products are well-known, affordable haircare brands that cater to many several hair types. You’ve probably seen their signature purple bottles standing on the shelf at your local drugstore.

Now, they are offering a line brought especially for curly hair, but are Aussie curly hair products bad for your hair? Or, are these products good for your curls?

In the article, we will resolve this question by looking into components of Aussie curly hair products, client reviews, and more so that you can easily determine whether you should provide these products a try.

Aussie curly hair products

Aussie curly hair products are a respected brand that specializes in developing hair products for people with naturally straight hair.

If you have curly hair that is exposed to dryness, carefully review each product’s components to see if it is appropriate for your specific hair care needs.

Aussie curly hair products certainly have good ingredients that are helpful for ladies with straight and curly hair strands. However, some of the ingredients included in various Aussie products aren’t approved if you have curly hair.

When you use Aussie curly hair products, involving shampoos and conditioners, we recommend clarifying your hair sometimes to remove silicone buildup from your hair strands.

You’ll need to establish a hair regimen that aligns with the products that you’re using. Moreover, if you’re peeking for natural products that are curl-friendly, then we’d approve of exploring other options.

Aussie curly hair products

Available Aussie curly hair products

Aussie curly hair products give a hair care line created especially for curly hair,  it’s called “Miracle Curls.” Here are a few of the products marked in the line:

Miracle Curls Shampoo 

This Aussie hair shampoo formulated mainly for curly hair contains coconut and jojoba oil to moisten your hair as it clears dirt and debris.

Miracle Curls Conditioner 

This moisturizing conditioner is designed to restore the moisture and bounce to curls while maintaining your hair soft. 

Miracle Curls Co-Wash

This co-wash is a sulfate-free product intended to gently clean your hair and scalp in between wash days. This is a conventional Aussie moisturizing shampoo.

Minute Miracle Curls Deep Conditioner

Paraben-free intense conditioner designed for rehydrating and nourishing curls in 3 minutes.

Miracle Curls Mousse

Sulfate-free styling product designed to provide the volume of your curls shape and frizz control. 

Miracle Curls Leave-In Detangling Milk

This sulfate-free makes it easier to detangle twisted curls. 

Miracle Curls Curl Refresher

A curl spray that makes curls back to life without silicones.

Miracle Curls Frizz-Free Curl Cream

A lightweight cream that distinguishes and adds shine to your curls.

Miracle Curls Nourishing Hair Mask

A hair treatment that gives deep hydration without sulfates, parabens, or dyes.

Miracle Curls Creme Pudding

It assists tame frizz and adds moisture and definition to curls.

Miracle Curls Curl Defining Oil

Hair oil is designed to seal your hair’s cuticles to lock in moisture, add shine and nourish your curls. It also includes nourishing components to promote growth.

Practically any brand in the haircare industry can add the name “miracle curls” to their branding to appeal to curly-haired individuals.

Brands also look for natural-looking packaging designs or just use the word “natural” when this may not be an accurate description of their product.

These statements don’t necessarily mean that the product is truly designed for curly hair. And even though the product is natural or designed for curly hair, it doesn’t say that it’ll mesh well with your special curls.

So, we advise you to look past the branding, packaging, and other effective sales methods and focus on the components. 

Components of Aussie curly hair products

The best route to know whether a product will improve healthy hair is by looking at the back of the bottle and researching the ingredients listed.

Downward, we’ve broken down some of the key ingredients in the Aussie Miracle Curls products, both good and bad.

All Aussie Curly hair products are made with coconut oil and Australian jojoba oil. Both of these oils are good for curly hair as they dampen your curls to restore their health.

Different great natural ingredients in some of the Miracle Curls products include:

Castor Oil 

This oil is enormous for moisturizing curly hair and protecting the scalp. It is in the Aussie Miracle Moist Curl Refresher spray.

Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract 

This is an extract from aloe leaves that can enhance your hair, improve hair growth, and balance oily hair. It is established in the Miracle Curls Shampoo.

Aussie curly hair products

Bad products for curly hair

While some Aussie curly hair products claim to be sulfate-free, paraben-free, and silicone-free, this is not real for all of the products.


Many of the Aussie Curly hair products, including the Co-Wash, Detangling Milk, and 3-Minute Miracle Deep Conditioner, contain several types of alcohol. Nevertheless, not all alcohols are bad for your hair.

Cetyl alcohol and stearyl alcohol are considered “good alcohols” because they add moisture to your hair and add slip and density to detangling products.

Benzyl alcohol is the culprit to look out for when browsing Aussie Curly hair products. This alcohol falls on this list of “bad alcohols.

This short-chain alcohol has a drying influence, which can aid looser curls, in types 2 and 3, but can induce major frizz in tighter type 4 curls and coils.


Aussie Miracle Curls Co-Wash is sulfate-free but this is not real for the whole line of Miracle Curls products.

Unfortunately, their Miracle Curls Shampoo does include sulfates, containing sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium Laureth sulfate.

Many curly-haired gals attempt to navigate clear of sulfates in their hair products, and for good reason.

Curly hair tends to dry out further easily than other hair types, and sulfates are known to peel the hair of its natural oils.

This added dryness can lead to damage and dryness if the hair’s moisture levels are not quickly restored and retained. It can also lead to an itchy scalp and dry hair.

So, if you know that your hair and scalp are exposed to dryness, then sulfates may be an ingredient to prevent it.


Products like conditioners and detanglers often include silicones to provide slip and assistance in detangling.

Nonetheless, several silicones are not water-soluble, which leads to product buildup in your hair, as they cannot be easily removed by rinsing your hair.

Silicone buildup will make your curly hair feel weighed down. It may also feel like an unnoticed cast on your strands and can make your curls look stretched out.

The Miracle Curls Leave-In Detangling Milk and  Curls Shampoo both contain dimethicone. This silicone is known to rapidly lead to buildup and is difficult to remove from your hair.

The Miracle Curls Co-wash and 3-Minute Miracle Deep Conditioner contain bis-aminopropyl dimethicone.

This semi-water-insoluble silicone builds a protective barrier on damaged hair, preparing it to feel softer and healthier.

Nonetheless, some ladies have reported difficulty discarding buildup when using products with this type of silicone. Also, we believe that Aussie curly hair products are marketing very well and clearly outline the benefits of the products.

We’ve reviewed some product lines where the shampoo promises thick hair or skin irritation or it eliminates hair follicle damage. These products are well marketed and they’re high-quality beauty products for wavy and curly hair.

Many of the products just include components that we don’t recommend, so we can’t fully approve the product line.

Should You Try Aussie Curly Hair products

If you’re open to trying products that exist outside of curly hair “guidelines,” like those established by the Curly Girl Method, then Aussie curly hair products Miracle Curls may be worth a try.

They’re accessible and can be easily found in many stores that carry hair care products. They’ve obtained positive reviews, and many women love these products.

Are Aussie curly hair products safe

We don’t approve of using Miracle Curls on color-treated hair strands.

Although, you might want to consider the Aussie Color Mate Shampoo, which helps conserve color-treated hair strands from additional damage and fading while keeping your hair looking shiny.

The shampoo is made with good components that work well for curly hair, including aloe vera, jojoba oil, and sea kelp.

Does Aussie shampoo contain sulfate

It's important to read the components to ensure that you’re buying a product without sulfates.

Keep in mind that if your hair is dry or your skin is sensitive it may be good to use a sulfate-free shampoo instead of the usual shampoo with sulfates.

Sulfate-free shampoos use alternative purifiers to help make your hair better conditioned and softer. This is great for people who have curly hair because there is traditionally less moisture in curly hair strands.

These alternative cleansers also have gentler formulas to avoid skin irritation and maintain your hair silky smooth.


Aussie curly hair products are a common drugstore shampoo, and conditioners are a good option for those with straight or curly strands, but not all of the components included in their products will be helpful to you if your hair is exposed to dryness.

Carefully evaluate each product’s list of ingredients before buying the product and focus on shampoos and conditioners that include natural oils like coconut oil, jojoba oil, castor seed oil, olive oil, and macadamia nut kernel oil.

We wish that this article has helped define and determine which Aussie curly hair products are best for you.


If you have curly hair, we recommend preventing the following ingredients because they may make your curls frizzy and dry: certain alcohols, silicones, and sulfates.

Read more about:

Drugstore Shampoo for Curly Hair

The Best Mousse for Curly Hair

<![CDATA[Coconut Oil For Yeast Infection | Easy Treatment at Home]]> https://dewtreats.com/index.php/coconut-oil-for-yeast-infection-easy-treatment-at-home-1100 Wed, 08 Jun 2022 17:13:58 +0000 https://dewtreats.com/index.php/coconut-oil-for-yeast-infection-easy-treatment-at-home-1100 Before we talk about using coconut oil for yeast infection, we should know first what is a yeast infection, what are the symptoms, then how to treat it?

Yeast infections are common fungal infections that can occur on the skin, in the mouth, in the breasts of breastfeeding mothers, or in the vagina.

coconut oil for yeast infection

What is a yeast infection

Yeast infection is caused by a type of fungi known as yeast, a single-cell organism that exists throughout the environment.

Most of the time, your body can be infected with this fungus without any problems. However, if your immune system is compromised or you are taking antibiotics, you may come down with a yeast infection in any damp, soft part of your body.

Thrush is yeast infections of the mouth, while people with vaginas can be called vaginal yeast infections or vaginitis.

Treatment of yeast infections, in general, requires antifungal medications. In a lot of cases, treatment is simple and easy and the yeast infection clears up right away.

In some cases, you may need to use stronger prescription medications or complete multiple courses of treatment to completely resolve your symptoms. 

Why Do People Use Coconut Oil for Yeast Infection

Although there are several over-the-counter yeast infection treatments available, yeast infections can still be tricky to get rid of.

For some women who have a particularly treating vaginal microbiome, some of the more conventional yeast infection medications might even promote bacterial vaginosis and other conditions, leading to a tricky cycle of illness and infection. 

There's a harmonious mix of bacteria and yeast, Within a healthy vaginal ecosystem, this balance can be thrown off from things like the overgrowth of certain types of fungus, or when the fungus moves deeper into the vaginal cell layers.

This can happen for all types of reasons, ranging from taking antibiotics to pregnancy, increasing estrogen levels, or even a weakened immune system.

The reason for suggesting coconut oil for yeast infection treatment is that coconut oil is known to have antifungal properties.

This is proved that most vaginal yeast infections are caused by a fungus called Candida albicans. There isn’t a lot of research available that looks into the effectiveness of coconut oil for yeast infection treatment, but in one study, coconut oil was shown to be effective as an antifungal agent against Candida albicans.

More research is needed before we can definitively say coconut oil can be effective in treating yeast infections.

coconut oil for yeast infection

Coconut oil for yeast infection in the mouth

At room temperature, unlike most oils, coconut oil is a relatively thick solid. When a person uses coconut oil for yeast infection in the mouth, they should do the following:

  1. In the microwave melt the coconut oil for a few seconds.

  2. When it is cool to not burn the skin, swish in the mouth for about 30 seconds.

  3. Spit out the coconut oil.

  4. After that Avoid eating or drinking for half an hour.

Coconut oil for Yeast Infection on the skin

If a yeast infection infects the surface of the skin, coconut oil can be applied much like an OTC or prescription cream. A person should apply a small amount onto the affected areas, including in creases or folds.

Coconut oil for yeast infection in the vagina 

If you've not had a yeast infection, count yourself among the lucky people. Yeast infections are a commonly surprising condition, affecting somewhere around 70-75 percent of women at least once in their lifetime.

Unfortunately, 40-50 percent of women will go on to recurrence, as well.

If you’ve had a yeast infection, there’s a solid chance you were willing to try nearly anything to relieve the itching, burning, and other uncomfortable sensations that came along with it.

Because of any hard-to-reach area, treating a vaginal yeast infection with a topical cream can be a bit more challenging. Many Traditional methods come with an applicator designed to put the medicine where it will work.

Coconut oil does not have such convenience. However, a suggested workaround is to lightly coat the tampon with coconut oil, the coconut oil is directly applied to the infected site, By inserting the tampon.

Before applying coconut oil vaginally, a woman should check with her doctor.

coconut oil for yeast infection

What is coconut oil

Coconut oil is a fatty oil found in the white pulp of the coconut, the oil is said to have many health benefits, including:

- Aid in digestion

- Boosting metabolism

- Decreasing seizures

- Decreasing hunger

In addition to that, according to some research, coconut oil has antibacterial and antifungal effects; so we can use coconut oil for yeast infection treatment

What is the nutritional value of Coconut Oil 

Coconut oil is rich in various ingredients that are beneficial for health, It is one of the abundant sources of saturated fat. 

Capric acid, caproic acid, caprylic acid, myristic acid, and lauric acid present in coconut oil help in treating and curing several problems and health issues.

MCFAs present in coconut oil is easier to digest, not readily stored as fat, and have antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

They are smaller in size, thus allowing easier cell permeability for immediate energy. These MCFAs are processed by the liver, allowing immediate conversion to energy instead of being stored as fat.

Does Coconut Oil for Yeast Infection Treatment work

Gynecologists have different thoughts as to whether coconut oil can be used to treat a yeast infection.

Coconut oil can kill yeast and can be used to treat vaginal yeast infections, According to Gersh.

“Coconut oil is a fatty acid that has powerful antimicrobial, anti-parasite,  antiviral, and antifungal properties, “In other words, it can kill various bacteria, viruses, parasites, and certain species of yeast.”

But Gaither is not pure coconut oil is an effective agent in this way. 

“There is no available confirmatory research indicating coconut oil as an effective methodology for treating vaginal yeast infections,” she says.

She explains that while yes, coconut oil does have antifungal properties, the strength of its antifungal properties may not be enough to excise a vaginal yeast infection. 

She adds that coconut oil could also alter the vaginal microbiome in a way that increases someone’s risk for other vaginal infections.

“It’s best to ask your doctor to verify that a yeast infection is the correct etiology, and prescribe effective antifungal treatment to eradicate the monilial infection,” she says. 

Gersh also cautions that coconut oil shouldn’t be used for treating yeast infection in recurrence, Additionally among women who are pregnant, as there isn’t sufficient safety data available on this.

You should always verify that you have a yeast infection before using this treatment. 

 How can we use Coconut oil for yeast infection

Coconut oil seems to act on an antifungal infection both in the lab and in people.

You can gently rub a thin layer of coconut oil for yeast infection to the site of the infection. 

This may help in killing off some of the yeast and may soothe irritated, uncomfortable dry skin, allowing it to heal.

Side-Effects & Allergies of Coconut Oil

There are also a lot of negative side effects of using coconut oil for yeast infections.

They include acne breakout, diarrhea, cause intestinal distress, and allergies. It may also result in severe heart problems if used for prolonged durations.

When do you have to See a Doctor

Yeast infections should heal within a few days of treatments.

If it seems to be getting worse or you’re still experiencing symptoms of yeast infection after several days of treatment, see your doctor. You may need a stronger course of medication if the infection is serious or spreading.


Unless antifungal medicines are working, there is also a chance that your infection may not be a yeast infection, but something more serious that will need antibiotics.

Read more about:

Natural Remedies For Yeast Infection

Natural Cures For Yeast Infection

Effective Home Remedies To Treat Male Yeast Infection

Coconut Oil For Your Beauty
