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drengyelsagheer4 - dewtreats https://dewtreats.com/index.php en hourly 1 <![CDATA[What Do You Know About Symptoms Of Type 1 Diabetes In Women]]> https://dewtreats.com/index.php/what-do-you-know-about-symptoms-of-type-1-diabetes-in-women-1330 Sat, 08 Jul 2023 20:47:12 +0000 https://dewtreats.com/index.php/what-do-you-know-about-symptoms-of-type-1-diabetes-in-women-1330 It is important to know that symptoms of type 1 diabetes in women can affect anyone at any age, especially in childhood so it is also called juvenile diabetes.

Diabetes is an important condition that affects your life as it causes an increase in blood glucose levels.

There are 2 types of diabetes: type 1, and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

In type 1 diabetes [autoimmune disease] your pancreas can’t produce insulin so your body cells can’t convert glucose into energy.

We are concerned in this article with symptoms of type 1 diabetes in women.

 symptoms of type 1 diabetes mellitus in women

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes in women:

It is important to know that early symptoms of type 1 diabetes in women can develop suddenly and may be mistaken for other illnesses.

These symptoms can develop more quickly in young people than in adult


Common symptoms of type 1 diabetes in women:

Frequent urination [ poliuria ]:

One of the important symptoms of type 1 diabetes in women is the increased need to urinate more frequently.

Running constantly to the bathroom particularly to get rid of excess sugar in your blood.

You may urinate in large amounts more than normal, this can lead to dehydration which affects your kidney. 

The kidney cannot reabsorb excess glucose and can't direct it back into the bloodstream. 

Excess glucose ends in the urine and pulls more water which results in more urine. 

Extreme thirst [polydipsia]:

You can feel more thirsty than normal due to the effect of dehydration caused by increased urination.

Dehydration can lead to nausea, headache, dizziness, and fainting.

Diabetic ketoacidosis, organ failure, coma, and death may occur.

Dehydration also may lead to an increase in blood sugar levels as urine and glucose are less expelled. 

Extreme thirst can lead to a dry mouth.

Increased appetite:

You can feel hungry all the time, and this may occur because the body can't get proper energy from the food you eat.

An Unexpected loss of weight:

You may lose weight without trying although you are eating if the body continues to lose glucose in urine instead of absorbing it.

This can occur due to polyuria which takes calories with it out.

Heart disease:

The risk of heart disease can increase by about four times in women due to hyperglycemia which damages blood vessels and nerves which control the heart.

Tingling, pain, and numbness in the hands:

 High blood sugar can damage nerve fibers leading to diabetic neuropathy.

Diabetic neuropathy causes tingling and numbness in different parts of the body as hands, feet, and legs.

Feeling fatigued:

Fatigue occurs due to:

- Physiological factors due to acute or chronic hyperglycemia.              

- Psychological factors such as depression and emotional distress due to the progress of diabetes.     

- Lifestyle factors like sedentary life, obesity, and weight control issues.

The blurring of vision, stupor, and unconsciousness:

The lenses of your eyes swell causing distorted vision or blurring.

If not treated well, diabetic retinopathy can occur.

Mood changes and irritability:

You may experience mood swings due to blood sugar levels, stress, depression, anxiety, and mental health conditions.

Slow healing of cuts, wounds, and sores:

Blood circulation may become slow due to the effect of uncontrolled diabetes makes the delivery of nutrients to wounds difficult.

Sweet-smelling breath, heavy breathing:

Fruity odor and casual (rapid deep) breathing are caused by metabolic acidosis due to the effect of diabetic ketoacidosis.     

All of these may occur suddenly and also may affect people under the age of 30.

Symptoms of diabetes mellitus type 1 in women 2

Other symptoms of type1 diabetes in women

Recurrent vaginal infections:

It is one of the most important symptoms of type 1 diabetes in women.

High blood sugar can trigger the growth of candida albicans fungus which may lead to vaginal or oral yeast infection.

These infections also called thrush which has the following symptoms: vaginal itching, discharge, painful sex, soreness of the vagina, and white coating spots on the tongue, inside the mouth, and the vagina. 

Type 1 diabetes can lead to recurrent vaginal infection so you have to control your blood sugar.

Urinary tract infections:

Diabetic women may have a higher risk of urinary tract infections than non-diabetic women.          

Urinary infections are one of the annoying symptoms of type 1 diabetes in women.

High blood sugar levels cause poor circulation which reduces the ability of your body to fight infections.

Also, your bladder may not empty urine because of diabetes so it creates a good environment for the growth of bacteria.

Drinking lots of water, urinating often, and not waiting until your bladder is full, is important advice for you. 

You may have many symptoms such as painful urination [dysuria], and cloudy or bloody urine.

If urinary tract infection is not treated there will be a risk of renal infections.

Menstrual cycle changes:

Longer or heavier periods can occur as any other symptoms of type 1 diabetes in women particularly when increasing food cravings. 

You might need to change your dosage of insulin if needed, and also healthy food and getting enough sleep help to improve your case.

Sexual behavior:

It is one of the most worrisome symptoms of type 1 diabetes in women.

Hyperglycemia can cause decreased blood flow and hormonal changes, nerve damage which causes diabetic neuropathy.

All of these can lower your interest and ability to have sex and cause a dry vagina, and soreness which makes intercourse uncomfortable.

You can use vaginal lubricants and do exercises to increase your interest in sex. 

After menopause:

The symptoms of type 1 diabetes in women after menopause can occur due to less production of estrogen in your body.

This can lead to ups and downs in your blood sugar. 

Your sleep may be disrupted due to weight gain, hot flashes, and night sweats which make the control of blood sugar hard.

Sexual problems may increase due to vaginal dryness and nerve damage.

Symptoms of diabetes mellitus type 1 in women 1

Severe symptoms of Type 1 diabetes in women

Diabetic ketoacidosis: 

It is one of the most serious symptoms of type 1 diabetes in women.

It is a life-threatening condition in which your body seeks energy from stored fat.

Muscles and fat break down into ketone bodies to get energy which accumulates in your body leading to acidosis [large amounts of acids in the blood].

High levels of glucose can harm your nerves and small blood vessels which affects the eyes, kidneys, and heart.

This can make you get hardened arteries,      atherosclerosis which can lead to heart attacks and strokes.

There is an increase in blood glucose levels above  240 mg/dl and flu-like symptoms (weakness, fatigue, aches, nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain). 

Also, there is frequent micturition, excessive thirst,        severe loss of weight, lethargy, drowsiness,                exhaustion, confusion, and difficulty concentrating.       

Fruity-smelling breath, rapid breathing as the body tries to get rid of ketone and acids may occur.

Stupor, unconsciousness, and death may occur if untreated. 



All symptoms of type 1 diabetes in women are due to the absence of insulin, so you should replace the insulin that your body needs.

If type 1 diabetes is not treated it may lead to serious health problems and even death.

All the symptoms can appear at any age but increase in menopause.

If you are concerned well with your medicine these symptoms will improve.


Read more about:

type 1 diabetes in women

diabetic ketoacidosis

menopause and diabetes: what is the relationship?


<![CDATA[What do you know about the 10 benefits of chia seeds on skin]]> https://dewtreats.com/index.php/what-do-you-know-about-the-10-benefits-of-chia-seeds-on-skin-1312 Sun, 02 Jul 2023 19:03:25 +0000 https://dewtreats.com/index.php/what-do-you-know-about-the-10-benefits-of-chia-seeds-on-skin-1312 The benefits of chia seeds on the skin are due to the high amounts of vitamins (A, B, E), minerals (magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, calcium), amino acids, and fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6). 

All of these nutrients make the chia seeds super healthy as a food, so their use is trendy and many experts advise adding chia seeds daily to your food.

No one can deny that chia seeds have a long tradition in skin care. The first who used them were the Aztecs. 

They used the seeds in soothing the irritant skin and relieving any skin problems. 

Nowadays many users found by their experience that the chia seeds are beneficial for skincare.

chia seeds benefits on skin 2

Benefits of chia seeds on the skin

1-Chia seeds can help fight free radicals and skin aging:

The first of the benefits of chia seeds on the skin is to reduce skin aging.

Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays and environmental pollution produces natural products.

These natural products are free radicals that cause damage to skin cells leading to skin aging problems like wrinkles, and fine lines. 

Chia seeds have high levels of antioxidants including vitamins A, C, and E, and omega-3 fatty acids.  

These antioxidants prevent cell damage and reverse the effect of UV rays on the skin by stimulating the production of collagen.

Collagen aids in cell repair and helps neutralize and fight the free radicals so the damage effect on the skin decreases. 

Kofosky said that “Don't forget to add antioxidants to your skincare“.

2- Chia seeds help to increase collagen production :

This is one of the most important benefits of chia seeds on the skin, especially for the elderly.  

Collagen is a protein that is produced by the skin to improve its firmness, shiness, and elasticity.

Chia seeds contain all essential amino acids and nutrients such as vitamins C, E, and zinc that are needed by the skin to produce collagen.

With age, the production of collagen slows down which leads to the appearance of wrinkles.

3-Chia seeds can hydrate the skin:

This is one of the benefits of chia seeds on the skin as it can strengthen your skin.

Chia seeds have large amounts of fibers that can absorb a large quantity of water [10-12 times their weight in water].

This makes hydration and decreases water loss in the skin when added to your skincare routine. 

4-chia seeds can reduce acne:

Chia seeds contain a good amount of zinc which has an effect against acne because of its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

 Also, it has anti-exfoliating agents that help in removing dead skin and sebum which decreases the occurrence of acne.

5- Chia seeds strengthen the skin's natural barrier :

The skin barrier layer consists of cholesterol, ceramides, and fatty acids.  

This layer has a protective function that protects the deep layer making hydration and protecting the body from external injuries.

Chia seeds contain omega 3, and omega 6 fatty acids that reinforce the epidermis and antioxidants. 

These ingredients also improve skin hydration which strengthens the skin's surface.

6- Chia seeds soothe and reduce inflammation and improve itching :

Most skin problems occur due to inflammation which is a body's natural response to pathogens and mechanical injuries.

The antioxidants (omega-3 fatty acids) and flavonoids in chia seeds can cause an immune cooling process that increases hydration.

Also, they help to soothe dry skin and calm itchy skin and keep it radiant. 

To get the benefits of chia seeds on the skin by reducing inflammation you have to eat chia seeds which increase healthy bacteria in the body. 

Using chia seeds typically on itchy skin helps to keep your skin calm and healthy.

7- Chia seeds can glow your skin :

One of the benefits of chia seeds on the skin is glowing skin. Chia seeds contain vitamins A, C, folates, iron, and potassium. 

These compounds help to increase the luminosity and elasticity of the skin. 

This leads to healthy skin and makes your skin glow so you have to eat chia seeds daily.

8-Chia seeds reverse U V damage to your skin:

Daily exposure to sun rays and dust particles leads to the occurrence of acne and hyperpigmentation in the skin.

This leads to the weakening of the skin's protective barrier and degrades the DNA of the skin cells. 

Chia seeds contain antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E, polyphenols(caffeic acid, quercetin), minerals (zinc), and fatty acids.

All of these have photoprotective properties to reduce the harmful effects of UV radiation. 

Also, chia seeds can relieve dark spots on the skin which lead to premature aging of the skin.

9-Chia seeds can exfoliate your skin:

Exfoliation is one of the important benefits of chia seeds on the skin. 

These seeds have a slightly rough texture that helps remove dead cells, sebum, and dirt from your skin gently.

Any skin type including sensitive ones can apply the seeds as they don't irritate the skin.

The seeds have hydrating agents like omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, and magnesium.

10-Chia seeds can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles:

Excessive exposure to the sun can lead to the occurrence of premature skin aging which is signed as fine lines and wrinkles.

This is one of the most important benefits of chia seeds on the skin as you can protect your skin from these signs by using chia seeds.  

Chia seeds have photoprotective agents such as antioxidants, zinc, and polyphenols.

Also, the seeds contain collagen that helps to improve wrinkles and fine lines.

Regular use of chia seeds can`t reverse aging but regular use can help decrease it.

chia seeds benefits on skin 4

How to use chia seeds on the skin

To get the benefits of chia seeds on the skin the seeds are present in many forms, natural chia seeds, chia seeds oil, and butter.

Skin experts advise you to use chia seeds to maintain your skin healthy and shiny.

You can use the seeds orally by adding 1-2 tablespoons to your daily food. You can use these seeds for salad, rice, milk, or juice. 

It is a good idea to grind them to help good absorption, you can apply the seeds topically to your skin as a mask.

Chia seeds and coconut:

-Add 2 tablespoons of chia seeds to a few drops of coconut oil, and apply it on your face. 

-Let it for 10-15 minutes then wash your face with water.

Chia seeds and honey:

-Add 2 tablespoons of chia seeds with 1 tablespoon of honey,1 tablespoon of olive oil, and ½  cup of water, and mix them for 20 minutes. 

-Apply the mixture to your skin then scrub your face for 15 minutes then wash your face.

Chia seeds oil only:

-2-3 drops of chia seed oil on your skin with a gentle massage for a few minutes. 



In the end, the benefits of chia seeds on the skin are amazing as chia seeds are one of the natural remedies for most of your skin problems.

Many skin experts advise using it for your beauty either orally or topically to get clear, shiny, and healthy skin.


 Read more about:

7 Enticing health benefits of chia seeds

How to treat wrinkles naturally at home

How To Keep Your Skin Hydrated? (With 10 Simple Tips)









<![CDATA[Feria shimmer conditioner gives your hair the care it needs]]> https://dewtreats.com/index.php/feria-shimmer-conditioner-gives-your-hair-the-care-it-needs-1313 Sun, 02 Jul 2023 20:45:55 +0000 https://dewtreats.com/index.php/feria-shimmer-conditioner-gives-your-hair-the-care-it-needs-1313 Feria shimmer conditioner is a perfect hair conditioner product that is brought to you by L’Oreal Paris and used as an after-color conditioner that has ingredients that keep hair healthy. 

It is used after dying your hair to maintain the color of the hair and improves the effect of the dye. It has a brilliant shimmering formula that is suitable for all hair types. 

Also, it has a little extra hydration that keeps your hair silky, smooth, and soft so it is good for dry hair.

feria shimmer conditioner 2 

Ingredients of Feria shimmer conditioner:

Feria shimmer conditioner contains many ingredients that are important for your hair such as:

Aqua, water, Eau, Cetearyl, alcohol, glycerin, behentrimonium chloride, amodimethicone, and cetyl esters.

Isopropyl alcohol, ci 77891, titanium dioxide, mica sodium PCA, phenoxyethanol, theobroma cacao seed butter.

Cocoa seed butter, rideth-5, rideth-10, chlorhexidine dihydrochloride, parfum.

The action of feria shimmer conditioner

Feria Shimmer conditioner is a conditioner that comes with loreal hair dye. 

Using this conditioner is the first step that keeps your color looking its best. 

It slows down the process so that the color doesn't grab too fast and gives a more transparent coverage which can look more natural. 

It is the best conditioner for your colored hair and is known as the color and hair conditioner as it is formulated with camelina oil, vitamin E, and a UV filter. 

The conditioner helps preserve your hair color and boost it. It provides shine for healthy-looking strands and it helps your hair not to fade its color prematurely.

It reduces split ends, prevents hair breakage, reduces fiber hydrophilicity, and protects hair from chemical and mechanical trauma. 

feria shimmer conditioner 4

What does feria shimmer conditioner do?

Shampooing purifies and cleans your scalp, removes impurities, dirt, and excess oil, and infuses vitality. 

The shampoo doesn’t provide conditioning and moisturizing to the hair.

Feria shimmer conditioner conditions your hair week after week so that hair is never wrecked. 

It seals and smoothes for lasting bold color that will turn heads.

Feria conditioner also takes red to the next level of high intensity. The technology of color booster is with 3 highlights. 

It seals and smooths for intense shimmer and multi-dimensional color vibrancy. It gives a bold prismatic shimmering color.

It can reduce frizz, makes the hair manageable, and protects it against damage. 

If your hair is dry and brittle, it starts splitting which restricts hair growth and causes problems in hair styling. 

The conditioner can support healthier, stronger, and reduce the problem of split ends.

feria shimmer conditioner 3

How to use Feria shimmer conditioner?

After applying the best shampoo for your hair, you can apply a Feria shimmer conditioner to have its nourishing and protecting benefits. 

Rinse your hair well with normal water then press your hair to wring out excess water.

Take out an adequate amount of the conditioner on your palm.

Apply it to your wet hair and evenly distribute it along the length and ends of your hair.  

Leave the conditioner on your hair for about 3-4 minutes then wash off your hair with normal water thoroughly.

Now you can enjoy your hair and style it. 

Advantages of feria shimmer conditioner:

-Feria shimmer conditioner is the most hydrating conditioner for your hair.

-It moisturizes, smooths, and increases the volume of your hair.

-It has a gentle formula that helps your hair maintain its natural curly pattern and elasticity through the lightning process.

-It can make the hair shiny and strong due to advanced bounding technology.

-It can be used by all types of hair, and every hair texture.

-It can help with the dryness of your freshly bleached-out hair and leave it soft and shiny and easy to comb.

-Leaving your color shimmering, makes your hair soft and soaked.

-Dry weather and static electricity can cause friction in hair strands, and a conditioner can relieve these flyaways.

-The bottle can stay in its drawer for 36 months if it is stored correctly and kept unopened. 

-It can be squeezed too easily, it has a nice smell and a great deterrent effect.

-Feria shimmer conditioner is 100% free of sulfates, has no harsh salt or harsh surfactant, and is gentle on colored hair.

-It can be used with any shampoo, It isn't necessary to use a matching shampoo.

-It is silicone-free and suitable for every type of hair.

-You can use the conditioner every day, as it can re-hydrates your hair and replenish the nutrients. 

-You can use the conditioner alone without its shampoo. 

-A Feria hair conditioner is not a leave-in conditioner, it is a shower-and-rinse hair conditioner.

The disadvantage of feria shimmer conditioner:

-It is brought to you in the box of feria dye with other components.

-If you leave the conditioner in your hair for a long time, hair breakage, and scalp irritation can occur.

-Deep conditioner should not be left on your hair for more than 10 minutes.

-If you don't wash off conditioner swelling of the hair cuticles from absorbing too much moisture, can weaken your hair and may lead to breakage and irritation.

-Leaving Feria hair conditioner on your hair for too long a time can damage the health of your hair, it can cause accumulation of product leading to breakage, split ends, and dryness of hair.

-Over-hair conditioning can make the hair shaft dry by the effect of harsh chemicals, the chemicals can strip essential oils from the scalp which leads to breakage, and hair loss.


Any hair needs care with hair products and many products are important for the health of your hair.

There is no difference in gender in picking hair care. 

Men also require shampooing, conditioning, and nourishment as per hair type.

So, hair conditioner is as important for men as for women. 

Feria shimmer conditioner is one of these products that is brought to you by L’Oreal Paris company.

Feria conditioner can protect your hair from being dry, and fizzy with split ends, It can give your hair a healthy, shiny, and silky look.

In the end, the Feria shimmer conditioner gives your hair the care it needs.


Read more about:

Why hair conditioner is Important 2023

The ultimate guide to caring for color-treated hair

10 ways to tame and get rid of frizzy hair for good

