Home Remedies For Itchy Sunburn | Natural Remedies To Soothe Sunburn

Learning about home remedies for itchy sunburn is necessary.

You must remember it especially if you have white skin, freckles, blue eyes, have a history of sunburn, swim outdoors frequently, tan regularly, work outdoors, take photosensitive medications, or have regular exposure to the sun.

We can’t wait for our summer vacation, playing on the beach, swimming in the pool, and shelling out in the sun.

Sunburn occurs when exposure to the sun exceeds the ability of the body's protective pigment to protect the skin.

Sunburn prevalence is high,50% of sun-sensitive individuals experienced sunburn. With increasing age, sunburn decreased.

home remedies for itchy sunburn

What do we mean by home remedies for itchy sunburn

Home remedies for itchy sunburn mean simple steps and medications without a prescription or doctor's supervision after too much exposure to ultraviolet light.

Ultraviolet rays damage the surface of unprotected skin.

Researchers explain the itchy sensation may be due to the release of histamine from immune cells due to inflammation.

Sunburn is classified into three levels.

In First-degree sunburn, the damage occurs in the skin's outer layer and heals in a few days to a week.

In second-degree sunburn, the damage is in the dermis (the middle section of your skin).

In third-degree sunburn, all skin layers are damaged and emergency treatment is necessary.

home remedies for itchy sunburn

When should l start the home remedies?

Immediately start home remedies for itchy sunburn, after noticing any of these symptoms after a long sunny day outdoors. Symptoms are inflamed skin, redness, pain, tenderness, blisters, fever, fatigue, or Itching.

All these symptoms appear within a few hours of sun exposure. You must see a doctor if you notice large blisters, severe swelling of the damaged area, or any sign of infection like pus, eye pain, or confusion.

Some tips to stop the pain and start skin healing

Usually, 6 to 48 hours after the burn are more painful hours.

One of the home remedies for itchy sunburn is to cover the affected area especially outdoors to keep it sterile and away from bacteria.

Applying sunscreen on the affected area helps to prevent further damage.

Exercising and sweating irritate your burn so it is better to delay it after healing.

home remedies for itchy sunburn

8 home remedies for itchy sunburn 

Simple steps

stay in the shade, drink fluids to stay hydrated as sunburn draws fluids from the rest of your body, take Ibuprofen to decrease pain every 6 hours, and wear loose cotton clothes.

Water bath

Jumping in cool water (ocean, lake, stream) is one of the excellent home remedies for itchy sunburn that makes your skin feel better.

Frequent showers will help you get better and feel good. Chlorinated pools will worsen your symptoms. You should also avoid putting direct ice on your red skin which can cause more damage.

Baking soda and Oatmeal

One of the home remedies for itchy sunburn is to soak in a bathtub full of cool water and tablespoons of baking soda for 20 minutes to decrease the damage.

Also, a cool bathtub with a cup of oats will soothe the irritation. After the bath, please use a soft towel and do not rub your skin.

Aloe vera

The aloe vera plant is one of the most effective home remedies  for itchy sunburn. Its antioxidant properties help speed healing.

Break off a chunk of the plant and apply the gel directly to your skin. It will immediately relieve the pain.

Aloe vera 100% gel from any pharmacy is also used.

Chamomile tea/Milk

Make the tea as usual, Please leave it to cool, Soak any cloth in it and apply it to your skin.

 Be careful if you have a pollen allergy don’t use this method.

Soaking a sunburn in milk may seem odd, but actually, milk contains lactic acid which can remove dead skin from the burn. Milk also contains antioxidants which reduce inflammation.

Sleeping is important to fast the healing

Guavas/Honey are effective home remedies for itchy sunburn

Guavas contain antioxidants that help to reduce inflammation. Honey is an amazing remedy for sunburn that was used hundreds of years ago.

Not to do if you have sunburn

Don't use petroleum jelly on damaged skin.

Pop any blisters is not allowed as it leads to further damage and infection, and delays the healing.

Don’t scratch or scrub to remove peeling skin.

Don’t put ice directly on your damaged skin.

Don’t wear tight clothes over damaged skin.

All these previous points will worsen your case.

How much time do I need to recover from itchy sunburn

Itchy skin usually lasts for 48 hours to a week.

Home remedies for itchy sunburn will help in mild cases, but  Contact your GP if you feel unwell, have severe swelling, have a large area of sunburn, have severe symptoms, and your case worse despite home remedies for sunburn.

After following all home remedies for itchy sunburn steps and getting better, drink a lot of Fluids, use Moisturizer, and always use sunblock.

Complications of sunburn/How to prevent

Premature aging, freckles, and reduced skin elasticity are the most common complications of sunburn. Ultraviolet radiation increases the risk of precancerous lesions. 

After inflammation due to sunburn, some skin cells can be repaired and others die off.DNA mutations may occur and can’t be fixed.

To prevent sunburn you should avoid sun exposure from 10 am to 4 pm, stay in the shade when ultraviolet rays are intense, and also avoid sun tanning.

Use sunblock regularly to protect against UVA and UVB rays and wear sunglasses.

Infants from o to 6 months have sensitive skin, always keep them away from excessive ultraviolet exposure.

Use broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen for toddlers and preschool children, and use wide hats and protective clothing.

An annual skin cancer checkup is necessary.

Sunburn is a painful radiation burn that affects your skin due to long exposure to sunlight. You should drink lots of fluids, use sunblock, moisturize your skin, and don't spend too much time outdoors.

Home remedies for itchy sunburn are easy and helpful in mild cases, but severe cases need specialists.  

Don’t forget that too much exposure to the sun leads to premature aging and precancerous lesions.

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