The Best And Effective 9 Natural Remedies For Varicocele

Natural remedies for varicocele can be effective in relieving pain in minor cases.

They are suitable for people who don't have to do surgery.

But in serious cases, you should consult a specialist. 

Before talking about natural remedies for varicocele, you need to know more about varicocele in men.

What is it?, its causes, symptoms, the treatment, when natural remedies for varicocele can be helpful, and when you should consult your doctor.

What is varicocele?

Varicocele is a common problem that happens to 10-15% of adult men.

It may be symptomless and just can be treated by natural remedies for varicocele.

But in some cases, they may notice symptoms that bother them and will need professional help. 

The male reproductive system consists of pennis and testicles.

The testicles are presented in a sac called the scrotum. 

The veins in the scrotum sometimes become enlarged and swollen and in this case known as varicocele.

This condition is similar to varicose veins (the veins of the legs become swollen and twisted).

What are the causes of varicocele?

The normal veins have only one-way valves so that the blood can move back to the heart. 

In the case of varicocele, the veins in the scrotum lose their normal and correct function.

And the blood doesn't return to the heart, so this blood is collected in the blood vessels of the scrotum causing them to become enlarged and swollen. 

This may happen due to age, damage, or any other medical condition.

What are the symptoms of varicocele?

Most men have no symptoms of varicocele and only discover it during checking on their infertility after one year of trying to have a child.

In many cases, it doesn't affect their lives and only natural remedies for varicocele can make them feel better and more comfortable.

Some severe cases may have symptoms and should visit the physician for a check-up. 

Most symptoms that can be noticed:

1. Swelling in the veins in the scrotum.

2. Itching, discomfort, and pain due to the swelling in the scrotum area, which may get worse when standing or sitting for a long time.

3. Feeling a small mass or lump above the testicles. 

4. Infertility, varicocele is the cause of about 40% of infertility in men.

Treatment of varicocele

Treatment of varicocele depends on its severity.

In severe cases, varicocele affects fertility and causes severe pain.

So, a healthcare provider consultation may be required and the patient may need a varicocelectomy (a surgical procedure in which affected veins of the scrotum are cut and sealed off the ends).

For low-grade varicocele, you may not need treatment if varicocele doesn't bother you or doesn't cause pain.

A healthcare provider may recommend natural remedies for varicocele for low-grade cases. 

Natural remedies for varicocele

1. Ice packs/cold compresses

You can use ice packs or cold compresses twice a day to relieve pain, itching, and swelling in the scrotum region, especially after a tiring exercise. 

Be careful with applying ice packs, you must wrap it in a piece of cloth. 

2. Do exercises regularly

Exercise is one of the effective natural remedies for varicocele that can help you get rid of its symptoms and feel much better. 

Exercise improves blood flow and circulation like jogging, regular walks, and swimming.

It will be beneficial in this condition since varicocele is related to blood circulation. 

3. Wear a jockstrap

A jockstrap is a type of underwear that provides support to the scrotum while performing activities, playing, or doing exercises. 

It protects the testicles and minimizes the pressure on them.

It can help you, especially if your job requires you to stand for long periods. 

4. Avoid tight underwear

Tight underwear may worsen the problem of varicocele as it increases the pressure on the scrotum and testicles and increases the swelling and itching. 

5. Add fiber-rich diet

Increasing fiber-rich food in your diet is considered an easy option from natural remedies for varicocele.

Fiber improves bowel movement and this is necessary to prevent constipation.

As extra straining when passing stool will increase the pressure of the scrotum veins and increase the inflammation. 

You can find fibers in fruits, leafy vegetables, and whole grains. 

6. Keep away from junk food

Junk food worsens your digestion and causes constipation which increases the pressure on the scrotum veins and worsens varicocele. 

7. Increase your antioxidant intake

Antioxidant-rich diet is important to your overall health and in turn, helps you recover from varicocele. 

Vitamin c, melatonin, and other bioactive compounds have been used to reduce damage to testicular function and help you to get rid of varicocele. 

8. Get rest

Getting some rest when you feel tired and getting enough sleep will help you recover faster.

Avoid intensive activities like bicycling and weight lifting as they will increase the pressure on the veins of the scrotum and worsen the problem. 

Laying flat on your back reduces the pressure on the veins and decreases the swelling and pain. 

9. Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises are easy-to-do exercises involving the pelvic floor muscles.

If you practice these exercises regularly, it will strengthen your muscles and increase the blood flow in the scrotum area. 

Keep doing it several times to see potential benefits. 

These are all possible natural remedies for varicocele that can help you, follow them to see a satisfactory result. 

When to consult a healthcare provider?

You should visit your doctor if you notice any of the following symptoms whether mild or severe:

1. Pain, itching, and discomfort in the scrotum area. 

2. Enlarged veins on the scrotum. 

3. Difficulty to have a biological child. 

Depending on the severity of the symptoms and the grade of varicocele you have.

The doctor will recommend the proper treatment for you.

Whether medicines, varicocele surgery, or just a change in your routine by some beneficial natural remedies for varicocele. 


Varicocele is a common disease in men,  the veins in the scrotal area are twisted and enlarged. 

As we stated above varicocele is not of big concern, even if you have mild or severe symptoms.

You can get rid of it natural remedies for varicocele.

Dont forget to consult your doctor who will recommend the appropriate treatment for your case.


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