Varicose Veins, also called spider veins, are an important case from which many people of different ages suffer.
In this article, we will discuss the varicose veins, and the Home Remedies for varicose veins.
What are Varicose Veins?
Varicose Veins is a condition in which the person is suffering from not flowing blood through the veins, which causes the accumulation of blood in the veins and leads to swollen, twisted veins appearing over the skin in a dark blue or purple color.
What are symptoms of varicose veins?
Visual signs
- Appearance of puffiness, dilated veins that appear under the skin.
- Its color is red, dark blue, or even purple. and in some cases there is discoloration in the skin around.
- It occurs mainly in the legs, but it can be seen in other body areas.
Non-visual symptoms
- Pain and palpation in the legs.
- Tension and Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS).
- Itching sensation of the skin.
Home Remedies of Varicose Veins
Physical Training
In general, sport or training has a crucial role in life, but also it is very important in the healing of varicose veins. As it improves the blood circulation and prevents the accumulation of blood in the veins.
These activities include swimming, walking, cycling, and yoga for at least 30 minutes per day.
Compression remedy
By the compression stockings, which are applied over the knee. It works by pushing the blood upward, preventing dilation of veins and reducing swelling.
It is available in the pharmacies and it has a very important effect as a home remedy.
Legs elevation
Propping legs up with pillows while sitting or lying leads to improved circulation by encouraging the blood to flow in the right direction and decrease the pressure that is applied on the leg.
Diet and keeping a healthy weight
Overweight is one of the most dangerous factors to veins, because it applies hard pressure on the legs and makes moving or activity very difficult.
So, you should have a balanced diet that contains all vitamins, minerals, and all food that is high in fiber, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, that prevent constipation, which drives the varicose veins.
Flavonoids (onions, broccoli, garlic, and apples) have a role in decreasing the blood pressure, which leads to the varicose veins.
Also, our diet should contain food that is high in potassium levels like almonds and pistachio nuts, leafy vegetables, and some fish like salmon and tuna.
As it is essential for getting rid of the excessive fluids that may apply pressure on the veins and the legs.
Avoid sitting or standing for a long time
If you sit for a long period at work, you should stand and move to keep the blood flow continuing smoothly.
Prolonged sitting or standing can affect the veins badly, causing varicose veins.
So, you have to change your condition regularly and don’t stay in the same position for more than one hour.
Legs massage
If the massage is done properly, it helps increase blood flow to the lower legs.
Massage can also reduce pressure and stress, and as a result, reduce the ability to have varicose veins.
You should apply the massage gently and not too hard so that it hurts the legs instead of healing.
Avoid tight clothes
Anyone who is suffering from varicose veins should wear loose or oversized clothing, to keep the circulation in the legs, because tight clothes prevent the blood flow to the lower body.
In addition, tight clothes inhibit free movement, which leads to difficulty in making your legs move normally.
Hydration & decrease salt intake
Water retention in the body is a problem caused by increasing the salt intake, which applies more pressure on the legs and veins.
Although the water retention is not good and we shouldn’t attend to it, the normal hydration of the body and maintaining the water level in the body is very important to keep the veins healthy and do their work smoothly.
Quit smoking
As we all know that smoking is one of the most important life-threatening factors, and in many cases it can lead to death, so it also has a very bad effect on veins as it reduces the blood flow and increases the risk of plaque formation in the veins.
Make it a target for yourself to stop smoking forever to have a healthy life and avoid varicose veins.
Hot and cold compresses
They are used for relaxing and reducing pain and discomfort that is associated with varicose veins.
It can be done by putting it on the affected area for five to ten minutes initially, as a result, you will feel more relaxed and comfortable.
After that, apply an ice pack on the area for two to three minutes, then repeat the same procedure at the next leg.
This will decrease the swelling and make you relax with less or without any pain.
Do Home Remedies work?
Home remedies for varicose veins are trials to keep our veins healthy, to reduce pain and swelling, and they are used at the early stages of the case.
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But, if the case is advanced or pregnant, they should see a vein doctor because these cases often need surgery or laser treatment and the home remedies will not be effective anymore with them.
And there are some symptoms if seen, you should go to the doctor immediately, such as phlebitis, bleeding, venous leg ulcer, prolonged pain or itching.
All in all, Home remedies for varicose veins are important ways in keeping and maintaining our veins healthy and do their work effectively, but we should remember to use them in the correct way to have the best results and not harm them more.
Life without leg swelling or pain is more pretty and shiny, so try to keep your legs, veins and whole body healthy, safe and away from illness or diseases by following a healthy lifestyle, sleeping well and a balanced diet.
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