Uterine Cancer Treatment does It Work | New Researches

Searching for uterine cancer treatment is very important.

Uterine cancer is common in a wide range of women and girls due to genetic abnormalities or hormonal changes.

The treatment of uterine cancer depends on its type and stage so awareness of early discovery is very important.                       

uterine cancer treatment

What is uterine cancer?

Uterine cancer is a chronic disease that affects 10% of women and girls, so early diagnosis is essential and helps a lot in limiting its symptoms.

Women with a uterine cancer history in their family should take regular tests to make sure they don't have uterine cancer or need any uterine cancer treatment.

Women who are coming to use contraceptive tablets should examine themselves before using them to see if they are exhibiting uterine cancer or not.

Uterine cancer happens when a similar uterine tissue grows inside the endometrium or outside the uterus preventing pregnancy.

Uterine cancer severity depends on the symptoms when all of these symptoms or three of them exist in one woman it could be uterine cancer or endometritis:

Severe pain in the pelvic area.

Bleeding during the menstrual period or any time of the month.

Fatigue, anxiety, and depression.

Large abdomen at the last stages which may be confused with pregnancy

Some women go to the doctors thinking that she is pregnant due to the pain, enlarged abdomen, and intermittent periods.

Uterine cancer treatment should start as soon as it's diagnosed to help get rid of it as quickly as possible.

How fast does uterine cancer spread?

Uterine cancer spreads slowly maybe for years, it spreads locally first then in different places in the body the lymphatic system and blood help in uterine cancer spreading.

Causes of uterine cancer

Girls who get their menstrual period very early less than(12 years) are more likely to get uterine cancer.

Women who have late menopause could be affected by uterine cancer more than other women.

Women who never get pregnant are more likely to get uterine cancer than others.


Lynch syndrome

It's a hereditary disease considered a cancer risk factor for the uterus and colon.

Long use of hormonal therapy for breast cancer is related to an increased risk of uterine cancer.

Getting older; uterine cancer is a common cancer after getting old.


Uterine cancer diagnosis


Examining the pelvis

A pelvic examination checks the reproductive organs.

It's always done during a regular checkup, but it might be needed if you have symptoms of uterine cancer.

During the examination, a doctor carefully inspects the outer genitals. 

Two fingers of one hand are inserted into the vagina and the other hand presses on the abdomen to feel the uterus and ovaries, a device called a vaginoscopy is inserted into the vagina.

The device opens the vaginal canal so the doctor can look for signs of uterine cancer or other problems. 


Imaging tests

Imaging tests take photos of the inside of the body.

They can tell your doctor about your cancer's location and size for appropriate diagnosis and uterine cancer treatment.

One imaging test might be a vaginal ultrasound.

In this method, a device called a transducer is inserted into the vagina.

The transducer uses huge sound waves to make a video image of the uterus.

The image shows the thickness and texture of the uterus.

Ultrasound can help your doctor to look for signs of cancer and rule out other causes of your symptoms.

Other imaging tests such as MRI and CT scans may also be suggested.        

Some uterine cancer treatment considerations                                        

Uterine cancer treatment could be affected by estrogen levels.

Scientists found that high estrogen levels increase uterine cancer to some extent.

Women who want pregnancy do have not too many choices for uterine cancer treatment.

Because some uterine cancer treatments contain contraceptive tablets or ways like intrauterine hormonal loops or vaginal rings.

Such as those in the case of uterine fibroids especially when they are large ones.

When your doctor says you have uterine cancer, visit a gynecologist so he is a specialist in this type of cancer.

The doctor can explain the risk factors, benefits of each treatment, and side effects.

Effect of uterine cancer on the body



Is a decrease in the number of white blood cells which is considered the defense gate of the body against microorganisms.

It happens due to the long use of chemotherapy so you are more likely to get any infection easily.



In surgical removal of lymph cells if uterine cancer spreads to the abdomen the lymph fluid may not be able to drain properly.

Uterine cancer treatment

Uterine cancer treatment may be chemical, surgical, radiation, or hormonal.


Chemical uterine cancer treatment

As tablets or intravenous suspensions to kill cancer cells according to the doctor's vision and history of the patient.

This treatment has side effects on the body like hair falling and general weakness especially when there is no sufficient nutrition suitable for the patient.

Still, chemotherapy is the best choice in some conditions when surgery is not recommended.


Surgical uterine cancer treatment

Surgical uterine cancer treatment by laparoscopy to decrease the surgical opening by removing the cancer tissue, scars, or lesions.


Radiation uterine cancer treatment

By using high-energy waves to kill cancer cells.

It can be given in 2 methods for uterine cancer treatment

By inserting radioactive materials into the body This is called internal radiation therapy or brachytherapy.

A machine that focuses rays of radiation on the tumor is called external beam radiation therapy.

Sometimes both brachytherapy and external beam radiation therapy are important to be used.

In this way, the external beam radiation is usually given first, then the brachytherapy.

The stage and the grade of the cancer are used to help decide what areas need to be treated with radiation and which types of radiation are used.

Radiation is most often used after surgery for uterine cancer treatment.

It can kill all cancer cells that may still be in the treated area.

If your uterine cancer treatment plan includes radiation after surgery, you will be given time to heal before starting radiation, or at least 4 to 6 weeks are needed.

Less often, radiation might be given before surgery to help smallen the tumor so it's easier to remove.

Women who can't get surgery due to any cause may get radiation as their main treatment.

Side effects of radiation therapy

Short-term side effects

Weakness, stomach pain, and diarrhea.

Nausea and vomiting can be treated by medicine.

Side effects may be worse when chemotherapy is given with radiation therapy.

Long-term side effects

Radiation therapy sometimes causes changes to the epithelium of the vagina resulting in vaginal dryness.

This is more common after brachytherapy than after pelvic radiation therapy.

In some cases, scar tissue can appear in the vagina.

The scar tissue can make the vagina shorter or narrower called vaginal stenosis.

Radiation for uterine cancer treatment can damage the ovaries, resulting in premature menopause.

This is not a big problem for most women treated for uterine cancer because they have already gone through menopause, either naturally or as a result of surgery for uterine cancer (hysterectomy and removal of the ovaries).


Hormonal uterine cancer treatment

This type of treatment uses specific hormones or hormone-blocking medicines to treat uterine cancer.

It's used for treating uterine cancer that's advanced (stage III or IV).

Uterine cancer treatments are chemical, surgical, radiation, and hormonal.

Chemical: maybe tablets or intravenous suspension.

It may cause hair loss and general weakness.

Surgical: either as a first choice or after chemotherapy,

it's not always suitable for all cases.

Radiation: huge waves help narrow the tumor.

Hormonal: includes treatment by specific hormones.



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