Easy And Convenient 12 Home Remedies For Jewelry Rash

Have you ever had itchy skin or an allergy after wearing jewelry?

What is jewelry rash? 

Jewelry rash is one of the most common skin allergies.

It can be caused by a metal you wore as a belt, necklace or bracelet.

Metals like nickel, iron can trigger the skin and cause what is called jewelry rash.

We will discuss  home remedies  for jewelry rash that decreases inflammation.

home remedies for jewelry rash

Symptoms of jewelry rash you may encounter 

Symptoms of jewelry allergy usually take from 12 to 48 hours to appear after contact with the metal.

The itchy rash is an allergic reaction to your skin because of the contact with nickel from a metal snap on a pair of blue jeans or a nickel jewelry.

Lesions appear on the belly button and develop to the elbow and knees.

If you leave it untreated, your skin may become darker and cracked.

We will provide the most easy and convenient  home remedies for jewelry rash, that soothe the skin and reduce the irritation. 

When to tell that you have jewelry rash? 

Doctors diagnose nickel allergy by looking at skin, and asking if you touched a metal containing substance.

They can use a skin patch test by putting a small amount of nickel or other metal on the upper back skin, and covering them with patches for 48 hours.

If you are allergic to any metal, it will show an allergic reaction after a short time.

You can ask your local pharmacist for a hydrocortisone cream or antihistamine.

That will soothe the skin and decrease the irritability.

Avoid contact with the triggering metal and try the upcoming home remedies for jewelry  rash.

home remedies for jewelry rash

Home remedies for jewelry rash 

You can use many home remedies for skin allergies that are convenient ,cheap and available.

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is antioxidant and has anti inflammatory properties that soothe the itching of allergic reactions.

Use oatmeal bath or poultice, first you will need powdered oatmeal.

It's considered  one of the most common home remedies for jewelry rash. 

Oatmeal path 

First add distilled water to 1 ⁄ 4 cup of powdered oatmeal.

mix the water with the oatmeal powder, and keep mixing till you have spreadable paste.

Apply the paste on your skin, and bandage the affected area with moisten cloth.

Remove the cloth after 30 minutes then rinse it with water .

Moisturize the area with suitable moisturizer like aloe vera.

2. Baking soda 

Baking soda works on the skin  ph imbalance  and acts as anti inflammatory to soothe the skin allergies . 

Use a baking soda paste by mixing baking soda with warm water, stir till mixed well, and soak your body for 15 minutes then rinse it off.

home remedies for jewelry rash


3. Aloe Vera 

Try aloe vera gel that retains skin moistur, it is an anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial herb that soothes the irritated skin.

People usually prefer aleo vera as home remedies for jewelry rash.

How to apply it?

Dry the affected area before using aloe vera to ensure the maximum absorption.

You can cut an aloe vera leaf, and scrape the gel out and apply it on the skin.

You can reach your local pharmacy and buy fresh preparation of aloe vera gel.

home remedies for jewelry rash


4. Coconut

Coconut has antibacterial monoglyceride that reduces dermatitis and skin rash .

Apply unprocessed coconut oil on the itchy area of your skin.

Coconut is cheap and available as home remedies for jewelry rash.


5. Tree tea oil

Use diluted tea tree oil in a carrier oil like olive oil otherwise it will dry the skin.


6. Turmeric

Curcumin in turmeric helps jewelry rash reliefe due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Despite its low cost it has low oral bioavailability, so it has to be taken in combination to unlock its full potential.


7. Fenugreek seeds

It is used to manage eczema and skin inflammation.

To prepare a home remedy for your jewelry rash, boil seeds of fenugreek into a bath routine to relieve the pain.


8. Honey

Honey is known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and will reduce the swelling and inflamed skin. 

Thus honey is one of the best  home remedies for jewelry rash.

9. Apple cider vinegar

It contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory components that is considered one of the home remedies for jewelry rash.

Mix one table of apple cider vinegar with a cup of warm water then stir well.

Use a cotton ball on the affected area till it dries out.

After 20 minutes wash it with fresh water, you can repeat it  twice a day until the affected area is healed. 


10. Neem

It is a herb that widely used in India due to its medicinal properties, it is considered a natural anti histamine.  

It reduces the redness, swelling, and itching of the skin.

To prepare home remedies for jewelry  rash using neem, grind some neem leaves into a blender till a smooth paste is formed.

Leave the paste on your skin for  30 minutes , wash it with water, you can try it up to 4 times a day.


11. Ginger

With its antimicrobial properties is used to treat different types of skin allergies. 

Ginger is used to prepare many home remedies for jewelry rash.

Grate a slice of ginger and add it to a cup of boiling water.

Let it for five minutes then let it cool after straining the  ginger.

You can apply the liquid with a clean cloth on the affected area.

Wash it after 30 minutes and you can try it up to 3 times a day.

12. Flaxseeds

They offer multiple home remedies for jewelry rash due to their properties, they can soothe the skin, and reduce skin irritation. 

You either apply it as a warm poultice or add it to your diet to promote skin vitality.

If home remedies for jewelry rash didn't relieve the rash 

Well, jewelry rash isn't a life threatening condition, but if the home remedies didn't help with the itching and redness.

You should seek medical help from a dermatologist.

Specially if you have any of these symptoms: 

1. The rash covers your body.

2. If you have fever with rash .

3. When you have an acute rash that happens quickly and grows fast. 

4. When your rash is covered in blister .

5. If there is an infection that could be a yellow or green fluid, swelling, warmth, or pain with the rash .

Practices that relieve the irritation

1. Choose loose fitting clothes to prevent trapping the moisture in your skin .

2. Wear comfortable fabrics like cotton and avoid fabrics that cause itching .

3. Use warm water while showering and avoid hot water .

4. Use fragrance free self care products.

5. Avoid contact with triggering metal like nickel.

These practices will maximize the benefits of home remedies for jewelry rash.

In conclusion, jewelry rash is an allergic reaction of the body to a triggering metal in the necklaces, bracelet, or the button of the jeans.

It is usually called nickel allergy, it causes rash and redness of the skin and irritation, it is not a life threatening condition.

In this article we provide home remedies for jewelry rash that are cheap , easy to make and effective .

If the situation of the rash worsens, you should consult a dermatologist to ensure your safety .


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