The 10 Most Effective Home Remedies For Eye Stye

Eye stye is a bacterial infection affecting the edge of the eyelid, it appears as a red painful pimple.

It forms when the gland near the eyelashes is blocked and gets infected.

Eye stye is a common case and with small home remedies for eye stye, it will disappear. 

The eye stye starts with redness in the area around the eye and then pus accumulates.

It may be accompanied by an inflamed eye or not.

In some cases, it needs doctor intervention and in most cases, we resort to home remedies for eye stye. 

Types of eye stye 

1- External 

The stye forms on the outer part of the lower and upper eyelid.

It is the most common type and is a result of infection in the eyelash follicle. 

2- Internal 

It happens when the gland that produces oil to keep your eyelid moist becomes inflamed and it forms in the inner eyelid. 

The two types are painful and common in children and adults.

But don’t make a big problem with care and home remedies for eye stye it will cure in a short time. 

Causes of eye stye 

The most popular cause of eye stye is infection of the eye gland with staph. aureus bacteria.

Some factors increase the risk of eye gland infection: 

1. Having a stye eye before or having an inflammation on the eyelid (blepharitis). 

2. Diabetes mellitus. 

3. Dry skin around the eye. 

4. Immune diseases.

5. Malnutrition. 

6. Bad personal hygiene. 

7. Drugs that suppress the immune like steroids. 

8. Experiencing hormonal change. 

9. Have a high lipid profile. 

10. Dry eye. 

Symptoms and complications of eye stye 

The appearance of a red, painful bump then redness and swelling of the skin around the pimple.

Then increases in size over several days, as it fills with pus. 

But we shouldn't ignore the small pimple as the bacteria may be transmitted to the blood, and the whole body and may cause a severe infection.

It may be transmitted to the other parts of the eye causing many problems like swelling of the eyelids.

So we must wash our hands after touching the stye.

Besides treatment, it is needed to follow the home remedies for eye stye.

Eye stye diagnosis 

In some cases you need to visit eye healthcare if the vision starts to be affected, to make some investigations.

Also when the style is getting worse with the treatment or home remedies for eye stye. 

The doctor will examine the eyelid and take a history of other conditions or additional symptoms. 

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10 Tips for Home Remedies for eye stye 

1. Use a warm compress

It is the quickest and most effective way to treat the stye by applying a warm towel on the eyelid.

Gently apply the warm towel to the area of the eye stye for 10-15 minutes 3 or 4 times per day for one week.

It helps drainage of the stye it considered the cornerstone for home remedies for eye stye. 

2. Clean the area around the stye 

The area needs to be kept clean to help in recovery.

So use products that are safe for the eye like baby shampoo, saline solution, or hypoallergenic soap. 

Gently scrub the area around the stye with a clean finger or clean swab. 

3. Don't squeeze the stye 

If the stye becomes more inflamed or collects pus don't try to pump it or use any needle to drain the pus.

It may become worse or spread the infection to the whole eye. 

4. Massage the affected area

This can help the drainage of the infected area.

But first, clean your finger then massage the infected area to help unplug the oil gland and also to reduce the pain. 

5. Use analgesic medication 

It can help in reducing pain and discomfort, but if the pain increases you should see the doctor.

You must use just over-the-counter (OTC) analgesic as it is considered among home remedies for eye stye. 

6. Don’t wear a contact lens 

During the period of treatment, we mustn’t put on any contact lenses and wear eyeglasses for this period to reduce the contamination of the eye. 

7. Stop putting any makeup products on the eye 

All the makeup products and brushes contain bacteria and may increase the harm to the eye, so stop all eye makeup till recovery.

8. Use coconut oil 

Coconut oil is used for many reasons, promotes eye health and reduces inflammation.

In addition to having antibacterial and antifungal activity, and is very safe to use around the eye. 

Put some coconut oil in a clean finger or cotton swap, then gently put it in the affected area of the eyelid.

Wait for 15 minutes then rinse it with warm water.

For best results repeat it from 3 to 5 times per day. 

9. Warm tea bag 

Like a warm compress, a warm tea bag helps in reducing the inflammation of the eyelid. 

Put the bag in hot water for a few minutes, then remove it to cool it down, and to be comfortable against the skin.

Then put it for 10 minutes in the affected area, for both eyes put one bag in each eye.

It is suggested that black tea is the most effective due to its antibacterial activity.

10. Put sterile bandage 

The bandage will reduce the contamination and protect the eye from pollution.

This will help in recovery and decrease the inflammation.

You can put it on if the stye becomes enlarged to prevent any other bacteria and keep the eye clean. 

Eye stye usually resolves within 2 weeks, the home remedies for eye stye will help quickly resolve.

So follow the small tips and the eye stye will disappear. 

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How to prevent eye stye recurrence?

The style is infected so if you or another person in your family is affected with stye you should follow some instructions: 

1. Clean and wash the towels with hot water and alone away from the other clothes. 

2. Wash your hand with antiseptic when you touch the stye. 

3. Use personal tools and don't share them with other family members. 

4. Cover the stye with sterile bandages. 

5. Use home remedies for eye stye when the stye starts to appear. 

6. Change the bandage regularly. 

7. Avoid exposure of the skin to pollution, avoid sea water and swimming pools until the stye heals. 

8. Wash your face with clean water and antibacterial soap. 

9. Eat healthy food and do sport to enhance the body's immune. 

10. Treating minor wounds. 

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When to see the doctor? 

If any of these symptoms appear in the patient it's important to see the doctor: 

1. High fever. 

2. Enlarged lymph nodes. 

3. Increased pain. 

4. Enlarged the redness and inflammation around the stye. 

5. The appearance of another stye. 

6.No recovery for more than two weeks. 

7. Have chronic diseases like diabetes, immune diseases, or cancer.

8. When treating the eye stye with home remedies for eye stye don't find any results. 

It is indicated that the infection is spread from the small stye on the eye to the blood affecting the whole body and needs more treatment.


The eye stye seems to be just a small pimple on the eyelid but it may get worse.

So if you feel that a small stye will appear start to treat it in simple ways.

There are many ways for home remedies for eye stye to overcome and prevent the contamination of the eye.

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