Simple 10 Home Remedies For Bruises | When To See A Doctor

A bruise is a discolored area of skin, it may be blue, purple, or black.

Home remedies for bruises are very important to make you heal fast, according to its severity, the color of the injured area changes. 

It occurs when something hits you hard, the blood vessels under the skin rupture,  and the blood leaks out from your capillaries and veins. 

Locations of bruises

Bruises do not have a constant location to appear, they may be on your leg, arm, face, or even at your nail. 

Nail bruise

This case is called a subungual hematoma when you wear tight shoes or something hits your thumb.

The blood may accumulate under your nails and cause severe pain.

Breast bruise

It also may appear on the breast due to the seat belts of the car or something hitting you.

In this case, you apply home remedies for bruises such as using an ice bath for 2 days and taking acetaminophen. 

Bruises on the breast may indicate a serious condition such as inflammatory breast infection or breast cancer. 

There are other symptoms in this case such as the feeling of heaviness of the breast, rapid increase in the size, or an inward-turned nipple. 

You must not apply home remedies for bruises in this case and see your doctor quickly, you should check up on yourself monthly.

Bone bruise

Bruises may also occur in bones and joints which is called a microfracture, it is not a bone break but it is dangerous.

You may get your bones bruised through sports injuries, car accidents, or even osteoarthritis, home remedies for bruises are not accepted in this case. 

Home remedies for bruises 

1. Ice remedy 

Using Ice in the injured area is the first step for applying home remedies for bruises.

It should be done immediately after the injury for 10 minutes.

Cooling the bruise helps to reduce the leakage of blood flow in the tissue.

2. Nonprescriptive pain reliever

You could safely use acetaminophen ( paracetamol) as an analgesic.

the single dose must not exceed 1 gm and the maximum dose of the day is 4 mg.

3. Heat 

After 48 hours, you could use heat as one of the effective home remedies for bruises.

It improves the blood flow in the bruised tissue and makes the discoloration fade away. 

4. Elevation 

Elevation fastens the swelling and healing time. 

When you raise your bruised leg or hand so it is above the heart.

It helps you to relax and drains the fluid away quickly. 

5. Compression

The elastic bandage around the bruised tissue was known as one of the oldest home remedies for bruises.

It reduces the severity and prevents the break of blood vessels. 

6. Arnica

The main use of arnica is for osteoarthritis but It is also used for home remedies for bruises as a topical cream. 

It is very dangerous to use it orally as it has extreme chemicals and must be diluted well first. 

7. Vitamin C 

Vitamin C deficiency weakens blood vessels and makes your body get bruised.

It also has strong anti-inflammatory properties so we can use it orally or topically.

Home remedies for bruises depend on Vitamin C such as an important vitamin for the healing process.

8. Vitamin K 

Many studies have shown that vitamin K reduces bruises by reducing blood vessel accumulation under the injured skin. 

9. Aloe vera 

Aloe Vera plant has a strong anti-inflammatory substance called (aloesin).

You could make it by extracting the aloe vera gel from the leaf and applying it directly to the bruise. 

It reduces the purple pigmentation of the bruises. 

10. Bromelain

It is a mixture of enzymes that is naturally occurring in the stem or fruit of the pineapple plant ananas comosus.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect and we can consider drinking pineapple as a home remedy for bruises. 

Taking bromelain supplements may interact with other medications.

So you must not use it by yourself as a medication.

home remedies for bruisesWhen to see a health care provider?

1. If you do not have a known reason for the bruises and they are frequent and large, you should see a doctor.

2. If you have a history of your family of blood diseases you should tell your physician about it.

3. Some medications may cause you a bruise as a side effect.

4. Unexplained bleeding.

5. Pain that lasts for several days after the injury.

Some dangerous symptoms may indicate a serious condition such as blood clotting so home remedies for bruises are useless in this case.

home remedies for bruises

Bits of advice to avoid minor bruises

1. Do not walk in the dark at your home  

2. Avoid an untidy room around you

3. Be careful when you are on the street and do not use your mobile phone when you walk

Mental health and bruises 

There is a syndrome called Gardner-Diamond syndrome.

It is also known as auto erythrocyte sensitization, psychogenic purpura, or painful bruising syndrome. 

Some people during times of stress, their body develop painful and unexplained bruises. 

If you have a hard time and there are different bruises in an unusual location such as your face.

It is a serious case of bruising and you should improve your mental health and stay away from stress as much as possible. 

Domestic violence is a very important case of bruises you should take care of. 

Blood tests and bruises

Complete blood count, especially blood platelet count plays a main role in determining the cause of the bruise as platelets in our body help to stop the bleeding. 

Low blood platelets are indicated by the immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) test, so it is important to check up. 

Prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time tests are strong indicators of blood clotting. 

Elderly people and bruises

We have a protective fatty layer in our skin that protects the blood vessels and prevents them from being injured.

This layer is thinner in old people and makes them get bruised easily.

The oldest ones should know how to apply home remedies for bruises well for their health. 

In conclusion, Home remedies for bruises are very simple methods but you should know well when to do them and when to see a doctor.

If you get injured, eat well, rest, and apply a cold compressor to heal fast. 



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