The Most Effective Natural Remedies for Pollen Allergies

Before talking about the natural remedies for pollen allergies you should know some information about pollen allergy.

Allergy is an immune reaction to a foreign substance in the body.

These foreign substances are called allergens and include some foods and pollen.

Pollen is present at a certain season of the year.

So you must avoid inhaling it by decreasing the activities outside the home and using air purifiers.

Most pollen reaches its peak in the air between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m.

And also during warm times and with active winds.

Natural remedies for pollen allergies may relieve allergy symptoms, but they don't replace allergy medications but work with them.

natural remedies for pollen allergies

Symptoms of pollen allergy

Pollen allergy is also known as seasonal allergy, symptoms of pollen allergy increase in the spring season. 

These symptoms can be difficult to manage if you don't follow a home routine and natural remedies for pollen allergies

Symptoms of pollen allergy include runny nose, sneezing, itchy nose and eyes, sore throat, cough, fatigue, and poor concentration.

These symptoms may complicate and cause asthma and an increase in ear and sinus infections.

natural remedies for pollen allergies

The natural remedies for pollen allergies


Exercising regularly helps reduce allergic reactions and offers many health benefits.

Research and studies have been conducted on the effect of exercise on allergy patients.

The results showed a reduction in their allergy symptoms and improvement in breathing tests.

It is also necessary to contact your doctor if you suffer from asthma or exercise - including asthma to avoid complications.

Nasal wash

It is a home treatment that involves using sterile salt water to clean the nasal passages.

Which helps reduce allergy symptoms and facilitate breathing and sleep.

You should know that the nasal wash is one of the important natural remedies for pollen allergies 

How to wash the nose?

Pour the solution from the container into one nostril and the solution comes out of the other nostril by using a squeeze bottle or syringe.

It is preferable to rinse the nose daily or several times daily to relieve the symptoms of congestion.

It is necessary to use distilled water or boiled water to rinse the nose because using tap water may cause infection with the amoeba. 

It is preferable to wait an hour after washing the nose before going to sleep.

Ensure that the saline solution is completely drained from the sinuses, which helps prevent coughing.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant and works to strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation. 

Research indicates that inflammation helps with allergy symptoms.

Reducing inflammation helps improve allergy symptoms. 

It has a role in combating cold and flu symptoms.

Vitamin C is available in citrus fruits, peppers, and berries.

Vitamin C is generally safe, and side effects appear when taking high doses, such as diarrhea.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays an important role in regulating the cells of the immune system and the release of chemicals.

That causes allergy symptoms that are called histamine.

Vitamin D is also one of the important natural remedies for pollen allergies and is very effective in the treatment.

Vitamin D is found in a few foods such as eggs and yogurt and is available through supplements and exposure to sunlight.

Therefore vitamin D deficiency is associated with the appearance of allergy symptoms such as allergic rhinitis, nasal congestion, and asthma.

Studies have confirmed that vitamin D reduces inflammation and allergic reactions.

A study found that the response to allergy immunotherapy was better in people with ideal levels of vitamin D.

The response was worse in those with vitamin D deficiency.

Excessive doses of vitamin D lead to kidney stones and calcium deposits in the heart and other organs.


Honey is an important natural remedy for pollen allergy.

It has many benefits including benefits for the immune system. 

Honey reduces inflammation, which may relieve inflammation of the airways and make breathing easier.

It is mixed with food or taken with a spoon, It is a danger to diabetics because it contains a high percentage of sugar.  

It is not given to children under one year.


Acupuncture is one of the natural remedies for pollen allergies in China.

It is a way to treat allergic rhinitis, acupuncture stimulates points in the body.

It is believed that these points are connected to pathways that create an energy flow that affects overall health.

Butter flower

It is an herb that grows in northern Asia, Europe, and parts of North America.

Helps relieve symptoms of allergies and asthma, available in the form of capsules to be taken orally twice daily.

It has side effects on the digestive system such as diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain.

It is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, children, and kidney and liver patients.


Quercetin, which is an antioxidant, reduces inflammatory cells and proteins.

Helps restrict the release of histamine, a chemical substance secreted by cells in allergic reactions.

It is found in apples, berries, red grapes, red onions, and black tea, and is available in the form of capsules.

The appropriate dose to reduce allergy symptoms is 200 mg to 400 mg three times daily, not taken for pregnancy and lactating women.

Omega 3 fatty acids

They are essential fats that the body needs but cannot produce, so they must be obtained from food and nutritional supplements. 

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish, walnuts, flax seeds, and leafy vegetables.

Flax seeds: take a tablespoon two to three times daily.

Omega 3 reduces the production of chemicals that cause inflammation in the body and play a role in allergies and asthma.

The dose of omega-3 capsules is 1 to 1.2 grams per day.

It causes side effects such as indigestion and fishy taste.

Probiotics and prebiotics

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help improve the health of the digestive and immune systems.

Different types of probiotics are very good Natural remedies for pollen allergies.

A probiotic is a type of fiber that encourages the growth of probiotic bacteria when added to infant formula.

It is found in yogurt and fermented foods and is found in the form of nutritional supplements.

Black seed oil

It contains thymoquinone, which reduces the symptoms of allergic rhinitis

It is used in the form of nasal drops or by sniffing it or rubbing it on the forehead.

natural remedies for pollen allergies

Important tips for alleviating and preventing allergies 

You can relieve allergy symptoms by making changes at home and taking natural remedies for pollen allergies.

Use a humidifier or air purifier  .

Ensure that the humidifier is clean, because not being clean leads to an increase in allergy symptoms.

The air purifier removes allergens including pollen, pet dander, or dust.  

Remove any plants that cause any allergic reaction because they help spread pollen.

Which is the main cause of allergy symptoms, and it is also difficult to see because it is very fine.

Keeping the body hydrated, as dehydration leads to the appearance or worsening of allergy symptoms.

Reducing stress, as stress weakens the immune system and increases allergy symptoms.

Avoid exposure to cold air, which causes nasal congestion, which is a common symptom between allergies and influenza.

In the case of exposure to allergens, this prolongs the duration of nasal congestion.  


Many types of natural remedies for allergies help relieve allergy symptoms including exercise, washing the nose, and acupuncture.

Eating foods or supplements that contain vitamin C, vitamin D, quercetin, buttercup, honey, omega 3, and black seed oil.

Scientific research is still limited on how the natural remedies for pollen allergies affect allergies.

To prevent seasonal allergies, especially pollen allergies, you must know the natural remedies for pollen allergies and follow a home routine.

Such as washing your nose regularly once or twice a day, drink herbal drinks and steam therapy.

Wear a mask and sunglasses and limit activities outside the home.

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