What You Don't Know About Pet Dental Health Month

Have you ever heard about pet dental health month! 

If you hadn't heard about it before, you will know more about this month.

As we know that the teeth of all living creatures are very important, any pain in teeth is a big pain. In this way, the veterinarians choose February each year as the pet dental health day to keep the pet dental clean and remind the owner of pets to Remind them to keep their teeth clean.

Pet Dental Health Month

Is it important for pets to keep their teeth clean?

Exactly it is important to pets their teeth being cleaned, if you leave your pet without wishing her teeth daily it will be a big problem for the pet, the pet will suffer pain and problems of teeth like tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath, problem in heart, tartar build-up.

Pet Dental Health Month

5 Signs of dental problems for dogs :

There are 5  signs if you see on dogs you should know there is a problem with the teeth of your dog and you should see a doctor or make a treatment.

1-Visible tartar buildup.

2-Bleeding gums or blood spots on dog toys/bedding.



5- Facial swelling.

Pet Dental Health Month

5 Signs of dental problems for cats: 

Also, cats sometimes face dental problems, from 50% to 90%  of the cats their age more than 4 years suffer from problems in teeth.

These signs like: 

1-Aggressive and fierce behavior of cats

2-Bleeding from the mouth

3-Difficulty in chewing

4-Salivation of cats

5-tartar buildup 

Pet Dental Health Month

Simple tips for dogs to keep their teeth clean:

According to pet dental health month, you should have simple tips to clean up the teeth of your dog like:

-Teeth brushing is the best preventative measure when it comes to oral hygiene and should be done daily in order to be most effective. Start when your dog is a puppy so he gets used to the feeling of brushing his teeth.

-There are specially designed toothbrushes that are perfectly suited to dogs' teeth and are easier to use than brushes designed for people. Some are in the form of small finger caps; you place the cap over your index finger and rub the dog's teeth. However, any small, soft-bristled toothbrush can work just fine. Use toothpaste designed for dogs to increase the effectiveness of toothbrushing.

-Teeth cleaning once a month by the vet using special tools.

Simple tips for cats to keep their teeth clean: 

-Watch the cat’s teeth periodically and notice if there are accumulated calcareous cysts or blood clots on the cat’s teeth, it is a sign of cat tooth decay.

-Check the cat's teeth periodically and look inside to see if there are ulcers next to the teeth.

-You should take care of cleaning your cat's teeth on a daily basis or at least twice a week with a cat's toothbrush.

- Do not forget that proper veterinary care is the prerogative of the veterinarian, so do not neglect to consult him regarding your pets to check on the health of your cat's teeth and gums, as well as remove any layers of plaque on the cat's teeth that may cause tooth decay.

Pet Dental Health Month

Treat with your pet like your children:

If you have a small pet in your home don't forget their lives, he like you feel pain, feel hunger, feel hot, seeking, feel happy the like baby you don’t have they make pet dental health month to check them out or to remind you with the checkup of the teeth treat with your pet like your children you will be always happy without a triple, your pet will always happy with you, you will prevent them from escaping from you or trying to hurt you if you understand what the need you will lead. 

We appreciate pet dental health month:

 We appreciate the day of pet dental health month, it is a great idea to provide the best care to pets, what people should do what they shouldn’t do with pets, what time they must be going to vet clinic, how to treat with pet teeth all this way to keep them safe, so thanks to pet dental health month.


At the end of our small journey, pet dental health month is the day to remind us of our pet’s dental health not for their teeth but to our life to be happier without disease without pain.

written by: Rokea Mohsen 

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we don't take all things that we want but with writing, we take all chances to dream and express without fear, so I decide to write in what I can feel so if you ask yourself why writing in the medical department and you are not a doctor you will find the answer . I'm a content creator with 5 years of experince, digital marketing specialist with 3 years of experience working in a different category with a mix of innovation

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