Mona Afifi

Mona Afifi

1,908 Hits - Oct 29, 2021, 12:53 AM - Mona Afifi
-To help low porosity hair grow, you should keep moisture in. -Always use heat when you make deep conditioning as the heat will help lift your cuticles so products are better absorbed. -Clarify your hair when it's no longer absorbing moisture. -Don't apply heavy products on low porosity hair as they will weigh your hair down and can prevent moisture from getting in. -If you like a heavy oil like olive oil for low porosity hair, you should dilute it heavily with one of the lighter oils.
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Oct 24, 2021, 8:53 AM - Mona Afifi
The dog's skin is The largest organ of its body, and The skin and hair together are described as a...
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