Chronic Fatigue Treatment | Myalgic encephalomyelitis

Information about chronic fatigue treatment is very important to people who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. But first, you should be correctly diagnosed as a chronic fatigue syndrome patient.

Do you always feel fatigued?

Do you have any sleep problems? As sleeping too much and feeling like you have not slept properly 

Do you have problems with thinking, concentration, and memory?

Do you have pain in different parts of your body such as headache and aching joints or muscles?

If you have one or more of these symptoms you can be diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS) or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).

Before discussing chronic fatigue treatment we will know what chronic fatigue is.

chronic fatigue treatment

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a long-term multisystem illness that affects different body parts and interferes with activity levels.

It can begin gradually or suddenly and can last for many years. It also can affect anyone including children.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can lead to difficulties in attending work or school and participating in social activities according to its level of severity and at its most severely affected individuals can be housebound.

Causes of chronic fatigue syndrome 

To choose the proper chronic fatigue treatment you should know the underlying cause of it.

The actual cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is unknown but it is thought that it can be triggered by infections such as COVID-19.

Also, it can be considered a genetic condition as studies show that more than one member of a family can be affected.

Also, immunity has a role in causing these symptoms as many people have chronic fatigue syndrome and have allergies or reactions to food or medications.

Facts about chronic fatigue syndrome

- Women are more likely affected with chronic fatigue syndrome than men.

- Chronic fatigue syndrome is more common in adults than in children.

- People who are Latino and black are more affected.

- Age between 40-60 is most common to be affected.

- All Over the world, there are 836,000 to 3.3 million people who have chronic fatigue syndrome.

Chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms

To start the journey of chronic fatigue treatment you should know its symptoms 

Diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome doesn’t depend on specific tests but it depends on symptoms.

The doctor may ask for some tests to rule out other conditions such as anemia and an underactive thyroid gland.

To be diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome you should have 3 of the main 4 symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. The main 4 symptoms include:

Extreme tiredness or fatigue 

This fatigue can’t be relieved with rest or sleep and can interfere with activity levels and make it difficult to carry out everyday tasks.

People with chronic fatigue syndrome describe this fatigue as a different type of tiredness from what they have experienced before.

Sleeping problems

Sleeping problems are very common with chronic fatigue syndrome. These problems vary from person to person as 

- You may not feel refreshed after sleeping like you didn't sleep enough or didn't have a proper night's rest.

- You may have difficulties with sleeping or keep waking up during sleep.

- You may feel tired and sleepy during the day.

Problems with memory, thinking, and concentration 

People with chronic fatigue syndrome also have problems remembering certain numbers, words, or names. They also have difficulties concentrating on more than one thing at the same time.

Some of them also can be slow to speak or react to things.

Problems with concentration and memory can be called ‘brain fog’ .

Post Exertional malaise (PEM)

PEM means that symptoms can be triggered or get worse after activities which can be physical or mental.

PEM can happen hours or days after triggering activities; it also may take weeks to recover.

Other symptoms 

- Different muscles or joint pain

- Headache

- Being very sensitive to smell, taste, light, and touch

- Feeling dizzy or fainting while standing from sitting or lying position

- Fast and irregular heartbeats

- Muscle spasms or cramps

- Sore throat

- Flu-like symptoms

Severity of symptoms 

Chronic fatigue treatment depends on the severity of symptoms.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome range from mild to very severe symptoms. 

Most cases have mild or moderate symptoms that they can deal with

If your symptoms are severe then you should seek health care professionals.

CFS symptoms can be:

Mild: you can care for yourself but you may have some problems moving around as you can go to your work but can 

not do anything else.

Moderate: you have some difficulties moving around as you can’t go to work every day. You need a rest often and you can have sleep problems at night.

Severe: you may not be able to do any activities or you can do very basic activities such as brushing your hair.

You also may be housebound or bedbound and need a wheelchair to also may have sensitivity to noise and light and take a lot of time to recover after activities.

Very severe: you may have to rest in bed and need an assistant to help you with eating and going to the toilet.

You also may be extremely sensitive to light, and noise and can’t swallow, and need a tube.

chronic fatigue treatment

Chronic Fatigue Treatment

There is no specific cure for chronic fatigue. So your treatment will be tailored for your symptoms.

As described each person has his symptoms also chronic fatigue treatment focuses on treating symptoms.

Chronic fatigue treatment includes:


No specific medication can treat all your symptoms as symptoms may change over time or can be aggravated by many factors.

Your doctor may suggest a sleep aid medication to regulate your sleep cycle and help you to sleep overnight.

Also pain-reducing medications can help you to cope with aches and joint pain caused by chronic fatigue.

In some cases, CFS may trigger symptoms of depression so antidepressant medication can help in these cases.

Post-exertional Malaise (PEM) pacing

Activity management which is called pacing is the core of chronic fatigue treatment that can help balance rest and activity to avoid PEM flare-ups.

First, you need to find your mental and physical activity limits then plan these activities and rest to stay within these limits.

Alternative medicine 

Alternative medicine has an important role in chronic fatigue treatment as acupuncture, yoga, Tai chi, and massage can help you to get rid of the pain of muscles and joints associated with CFS.

Lifestyle modifications and home remedies for chronic fatigue treatment

Lifestyle changes may help to reduce symptoms and can be effective in chronic fatigue treatment.

Limiting or eliminating caffeine intake may make your sleep better. Also, nicotine and alcohol should be avoided.

Create a sleep routine. Go to bed every night at the same time and try to wake up at the same time every day. Avoid napping during the day if it hurts your ability to sleep at night.

Pay attention to sugar as it can increase your energy temporarily but the crash afterward can compound your tiredness.

Trying smaller, more frequent meals or adding snacks between each meal may help keep your energy up.

Energy management 

Energy management is a chronic fatigue treatment that aims to teach you how to make the best use of your energy levels in your daily life.

You should be asked to monitor your daily activities then if you think you would benefit from increased levels of activity you should seek help from healthcare professionals as physiotherapists

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Your doctor may advise you to try cognitive behavioral therapy as a part of chronic fatigue treatment. CBT aims to help you to cope with your symptoms but it doesn't directly affect the symptoms.


You may have equipment that can help you and be a part of chronic fatigue treatment such as wheelchairs and stairlifts.


Chronic fatigue syndrome is a complicated illness which you can deal with or which may interfere with normal life according to its severity.

So you should read and know well about your disease and ways for chronic fatigue treatment and how to deal with it.

Also emotional support and counseling may help you to deal with uncertainties and restrictions of the disorder.


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Women Autoimmune Diseases 

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