Dizziness In Pregnancy Third Trimester | Dizziness and Pregnancy

A lot of women ask Is dizziness normal in pregnancy? Dizziness in pregnancy third trimester is very common, and every stage of pregnancy has different causes of dizziness.

Dizziness in pregnancy third trimester


First trimester (to 12 weeks)

Dizziness in the first trimester is basically due to dehydration.

Many women go through nausea and vomiting in the first months of pregnancy which lead to dehydration and cause dizziness By consequence.

Second trimester (13 to 27 weeks)

Dizziness will be minimal, commonly, nausea stops at this stage of pregnancy and the related dizziness.

Still, Hormonal changes can cause dizziness as progesterone in pregnancy starts to slowly rise from the 9th week until the 32nd week, 

progesterone rising causes blood vessels to relax and dilate, and in return, blood pressure decreases (hypotension) causing dizziness,

Which will remain a reason for dizziness in pregnancy third trimester.

Vertigo can be mistaken as dizziness but, vertigo is an illusory feeling of things moving around when you're lying down, or moving your head to the side.

Third trimester (28 to 40 weeks)

A lot of women experience feeling weak and shaky during pregnancy 3rd trimester.

Dizziness in pregnancy third trimester could be caused by 

- Anemia, as iron deficiency is general at this stage.

Iron is essential for hemoglobin that carries oxygen to the blood

With the baby's growth, the iron requirement increases, and when there is not enough to cover the deficit it’s called iron deficiency anemia.

It increases the risk of premature birth or low birth weight.

- Low blood sugar, whether it’s due to morning sickness or simply not eating enough

when pregnant women can’t meet the high requirements of nutrition, blood sugar decreases to the point that even standing up quickly can cause dizziness. 

That’s why hard physical exertion causes dizziness in pregnancy third trimester. 

- The growing uterus puts pressure on the blood vessels leading to less blood reaching the brain and low blood pressure.

Dizziness in pregnancy third trimester is more concerning as it can be a sign of pregnancy hypertension and high blood pressure_ that can be related to Peripartum Cardiomyopathy or preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia is considered a dangerous condition, For the mother, it increases the risk of maternal death or developing cardiac diseases or seizures later on.

For the baby, it can lead to growth problems or premature birth.


After delivering the baby a lot of mothers can still experience dizziness and fatigue, most probably it’s due to dehydration or not eating enough.

Dizziness in pregnancy third trimester

When to seek medical advice

As women go through many symptoms they usually ask, When should I be worried about dizziness during pregnancy?

Every woman should follow up with a medical team that she trusts,

If there are any different or new symptoms she feels, she should reach her doctor without hesitation.

Learn to always speak up and make sure you are heard.

But here are some signs to keep in mind:

- Dizziness in the second trimester

As we discussed dizziness in pregnancy third trimester is common while it needs a diagnosis in the second trimester.

- Fainting

Faintin is a sign for an immediate consult,

The journal of the American Heart Association made a study (2019) showing women who faint in the first trimester of pregnancy are at risk of premature birth, poor outcome of pregnancy, or complications to the mother such as arrhythmia. 

They should follow up regularly and be closely monitored during and after pregnancy.

- Shortness of breath

Short breath could be a sign of severe anemia.

Feeling breath shortness while lying flat or waking up to it,

Could be a sign of heart problems.

- Persistent hypertension 

Persistent high blood pressure may be a sign of Preeclampsia.

Accompanied by low blood platelets, high protein in the urine, problems in the kidney or liver, and neurological disorders.

What helps stop dizziness in pregnancy third trimester

Maybe dizziness in pregnancy can not be prevented, due to hormonal changes that can not be controlled but here are some tips to minimize dizziness.


Women should be careful to take adequate amounts of fluids and electrolytes they need, especially in hot weather.

A pale yellow urine is evidence of a well-hydrated woman.

Nutritious diet

A balanced diet that contains fiber and vitamins like fruits can help a lot with the feeling of weakness and dizziness in pregnancy third trimester.

Pregnant women can’t limit themselves to empty calories like junk food Which contains high calories without nutritional value,

But they have to eat enough.

If a pregnant is having a problem with morning sickness which is common in the first trimester and affects Her ability to eat enough food, She can resort to salty crackers.

More Protein

A good meal for a pregnant woman should contain protein.

Protein helps to control the rapid changes in blood sugar that can be a reason for dizziness or fainting.

So, try to eat enough protein and include it in every meal.

Get up slowly

Whether it is due to anemia or low blood sugar, it’s easy to get dizzy if you get up too fast after sitting or lying down for a while.

Take your time getting up and hold onto something like the wall for support.

Rest well

Pregnant women will inevitably feel weakness and dizziness in pregnancy third trimester.

They should get rest and stay away from physically strenuous activities.

Dizziness in pregnancy third trimester

When Does Dizziness in Pregnancy End?

Every pregnancy is different. It’s an individual experience,

There is no definitive statement about when dizziness will end.

It depends on the causes so, it’s common to start in the first trimester with morning sickness and vomiting that lead to dehydration and low blood pressure.

And resolves in the middle of pregnancy then returns in the last months of it or postpartum.

Dizziness in pregnancy third trimester is common due to weakness and iron deficiency anemia.


Every woman should prepare well for pregnancy, learn about what your body will go through, and be familiar with the symptoms.

That said if you don’t feel well, say it.

A lot of pregnancies could have been saved from other complications like cardiovascular diseases or deaths, if the problem was detected early.

Dizziness in pregnancy third trimester is not a serious symptom it's common but the reason for it has to be detected and controlled.

Read more about:

cardiovascular changes during pregnancy

Diabetes during pregnancy

Magnesium deficiency during pregnancy

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