Home Remedies For Hair Growth and Thickness | Natural ways

Home remedies for hair growth and thickness are critical factors to improve hair appearance and health. As you know genetics play a magnificent role in the texture and length of the hair

There are many ways to make our hair appear thick and healthy, reduce breakage, and reduce hair loss. Good nutrition and herbal products and scalp massage do, otherwise aging, chemicals and poor nutrition are factors that contribute to bad hair.

Using home remedies for hair growth and thickness will enhance that.

home remedies for hair growth and thickness

Home remedies for hair growth and thickness


Has high protein content which is essential for hair to be strong and thick. So, it's a fantastic Home Remedy for Hair Growth and Thickness.

How to use it?

- Crack one to two eggs.

- Mix them with or without olive oil.

-  Apply them on the scalp.

- Leave them for 30 min, then wash the Hair with warm water and mild shampoo.

Use the egg mask once or twice weekly.

Rosemary oil

With the same effect as minoxidil in people with alopecia, it is the most favorable of all home remedies for hair growth and thickness.

How to use it?

 Directly through the scalp or mixing it with shampoo.

Aloe Vera gel or oil

It has various health benefits for the scalp and hair. We recommend using it as one of the powerful home remedies for hair growth and thickness.

How to use it?

- Apply directly to hair or scalp and rubbing the Aloe Vera gel into the scalp and hair will strengthen the hair and Thickness

- Leave it for half an hour then wash it.

Some people mix Aloe Vera oil with coconut oil with castor oil. Try using it once or twice weekly.

home remedies for hair growth and thickness

Coconut oil

It prevents hair breakage and split ends, so it is considered one of the main home remedies for hair growth and thickness, and.  Uses as a hair serum.

How to use it?

- Take 2 tablespoons of the oil in your hand

- Apply it to the scalp

- Massage the scalp and hair

- Leave for 1hr then wash

Castor oil

It is high in vitamin E and fatty acid content which decreases hair loss.

How to use it?

- Rub castor oil over the scalp and hair.

- Ensure all are coated with the oil.

- Leave it for 30 min then wash.


High vitamin E content, a good moisturizing agent. Apply avocado rub twice a week.

How to make the avocado rub?

- One avocado fruit mix with 1 tablespoon olive oil then apply the mixture to the scalp.

- Leave it for half an hour then wash it.

Onion juice

It has phytoplankton chemical compounds that make hair grow perfectly.

How to use it?

- Extract a juice of a half onion

- Apply it to your scalp and hair

- Leave it for 1 hour then wash it with the shampoo.

Follow this routine twice daily!


Caffeine in coffee shows the promotion of elongation of the Hair shaft, so it is a big natural material used as a home remedy for hair growth and thickness.

How to use it?

- Brew a cup of coffee

- Apply it to your hair for one hour, then wash it.

 Coffee prevents hair loss and enriches the hair color and makes hair shinier.


Do a test before applying it on your scalp as it may cause irritation and redness on a sensitive scalp.

home remedies for hair growth and thickness

Olive Oil

Olive oil is one of the home remedies for hair growth and thickness. It has high omega-3 acids and many nutrients that Promote Thickness and moisturize the hair and scalp.

How to use it?

- Heat the oil to body temperature

- Massage it on the scalp

- Leave it on for 30 to 45 minutes or leave it overnight while wearing the ashamed cap.


Contain bioactive compounds that promote the growth of healthy hair, reduce hair loss, and increase its growth and is used as one of the best home remedies for hair growth and thickness and clearing dandruff from the scalp.


Do not use it if you are allergic to Peanuts Green Peas or Soybeans. You may be allergic to fenugreek as well as all from the same family Fabaceae Family.

How to use it?

- Soak A ¼ Cup of fenugreek seed in water overnight.

-  Grind the seed into a paste and plenty of water.

Apply it to the scalp.

Follow this routine once a week.

Orange puree 

The Orange puree is one of the Home remedies for hair growth and thickness and is high in vitamin C, pectin, and acid content.

It helps the hair to improve its natural appearance with a pleasant scent. ACIDS helps break apart residue which interferes with hair growth.

How to use it?

- Blend fresh oranges, then massage the mixture to the hair and scalp.

- Leave it for 1 hour before washing it with water.

- Use mild conditioner to rehydrate the hair after the orange puree.

Green tea

It contains antioxidants that may help promote hair growth.

How to use it?

- Put green tea in a glass of water

- Leave it cool down

- Apply on your scalp and hair

- Leave it for one hour

- Rinse it with warm water


It is a natural hair dye used as a home remedy for hair growth and thickness that promotes hair growth and Thickness perfectly.

How to use Henna?

- Put the Henna powder with water then mix them to make a paste

- Apply to the hair and scalp

- Leave it for a few hours

- Wash it off

home remedies for hair growth and thickness

Apple cider vinegar

You may be surprised that Apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies for hair growth and thickness that balances the PH level of the scalp which can promote growth and prevent hair loss.

How to use it?

- Mix the same amounts of apple cider vinegar and water

- Apply to your hair and scalp for 2_9 hours

- Wash it with conditioner

Healthy diet

Eating a diet full of (proteins, fats, and vitamins) will improve your hair's Thickness and growth.

The diet is a critical factor as home remedies for hair growth and thickness you should consume if you need healthy hair.


It is high in omega-3 and iron.

Walnuts, Almonds, and Nuts

High fatty acids.

Greek yogurt

It is a rich source of protein.

Green Leaves

Spinach is High in Protein, and Iron. 

As we mentioned before there are many remedies for hair growth and thickness and herbal products. there are some things you can do it will help.


Use fingertips to gently massage your scalp every day.


It increases the scalp's blood flow.


Prickling the scalp with tiny needles in a hand tool.

Drinking plenty of water

Avoid unhealthy foods, drink a lot of water, and use natural products.

All these home remedies for hair growth and thickness will help your hair to be perfect, healthy, and grow better.

Try to avoid any product containing harsh chemicals, or heating styling tools that can damage the hair.

The previous home remedies for air growth and thickness may take time to show the results so be patient and stay healthy!

Read more about:

The Benefits of Peppermint Essential Oil for Skin

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