Human Hair Quality; Brief To Human Hair Data

Don’t miss our coming words to know all that you need about human hair types and forms. 

Human skin hair.          

 human hair quality Human skin hair has many benefits in maintaining human health. Amazing to know that it may help doctors diagnose certain diseases. 

The distribution of human skin hair in a woman's body is totally different from that of a man or newborns which covered with hair called lanugo “baby hair”

Human skin hair may affect the beauty and external appearance of people. 

Many people tend to remove hair techniques to enhance their beauty, misbelieving that human hair is insignificant but scientific studies confirmed otherwise !! 

Follow this note; 

The presence of human skin hair has many health benefits. We will focus here on the benefits, growth, distribution of human skin hair.     

   Human skin hair origin

A thin protein filament covers your head and body and consists of a harsh protein called keratin. 

Keratin is produced from follicles under the skin in bulbs of hair base supplied by blood vessels; follicles’ food and hormones that work to modify hair growth and structure throughout life. 

Human skin hair distribution                 

Each one is born with hair covering his head and forming the eyebrows in a simple way. Furthermore, hair appears in the body after puberty in other far areas such as the pubic, armpit, and leg. 

However in men;  beard hair or face, mustache, and chest according to the hormone androgen ratio. 

1.Chest and abdomen

Vellus hair grows on the chest and abdomen of both sexes at all stages of growth.

Between puberty to adulthood, most males grow with apparent chest and abdomen hairs. 

While adult women can also have some fine hair around the anomaly area.

human skin hair follicle


2.Arm Hair 

Arm hair grows on forearms or may cover the elbow area. The arm hair is more present at the end of the wrist and extends to the hand. 

Hair growth in adolescent males is often more intense than that in females, especially for individuals with dark hair. 

In some cultures, women like to remove arm hair less frequently than their leg hair removal.

Hair growth on the arms is a secondary sexual property for boys and appears in the latter stages of puberty. 

Young women and men have this type of hair growth. Although this may cause the arms to appear hairy, it is not caused by testosterone alone.

 Hair can be softer but it is different from one to another.


human skin hair growth

3.Legs Hair

It appears at adulthood firing; where men's legs are often more hairy than women's. 

Women usually shave leg hair more regularly than men due to the social norms of many cultures; which consider the soft skin view as a sign of youth, beauty, and hygiene in some other cultures. 

Athletes of both sexes may shave their androgenic hair, especially swimmers, runners, cyclists, and bodybuilders, to reduce friction and to catch attention for muscle growth, or to make it easier to wear and wear tight body-bound clothes.

human skin hair follicle cell

4.Pubic Hair                                    

Is coarse hair found in the pubic area? 

Both sexes also have thick pubic hair assumed to act as a partial barrier to soothe trauma during intercourse.

The male and female genital area is first inhabited by shorter, lighter, darker hair that's next to invisible hair and begins to grow only to become darker and thicker pubic hair in adulthood. 

As individuals vary in scalp hair color as vary in pubic hair color. Differences in thickness, growth rate, and height are also evident.

5.Armpit Hair

appear at the beginning of puberty and usually complete by end of the teenage years.

Common for women to regularly remove hair for armpit hair. 

This cosmetic attitude became popular in 1915 in the USA and UK when one or more magazines showed a woman wearing a dress with her throat under her arms. 

human skin hair weft


Since women's armpit hair contrasts markedly with her other hair compared to men's hair, it is an important indicator of sexual maturity and therefore undesirable in traditional Western polite society.

6.Face Hair

Both men and women suffer from facial hair growth. Mustaches usually begin to grow in young people around puberty, although some men may not grow their mustaches until they reach late adolescence or do not grow at all. 

Common for women to develop some facial hair under or around the chin, along face sides, or on the upper lip at any age after puberty but often appear in post-menopause women due to low estrogen levels. 

The darker color of upper lip hair in women is not considered a real facial hair, although it is often referred to as (mustache) and the appearance of these dark hairs may be reduced by bleaching.

human skin color hair


What are the benefits of human skin hair?    

Hair growth means healthy skin. 

Biological studies at Bradford University have confirmed that all hair follicles are the end product of healthy fibers and also an indicator of lumps, blood vessels, nerves, fat, and stem cells that help heal the skin and also help doctors treat patients.

 Benefits of human hair for doctors;

From the pattern of hair growth where the hair is a sign of injury to the body. For example some diseases such as problems with the thyroid gland, severe anemia or anemia, and leprosy, and in some cases of psychological tension, the hair of the head falls.


human skin and hair


Benefits of human skin hair for skin

Heal wounds faster;

Your hair follicles contain blood vessel blocks, nerves, fat, stem cells that help regenerate skin cells when injuries. 

Normal hair also is evidence of hormonal balance; especially in the period of puberty and works to rid the body of toxins. 

For the ear

Or called sensory hair cells. 

Wonderful when you know our God created these cells to monitor body movement’s changes like standing and walking accurately through minute nerves.


human essential hair skin and nail

                  Lanugo Hair  

On being a mother, you can notice a lot of hair on your baby's body and this is called lanugo hair. 

Don’t be afraid, this phenomenon is normal for our newborns.

Let us know more about the causes of lanugo hair and how to deal with it!! 

baby hair

Lanugo hair protects the fetus during pregnancy on the uterus from amniotic fluids, usually falling before or immediately after birth.

 How to treat with lanugo hair!! 

If lanugo hair is present on the body of newborns, it does not require treatment. It is believed that the sin massage of the newborn body leads to the rapid disappearance of lanugo hair as it causes pain or redness of the skin of children. So it is better not to interfere and will disappear with lanugo hair. 


Risks of hair removal

Despite its many benefits, the proportion of hair on the human body has decreased as it develops. 

Removal interest in ways to remove what has come to be known as "excess hair", particularly near sensitive areas, has increased through razors, electric shavers, tweezers, or other tools, without paying attention to the side effects that may result.

Hair removal can cause skin sensitivity and leave open wounds, contributing to the growth of a number of bacteria in mothers and damage to hair removal that should be watched out of these areas.


Frequent hair removal may result in scars that are large and often apparent, and other complications may be more serious. There is no need to be embarrassed by the presence of this hair on sensitive areas because it is caused by teenage hormones that leave many physical changes.  



Our dew treats you today to know that the distribution of human skin hair differs in women from men. Also, human skin hair has many benefits as lanugo hair is a natural phenomenon that does not cause any concern for it.    



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