Is It Normal To Have Dizziness During Pregnancy

Feeling dizzy or faint is a common pregnancy symptom, although dizziness during pregnancy is more prevalent in the first trimester, it is possible to have it at any point during your pregnancy.

dizziness during pregnancy

What cause dizziness during pregnancy?

Dizziness in the first trimester


The primary cause of dizziness during pregnancy in the first trimester is the surge in hormones that expand and relax your blood vessels.

This inhibits the blood's return to your veins from your baby yet helps your infant receive more blood.

This results in a drop in blood pressure from normal, which can lower blood supply to the brain and momentarily produce dizziness.

Hyperemesis gravidarum

Severe nausea and vomiting or hyperemesis gravidarum during pregnancy can cause dizziness.

Early in pregnancy, this frequently happens as a result of your fluctuating hormone levels.

This illness may make it difficult for you to swallow meals or water, which can cause weight loss and dizziness.

To address this issue, your physician might: suggest a specific diet and put you in a hospital so that you may be closely monitored and given more fluids.

Ectopic pregnancy

It may cause dizziness, when a fertilized egg implants itself outside of the uterus, this happens to your reproductive system.

It implants in your fallopian tubes rather frequently.

A pregnancy that develops with this syndrome is not viable.

You can feel dizziness and have vaginal bleeding in addition to abdominal pain.

To remove the fertilized egg, your doctor will need to provide medicine or perform a procedure.

Dizziness in the second trimester

Gestational diabetes

If your blood sugar falls too low while you have gestational diabetes, you may feel lightheaded.

Hormones have an impact on how your body makes insulin, which can lead to gestational diabetes.

Testing for gestational diabetes is probably something your doctor will advise you to do between weeks 24 and 28 of your pregnancy.

If the illness is identified in you, you will need to follow a strict diet and exercise regimen in addition to routinely checking your blood sugar.

Low blood sugar

Dizziness may be a sign of low blood sugar, along with other symptoms like headaches, sweating, and shakiness. 

You'll need to consume a snack, such as some hard candy or a piece of fruit to increase it. 

After a few minutes check your blood sugar levels to make sure they are within normal limits.

Pressure on your uterus

If your blood vessels are being compressed by the pressure of your expanding uterus you might feel lightheaded.

This is more common in large babies and can happen in the second or third trimester.

Disorientation can also occur when lying on your back.

This is because lying on your back later in pregnancy may cause the expanding uterus to obstruct the blood supply to your heart from your lower limbs. 

Dizziness in the third trimester

Later in your pregnancy, a number of the factors that cause dizziness in the first and second trimesters can also cause the same symptom. 

Throughout the third trimester, you must visit your doctor frequently to monitor any potentially dangerous conditions that could result in dizziness.

Keep an eye out for symptoms of dizziness, especially in the third trimester to prevent falling.

To prevent dizziness stand up gradually and grab for assistance.

Additionally try to sit down as much as possible to minimize prolonged standing.

Dizziness throughout pregnancy

Dizziness during pregnancy can arise from a few different causes at any point.

These symptoms are not limited to a particular trimester.


Anemia may result from a decrease in the quantity of healthy red blood cells caused by pregnancy.

This happens when your body is deficient in folic acid and iron.

Anemia can also make you feel fatigued, pale, or breathless in addition to dizziness.

Anemia can strike at any point while you're pregnant.

If so, your doctor can measure your iron levels and keep an eye on the condition by ordering blood tests during your pregnancy.

They might suggest taking supplements of folic acid or iron.


Any time during your pregnancy, dehydration is a possibility.

If you're feeling nausea or vomiting during the first trimester, you might encounter it.

Because your body needs more water later in pregnancy, you may experience dehydration.

In early pregnancy, you should drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily; as you add more calories to your diet, you should increase this amount.

dizziness during pregnancy

How can you prevent dizziness during pregnancy?

Here are some useful recommendations to lessen dizziness during pregnancy:

Avoid prolonged standing, keep your feet moving if you must stand to improve circulation.

Eat regularly.

Get up slowly from sitting or lying down (this is especially important when you are getting out of the bath). 

Avoid going long periods without eating; having snacks all day is preferable.

Avoid taking hot showers or baths.

After you enter the middle of your second trimester, avoid lying on your back.

Wear comfortable loose clothing to prevent limiting your range of motion.

What can you do if you feel dizziness during pregnancy?

You can reduce the feeling that you are about to pass out by taking a few simple actions.

Be cautious because fainting is a common problem during pregnancy.

Refrain from abruptly standing up from a sitting or lying down position.

This is a frequent cause of lightheadedness, dizziness, and fainting.

Try these things if you feel dizzy: 

Sit or lie down, lowering your head, and take deep breaths.

Unbutton any tight clothing.

Eat iron-rich foods.

dizziness during pregnancy

When to contact your health care provider?

If you experience abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding along with dizziness during pregnancy, you should speak with your doctor right away. 

This may indicate placental abruption, a low-lying placenta, or an ectopic pregnancy.

Additionally, you should get in touch with your doctor right away if you experience persistent lightheadedness or lightheadedness combined with headaches, palpitations, or blurred vision.

This might be a sign of severe anemia or another condition that could harm your unborn child.


Dizziness during pregnancy is a common problem that a variety of circumstances can bring on. 

In this article, you will find all you need about what causes dizziness and how can you handle it during pregnancy.

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