Main Causes of Low Amniotic Fluid | What Is Oligohydramnios

When we talk about the main causes of low amniotic fluid during pregnancy, several factors can be mentioned, and we will discuss them later in this article. 

Low amniotic fluid during pregnancy must be taken seriously as it may be a sign of an underlying health condition or cause pregnancy complications.

Before talking about the main causes of low amniotic fluid, let us know first what amniotic fluid is.

We will also talk about low amniotic fluid diagnosis, its symptoms, the treatment, and how to prevent it. 

What is amniotic fluid?

The amniotic fluid is a clear fluid that surrounds the baby in the uterus during pregnancy.

It is considered the support system of the baby's life that protects the baby from injuries and umbilical cord compressions.

Amniotic fluid also helps the baby to grow and move in the uterus and to develop the respiratory and digestive systems. 

It is produced after about 12 days post-conception.

At first, it is made up of water provided by the mother, then the baby's urine becomes the primary substance!.

As strange as it sounds, it is an important part of your baby's breathing, swallowing, and development. 

If the fluid measurement is too high, it is called polyhydramnios.

While, if it is too low it is called oligohydramnios, and this is particularly the condition that we will focus on in this article. 

Main causes of low amniotic fluid

Low amniotic fluid during pregnancy which also means “oligohydramnios” occurs when the amniotic fluid is lower than expected for your baby's gestational age. 

The most common possible causes of low amniotic fluid are:

Congenital abnormalities

The congenital abnormalities may affect the baby's kidney or urinary tract.

Leading to a lesser amount of urine and so the amount of amniotic fluid will decrease.

Certain health conditions 

There are certain health conditions related to the mother like diabetes, hypertension, and also obesity.

You should take your medications and prenatal vitamins regularly to improve your health. 

Placental abruption

The placenta peeling away from the wall of the uterus before the baby's birth. 

Passing the due date

Passing the due date by two weeks or more ( the mother reaches 42 weeks gestation).

This condition may lead to serious complications as the amniotic fluid can decrease. 

Dehydration or hypoxia

These conditions may also be among the causes of low amniotic fluid

Certain medications

Using some medications such as ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors may also lead to low amniotic fluid. 

After you have known the most common causes of low amniotic fluid.

Now how do you know if you are pregnant with low amniotic fluid?

Diagnosis of low amniotic fluid 

Low amniotic fluid affects about 4% of pregnant women.

It is most common in the third trimester of pregnancy. 

The doctor measures the amount of amniotic fluid in your uterus by the ultrasound.

If the amniotic fluid amount is less than the recommended amount for the gestational age of the fetus, you may have oligohydramnios. 

Two ways to measure the amniotic fluid:

1- Amniotic fluid index (AFI)

2- Maximum vertical pocket (MVP)

Signs and symptoms of low amniotic fluid 

If you have low amniotic fluid during pregnancy, you may feel:

leaking fluids from your vagina without stopping. 

Small measurements of your uterus. 

The movement of your baby decreases and you may not feel it as usual. 

The amniotic fluid index of 5 cm or less. 

When you feel these signs, you must visit your doctor immediately for examination to know the possible causes of low amniotic fluid

Possible complications of low amniotic fluid

Having too little amniotic fluid may lead to serious complications, especially in the first and second trimesters during pregnancy. 

The most common complications in the first two trimesters are:

Birth defects.

Deformities in the fetus may be caused by being compressed in the uterus. 



Infections, especially if your water has broken early. 

Complications if your amniotic fluid decreases in the third trimester are:

Growth limitations to your baby. 

Umbilical cord compression.

Problems with breathing and development of the lungs. 

Increased risk of a cesarean section.

Increased risk of an early delivery. 

Treatment options for low amniotic fluid

Treatment of low amniotic fluid will depend on the causes of low amniotic fluid.

In many cases, when the pregnant woman is close to her due date, the doctor delivers the baby. 

In earlier stages of pregnancy, this condition can be monitored. 

Your healthcare provider may recommend drinking more fluids, especially if you have dehydration. 

In many cases, it may be necessary to be admitted to the hospital to receive fluids through an IV infusion “amnioinfusion”.

This may increase the amniotic fluid in your uterus. 

How can low amniotic fluid be prevented?

In reality, there isn't anything you can do to prevent oligohydramnios from happening.

But knowing the causes of low amniotic fluid is your best choice for prevention. 

Attend all your prenatal check-ups and be honest with your doctor about your symptoms and medical history to know if you are at risk of low amniotic fluid. 

Some consider that drinking lots of water may help to increase the amount of amniotic fluid. 

Your healthcare provider may recommend less physical activity and more rest. 

When to see your doctor?

When pregnant, you should always be in contact with your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your baby. 

You should talk to your doctor immediately when you experience any of the following:

leaking large amounts of amniotic fluid from your vagina. 

Vaginal bleeding. 

Your baby's movement decreases and you can't feel it as usual. 

Uterine contractions. 

Cramps and pelvic pain. 

Your doctor will give you the appropriate diagnosis and possible causes of low amniotic fluid


Being pregnant, you will be in a state of worry all the time about your fetus's health.

But taking care of your health through regular follow-ups with your healthcare provider, getting rest, and taking your medication and prenatal vitamins regularly will bring you to a safe birth. 

Don't forget to talk to your doctor if you have concerns about your fetus's health or if you feel any unusual symptoms.

As it may be a sign of an underlying health condition or pregnancy complications. 

To read more about pregnancy:

How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy | Causes and Treatments

Oral Health During Pregnancy | 7 Problems | 11 Tips To Avoid





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