North Shore Women’s Health And Women's Care Services

NorthShore University Health system is caring about North shore women's health. Nowadays, a lot of governments and organizations give concern for women's health after decades of neglect.

Women may have different medical conditions during their life from childhood to puberty and during pregnancy and lactation.

NorthShore University Healthsystem has very well-trained physicians that can deal with women's conditions and keep North shore women's health well. 


Some Services That They Provide For Women


North Shore Women’s Health

1- Birth Control

Birth control is not only used to prevent unplanned pregnancy. It also can be used to treat menstrual disorders that cause severe bleeding and cramps and it is used in hormonal imbalance. But it does not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.

There are many forms of birth control methods such as:

  • Oral contraceptive pills

  • Intrauterine devices

  • Vaginal contraceptive rings 

  • Patches 

  • Subdermal implant

  • Essure sterilization 

The selection of the most suitable method depends on different factors of your lifestyle. Physicians can prescribe the best method for you.


North Shore Women’s Health

2- Breast Cancer Screening 

Every year you should visit your doctor to find out if there are any hidden abnormalities and it is called annual health status evaluation. 

Breast cancer is a part of the annual health status evaluation and it is important to North shore women's health.

If your age ranges from 40 to 50 years old, it is recommended to receive a mammogram every year or every 2 years. But if you are above 50 years old, you should receive a mammogram every year.

A mammogram is an X-ray that can detect small tumors in the breast that are hard to feel.

Annual screening is very important to you if you have any risk factors for breast cancer such as family history or the BRCA gene. Because early detection makes the treatment more easily and successfully.

3- Cervical Cancer Screening

Cervical cancer screening is used to find out any changes in the cervix's cells that can lead to cervical cancer. It can be done in the pelvic exam.

It affects North shore women's health.

Tests That Used In Screening

1- A Pap Test

This test is done to find out any changes in the cells. It is done by collecting a few cells from the cervix. 

If the cells do not appear to be normal, you should get more tests to be sure if this is cancer or not.

If the result is unclear, it is possible that there are not enough cells to examine or there are minor changes. You might be able to postpone your screening test until a later date or you need to be retested sooner.

2- A Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Test

It checks for viruses that can cause cervical cancer. HPV can cause genital warts and changes in the cervix that can lead to cancer.

Younger women are more susceptible to the virus, but they overcome it by their immunity.

How Many Tests Do You Need?

If you are between 21 and 29 years old, you do not need to do the HPV test due to your immune system as we mentioned above.

You can do the Pap test. If it is normal, you can repeat it after 3 years.

Women who are 30 to 64 years old do the high-risk HPV test and repeat it after 5 years if its result is normal.

The Pap test is also useful and should be repeated after 3 years if its result is normal.

Co-testing refers to having both tests done at the same time. If your findings are normal, you will not need to be tested again for another 5 years.

Women older than 64 do not need to do cervical cancer screening.

Cancer screening helps to keep North shore women's health well.


North Shore Women’s Health

4- Cardiovascular Disease Risk Screening

The frequency of cholesterol screening differs depending on the severity of risk factors. Low-risk women have cholesterol screening every 3 to 5 years, but high-risk women may be screened more frequently.

Risk Factors Of Cardiovascular Diseases:

  • Family history

  • Obesity 

  • Dyslipidemia

  • Hyper-cholesterol

Exercise and a healthy diet are effective in the protection of cardiovascular diseases.

5- Preconception Care

Preconception care is important for North shore women's health because women's health has a significant influence on the health of pregnancy and child.

So visiting your doctor before being pregnant is important. He can provide you with some information that can help you to keep your health and pregnancy well.

He can give you some prenatal vitamins. He can also check for your ovulation and talk about the optimal times to have sexual activity during your monthly cycle.

He can also examine the family history to see if there are any risk factors such as Inheritable diseases that include: cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis, intellectual disability, Huntington disease, and fragile X syndrome. 

He also goes through the following points with you:

  • Use of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, and other drugs

  • Diabetes, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and hypertension

  • Immunization history

  • Physical exercise and nutrition


North Shore Women’s Health

6- Urinary Incontinence

Urinary Incontinence is common among women older than 35 years old. It is an embarrassing issue that affects North shore women's health.

It is a loss of control over urine release.


1- Urge incontinence: the urge to urinate is strong and quick.

2- Stress incontinence: causes urine loss while exercising, coughing, sneezing, or laughing.

In NorthShore University Healthsystem they can diagnose and treat these two types.




NorthShore University Healthsystem has many services that can take care of North shore women's health in many conditions as we mentioned above.

If you need more information or request an appointment, you can call 847.570.5020


By: Dr. Ziad Tarek

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