17 Stomach Cramps In Children Home Remedies | How To Prevent

Children get a lot of stomach cramps and tummy aches. Even though these cramps are not serious, they are the worst. It can range from mild discomfort to severe stomach pain.

 You need to know when to worry about that and what to do to help your child.

You can try stomach cramps in children home remedies to help your child feel better. But first, let's know more about the causes of stomach cramps.

stomach cramps in children home remedies


The most frequent causes of stomach cramps in children:

 -Infection: This can be either bacterial or viral and can cause stomach cramps. like the common cold or flu.

 -Reflux: Create a burning sensation in the chest and stomach cramps which may give them trouble sleeping.

-Constipation: Due to changes in the diet, not enough fibers, fruits, vegetables, fluids in your child's diet, and Insufficient water intake which may cause pain especially around the belly button area.

-Overeating: Children often eat quickly and that can contribute to discomfort and stomach cramps. 

 -Gas: Most food that contains carbohydrates, most of the starches like potatoes, corn, and noodles. Most fatty food also can cause gases.

-Food allergies: Common foods that cause allergies are dairy products, wheat, eggs, milk, fish, and soy.

 -Lactose intolerance: May cause symptoms such as abdominal cramps, gas, diarrhea, or constipation.

 -Milk allergy: May also cause stomach cramps in children.

 -Irritable bowel syndrome:

Some children have alternating diarrhea and constipation with stomach cramps. 

-Urinary tract infection: The child feels pain or a burning sensation while passing urine. This is more common in girls.

-Stress: When children feel stressed or worried, they may feel abdominal cramps.

-Appendicitis: If your child complains of severe constant pain in the low right side of the abdomen and slight movement is painful, it may be appendicitis.


The advantage of stomach cramps in children home remedies:



-It has no side effects. We can avoid the use of more antibiotics. 

-Support a healthy lifestyle.

Home remedies are nothing but treating the problems with simple natural organic things or with the items that we are using in our daily routine.

Stomach cramps in children home remedies:

First steps to relieve the pain in a home:


•Make sure your child gets a lot of rest.

 •Help your child drink plenty of fluids, especially water.

 •Serve bland foods such as crackers, toast, or rice.

 •Avoid spicy food.

 •Do not push your child to eat if they feel unwell.

 •Encourage the child to have a bowel movement.

 •Place a hot water bottle on your child’s tummy. take care, not to burn yourself or your child.

 •Get their mind off it through movies, stories, and games that can be used to pass time.

 •Give your child a warm shower this may help him.

 •There are many effective stomach cramps in children home remedies.

stomach cramps in children home remedies

Natural anti-inflammatories as Stomach cramps in children home remedies:


It can soothe stomach cramps. 

It improves digestion.

It helps the absorption of food.

It can relieve nausea.


Mint helps ease your child’s pain. It also helps remove harmful bacteria from the digestive system. 

stomach cramps in children home remedies


Helps soothe stomach pain and combat constipation. Make a tea with a slice of lemon and a few mint leaves to help ease the stomach cramps.

stomach cramps in children home remedies


Most common bitters brands contain a blend of herbs such as cinnamon, mint, and ginger. These Ingredients help ease nausea in some people and stomach cramps.


It reduces gases, stomach cramps, and nausea. It also helps indigestion. 

stomach cramps in children home remedies

Diet as stomach cramps in children home remedies:


Probiotic food like yogurt helps keep the stomach healthy, providing bacteria that can get the digestive system running smoothly.

 •Rice water

It has been used as a home remedy for diarrhea. Rice water contains compounds that relieve stomach cramps.

 •Diet for constipation

You can try the crab diet for children suffering from constipation. Stands for cherries, raisins, apricots, and prunes.

 •Diet for diarrhea 

You can try a brat diet for children suffering from diarrhea that stands for banana, rice, applesauce, and toast. 

Physical methods as stomach cramps in children home remedies:

 •Apply heat 

The warmth on your stomach will relieve stomach cramping and the heat can help to relax your muscles. Don't leave it on too long as you can burn your skin.

 •Foot reflexology 

Apply constant pressure on the arch of his left foot using your thumb for a minute and repeat this 4-5 times.do this before mealtime for an immediate effect. This has a calming effect and helps to reduce stomach cramps.


Gentle massage in circular motions around the navel area of your child. Massaging also provides relief of stomach cramps and enhances blood circulation

Herbal drinks as stomach cramps in children home remedies:

 Herbal drinks:

Help relieve stomach cramps. like ginger, mint, lemon, honey, chamomile, and carom seeds.

stomach cramps in children home remedies


You can try ginger tea.

Boil 1cup of water with a small tsp of fresh ginger for 4minutes and keep it for 10minutes.strain before drinking. Ginger is not recommended for children under 2years.


Boil a few fresh mint leaves in a cup of water. cool and strain before drinking.


Can be added to warm herbal drinks or you may even feed a teaspoon to your child for antibacterial action.

stomach cramps in children home remedies


You can try chamomile tea. It relieves the stomach cramps and relaxes the digestive muscles.

stomach cramps in children home remedies

When to see the doctor?

 If you tried stomach cramps in children home remedies and your child didn't feel well and your child exhibits any of the following symptoms, he should be taken to the doctor:

•Severe stomach pain.


•Severe diarrhea.

•Bloody stool.

• Vomiting that doesn't stop.

•Pain that gets worse quickly. 

•Your child refuses to eat or drink.

•Difficult urination.

•Bloody or green vomit.

•Skin rash.

•Hard abdomen.

Your doctor will examine the child and may ask for tests for blood, urine, or stool, and may ask for an x_ray or other tests.


stomach cramps in children home remedies 

Prevention of stomach cramps in children:

 •Encourage your child to wash his hands especially before eating.

 •Drinking lots of fluids, especially water.

 •Eating fiber-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables.

 •Don't eat before bedtime.




In this article, we talked about stomach cramps in children home remedies.

Stomach cramps are very common in children. Most of the time they are nothing serious. But as mentioned before, remember when to worry about that and what to do to help your child and when to go to the doctor.


By/ Dr. Al Shaymaa  Ahmed

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