Effective Home Remedies For Burning Feet to Relieve Your Pain

Burning feet is a common complaint from your grandparents or even parents that’s why we should use home remedies for burning feet.

It shouldn’t be ignored, it is difficult to live with, the sensation of your feet is painfully hot, and it can be mild or severe.

In some cases your burning feet may be so painful that the pain interferes with your sleep, it may be due to an underlying medical condition.

home remedies for burning feet

Symptoms of Burning feet syndrome   

Burning sensation usually in the soles of the feet and, in severe cases, across the top of the foot and lower leg. So home remedies for burning Feet are important to reduce the pain.

The symptoms include:

- Hot and painful feet

- The feeling of heaviness or numbness in the feet

- Dull ache in the feet

- Worsening of symptoms at night

- Increased sweating

- Changes in skin color are usually in the form of red spots

- Prickling or tingling sensations in the feet

All these symptoms cause pain and insomnia, especially at night, so we need home remedies for burning feet.

Home remedies for burning feet

What causes Burning feet?

Burning feet may occur for various causes, some of which are minor so we can use home remedies for burning feet. In contrast, others need emergency medical treatment due to their severity.

 Some of the most common causes include.

Nerve damage is the most common for burning feet 

Diabetic neuropathy

Nerve damage is the most common for burning feet. When it is caused by diabetes, nerve damage is known as diabetic neuropathy.

There are different types of neuropathy, but peripheral neuropathy is the most common type.

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes may damage neurons in the feet and legs. Years of uncontrolled high blood sugar can gradually damage your blood vessels and nerves over time.

 It reduces the transmission of signals from the nerves and weakens the blood vessel walls that carry oxygen and nutrients to the nerves.

So it would help if you considered home remedies for burning feet as an assistant factor.

Heavy Alcohol use

People who consume alcohol in excess amounts are at risk of developing nerve damage that can lead to the sensation of burning in the feet.

This is called alcoholic neuropathy. It can cause pain, tingling, and weakness in the feet.

Athlete's foot

Home remedies for burning feet are considered a major role for athlete’s feet as it is a type of fungal infection that affects the feet. 

Typical symptoms include dry, flaky skin or whiteness on the soles of the feet between the toes. It can also feel like burning.


It is a type of cancer treatment. According to research, between 19% and 85% of people who undergo chemotherapy will experience the common side effect of peripheral neuropathy, which causes burning sensations throughout the body, including the feet.


It is a condition that develops when the thyroid, the gland in the neck responsible for producing certain key hormones, is underactive. While symptoms aren’t always present at the beginning stages of the disorder, they can include burning feet.

This is because hypothyroidism can cause peripheral neuropathy.

Chronic kidney failure

The kidneys are designed to filter toxins out of the body. Renal failure often occurs in patients with diabetes and high blood pressure.

This disease causes the kidneys to gradually lose function, causing fluid retention and nerve damage, including the feet, creating a burning sensation in the feet.

Patients can get rid of this sensation by home remedies for burning feet.


It is a condition that is caused by a gene mutation in the body. When it develops, Erythromelalgia causes episodic pain, redness, and swelling in the hands, feet, and other parts of the body. 

Because the condition leads to damage of the nerves in the peripheral nervous system, it can be characterized as a type of peripheral neuropathy.

Infectious diseases

Viral and bacterial infectious diseases can lead to the development of burning feet, including 


- Syphilis

- Hepatitis B,Hepatitis C

- Epstein-Barr virus 

- Lyme disease 

- Shingles

Nutritional deficiency

Peripheral neuropathy and the sensation of burning feet can be caused by various vitamin deficiencies such as:

- Vitamin B12 which is important in maintaining the functioning of the nervous system 

- Vitamin B6

- Vitamin B9

- Copper 

- Vitamin E


Anemia occurs when the body doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells. These are the cells that deliver oxygen throughout the body.

Anemia is often caused by an iron deficiency, studies show that iron deficiency can lead to peripheral neuropathy, which causes the burning feet sensation.

home remedies for burning feet

Effective Home Remedies for burning feet

Cold water soak

If your feet feel hot and burning, soaking them in cold water or an ice bath for a few minutes can help reduce the sensation. It is one of the easiest home remedies for burning feet. 

Proper footwear

Never wear tight-fitting shoes as it will reduce blood flow to the feet. Wear comfortable shoes with good arch support and cushioning to minimize pressure and friction on your feet.

Foot massage

Massage your feet with gentle pressure using circular motions, this can help improve blood circulation and relieve discomfort, massage techniques are very useful home remedies for burning feet.

Turmeric paste

Make a turmeric paste by mixing turmeric powder with water and applying it to your feet. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce burning feet.

Arnica oil

Apply arnica oil topically to your feet and gently massage it. Arnica has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the burning sensation.

Apple cider vinegar soak

Add half a cup of vinegar to a basin of warm water and soak your feet for about 15 minutes. Vinegar can help balance the pH of your skin and provide relief. It has a low cost to use as a home remedy for burning feet.

Epsom salt soak

It is a natural compound that contains magnesium sulfate. Soak your feet in a basin of warm water mixed with Epsom salt for about 15-20 minutes.

Epsom salt can help relax the muscles and provide relief. It decreases the symptoms of an athlete’s foot.

Keep feet elevated

With sitting or lying down, elevate your feet to reduce swelling and improve blood circulation.it is easy to do as home remedies for burning feet.

Stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is an assistant factor to home remedies for burning feet to ensure proper hydration, which can help alleviate burning sensation in the feet.

Fish oil

Fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce pain and discomfort.


Ginger oil has anti-inflammatory properties and may be an effective treatment for burning feet.

Ginkgo Biloba

It is a herb and it has protective properties towards the nerves. Due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and certain enzyme-inhibiting properties.

It can help with burning feet, associated with damage to peripheral nerves.

Vitamin B supplements

Start taking Vitamin B complex (B1, B6, B9, B12) and eat more foods that contain high amounts of B vitamins that are essential to have a healthy nervous system.

Manage blood sugar if you are diabetic

If diabetes is involved, you may need to change your diet or medication, your doctor may also prescribe drugs to help with nerve pain.

Regular exercise

Like walking, jogging, and running, they are useful home remedies for burning feet to ease the burning and painful conditions of your legs.

Avoid exposing your feet to heat

Apply topical antifungal creams

Use creams, lotions, ointments, sprays, or powders to treat an athlete’s foot.

All of these are effective home remedies for burning feet. 


Burning feet can disrupt your life and become chronic. The most common causes of burning feet are diabetes and peripheral neuropathy.

The underlying cause must be determined and treated. Self-care and using home remedies are the key to relieving the pain.

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