Effective Ways Considered Natural Remedies For Zits

All of us seek a clear face so it's important to keep zits away with these easy natural remedies for zits which do not cost too much and are easy to apply for everyone.

natural remedies for zits

What are zits?

Zits are acne that appears in the teenage stage or any age when skin pores are blocked with oil and dead cells.

Resulting in inflammation and white or black tip and pain sometimes containing pus.

What are the causes of zits?

Excessive secretion of oil from sebaceous glands causes accumulation of bacteria and dead skin cells.

The dead skin cells are stuck into skin pores due to hormonal changes or an unbalanced diet containing sugar and white flour due to its gelatinous components.

Hormonal zits

Zits are affected by hormonal changes as:

Menstruation, menopause, polycystic ovarian syndrome, stress.

Zits appear more during these periods normally so it's important to take care.

Stop snacks containing food preservatives and get healthy foods.

Wash your face twice a day, and drink more water (3 liters a day).

A pea seed of anti-zits cure will be enough, more than that will dry your skin.

Ask the doctor before using any treatment for zits.

Cystic zits

Cystic zits typically develop due to oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells getting trapped in a hair follicle or pore.

The cysts mostly appear on the shoulders, arms, face, and neck.

They resemble boils and are painful to the touch.

Natural remedies for zits

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is one of the natural remedies for zits that help decrease acne and exfoliate skin.

Sometimes overuse of it causes dry skin so it's very important to use a suitable moisturizer after this oil.

natural remedies for zits

How to use it?

Add 2 drops of tea tree oil to 9 drops of water, mix well then apply on the skin, leave it till dry then rinse with water.

Green tea

Has a huge amount of antioxidants so considered one of the effective natural remedies for zits that clarify skin.

And helps get rid of oily material inside pores that clog it resulting in zits but there is no sufficient research on its efficiency on zits.

How to use it?

Boil a cup of water then soak a sachet of green tea inside it.

Let sit for two hours then put a cotton ball then apply on the skin affected with zits.

Wash your face after the mask dries. 

Repeat those steps twice a day for 2 weeks and you will notice the difference.

Apple cider vinegar

One of the natural remedies for zits and powerful antiseptic that can fight bacteria that clog skin pores and relieve oily material of sebaceous glands called sebum.

Works as an astringent that smallen the wide pores of the skin.

Long-term use is not nominated by skin specialists due to its acidic effect which can be harmful to sensitive skin so always make a patch test.

If you notice any abnormality stop using apple cider vinegar; it's not suitable for your skin.

Honey and cinnamon musk

Honey has living bacteria and enzymes considered natural remedies for zits which help in clarifying skin, healing scars and zits, and moisturizing skin.

Cinnamon contains natural anti-inflammatory materials.

How to use it?

Put small amounts of cinnamon and honey, mix well then apply this mask to your skin, leave it for 15 minutes then wash with water.

Aloe vera

Moisturizing skin is, a natural remedy for zits because the salicylic acid and sulfur compounds inhibit bacteria-causing zits.

How to use it?

Get the aloe vera extract from the leaves then mix it well with natural oils such as olive oil apply the extract on pimples.

Leave for 20 minutes then wash the face well.


Omega-3  is one of the natural remedies for zits that exists in fish supplements (salmon, sardines), chia seeds, and walnuts.

Add omega-3 to your diet to avoid the appearance of zits.


Effective at reducing swelling, pain, and redness.

Aspirin mask

Grind aspirin tablets well then mix it with water till you get a paste then apply this to your cystic zits this reduces inflammation and pain.

Turmeric mask

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects so considered one of the natural remedies for zits.

Add turmeric powder to water till you get a paste then put this paste on your face as a mask for ten minutes then wash well.

Repeat this 3 times a week till your cystic zits disappear.


Probiotics also called healthy live bacteria act as natural remedies for zits.

Healers found that there is a big relation between GIT and skin health so eating healthy food containing probiotics can keep your skin shiny and glamorous. 

Probiotics exist in yogurt, kimchi, and other foods.

Exfoliation and scrubs

Effective treatment as natural remedies for zits.

Add sugar or salt to olive oil and mix well then scrub your face gently then wash with water.

This way helps relieve dead skin cells and decrease sebum secretion so avoid the appearance of zits.

Minerals and vitamins help to get rid of zits

Vitamin A

There are two types of vitamin” A” that help as natural remedies for zits.


Not recommended by scientists as a natural remedy for zits because its overdose can be harmful(more than 10000 international units could be toxic), especially to pregnant women.

So any lady planning a pregnancy should ask her doctor before using any supplement. 

Topical application

Suggested by scientists because of its good effect on zits.


Zinc is a very important vitamin in treating zits, it can decrease sebum secreted from skin pores so helps get rid of zits, and protects skin from bacteria and inflammation.

Healthy humans can get(8-10) mg daily so 30 mg can help treat zits.

Using zinc overdose results in copper deficiency.

It has been reported that people with zits on their faces have vitamin A, zinc, and E deficiency so keep getting your daily dose of vitamin E(15MG).

How to avoid the appearance of zits?

Stop or decrease dairy products.

Avoid food that has a high glycemic index.

Get rid of any stress factors.

Keep hormonal balance by eating healthy food and sleeping well.

Wash your face twice a day with suitable soap for your face type.

Use suitable moisturizer and face toner.

Decrease makeup usage.

Apply sunblock on your face and neck before getting out.

Avoid touching pimples or popping them.

There are many ways to treat zits that do not cost too much and could be very effective as natural remedies for zits.

Try them after doing patch tests, if there are no clear results ask your doctor about suitable medicine.


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