Home Remedies for Cat Vomiting Blood | Easy Home Treatments

Home remedies for cat vomiting blood is an important thing to learn for a pet owner. Any pet owner knows that he might face a hairball on the carpet and it may be annoying.

Also, occasional vomiting (less than once a month) in an otherwise healthy cat is often considered acceptable.

But when you see bloody vomiting, you should worry. You are going to need home remedies for cat vomiting blood and may you go far than that.

What is the meaning of a cat vomiting blood

The term that describes it, is called Hematemesis. Hematemesis usually includes fresh, bright red blood or partially digested blood that looks like coffee grounds.

Also, dark, tarry-looking stools may be present and this can be a sign of intestinal bleeding.

Home Remedies for Cat Vomiting Blood

What may be the Source of bloody vomiting

May be from:

- The stomach

- Esophagus (tube between the mouth and stomach)

- Upper intestines (the part between the intestinal tract and the stomach)

- Severe bleeding in the mouth or respiratory tract may lead to a cat swallowing blood and then vomiting it back up.

Causes of vomiting blood in cats

- Digestive system problems such as stomach ulcers or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

- Intestinal parasites

- Severe dental or oral disease

- Swallowing something toxic or sharp

- Swallowing something that causes a stomach or intestine clogging

- Viral or bacterial infections

- Drug side effects

- Prolonged or severe vomiting

- Diseases such as kidney and liver illness or cancer

- Trauma

- Bleeding disorder

- Food allergy

Home Remedies for Cat Vomiting Blood

Symptoms of cat vomiting blood

- Loss of appetite

- Weakness

- Pawing at the mouth or teeth

- Diarrhea

- Blood in the stool

- Black-colored stool

- Shallow breathing

- Signs of anemia

- Depression

- Signs of pain

- Fever

- Dehydration

- Seizures

So, if your cat faces any of these symptoms, you may need to get to know how to apply home remedies for cat vomiting blood.

Does the blood cause vomiting or the opposite

Vomiting may cause severe irritation of the digestive tract, which in turn leads to bleeding. Also, significant bleeding may fill the stomach, causing vomiting.

In some cases, the bleeding and vomiting are both triggered by one single factor (such as an intestinal obstruction).

Home Remedies for Cat Vomiting Blood

Can I consider the bloody vomiting an emergency

Cats usually withhold symptoms of illness until it becomes severe. So even if your cat is looking normal, it’s better to visit the vet.

And till your appointment, you can try some home remedies for cat vomiting blood. Early treatment in this case is considered better than waiting.

Details that should be collected as much as you can about the vomiting

- When the vomiting started

- How long it has been lasting

- The appearance of the blood in the vomit

- Other symptoms your cat is experiencing

- Swallowing rat poison or a foreign body

In some cases, it is preferred to collect a sample from the vomit.

Home Remedies for Cat Vomiting Blood

How can I help my cat with home remedies for cat vomiting blood

Supportive care

Supportive care mainly helps a cat feel much better and may slow down the bleeding and vomiting.

Give your cat a while to rest and try to recover.

If you suspect a contagious disease, be sure to keep your cat away from other cats.

Vet prescription

The veterinarian may help you on phone with first aid drugs that can help your cat till you got your appointment

- Antacids

- Stomach lining protectants.

- Anti-nausea drugs.

- Fluid compensation for dehydration and electrolyte balance.

Commonly Used Formulations




Pepcid AC

Milk of magnesia


It is better to feed your cat an easily digestible diet (low in fat and fiber). This diet will provide your cat with nutrients but not make the GI tract work so hard when it needs to heal from vomiting.

If the condition is severe

A blood transfusion with a specialist (this is less common and only for severe blood loss).

If your cat does not improve despite being given home remedies for cat vomiting blood, you should see a vet at the earliest opportunity.

Home remedies for cat vomiting blood may help in saving your cat but vomiting blood is a matter of concern that may need far more than home remedies for cat vomiting blood.


Home remedies for cat vomiting blood may help in saving your cat but vomiting blood is a matter of concern that may need far more than home remedies for cat vomiting blood.

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