Home Remedies For Voice Loss | 10 Effective Tips | Avoid 4

Did you wake up this morning with a croaky or hoarse voice?

Chances are you’ve got laryngitis! Here are various home remedies for voice loss.

The larynx sits in your upper neck, just past the back of your throat.

Laryngitis is inflammation of your voice box (larynx), it is one of the famous causes for voice loss. 

Laryngitis happens when your vocal cords become inflamed from overuse, irritation, or infection.

This inflammation distorts your voice. 

Laryngitis usually isn’t a serious problem with home remedies for voice loss, it should go away in no more than 3 weeks.

Before we speak about home remedies for voice loss, we should know the symptoms of laryngitis which leads to voice loss.

Symptoms of laryngitis

Laryngitis is often related to another illness, such as a cold, the flu, or bronchitis.

Symptoms in children and adults are usually similar.

Laryngitis symptoms include:

Sore throat or raw throat, tickling feeling in your throat, low-grade fever, hoarseness of voice.

Trouble speaking or loss of voice, dry cough, constant urge to clear your throat, swollen glands, and dry throat.

Home remedies for voice loss

Home remedies for voice loss:

In many cases, you can treat your symptoms at home, with all-natural remedies and teas.

1. Suck on lozenges

Throat lozenges help add moisture to your throat and may relieve pain.

They can be medicated or non-medicated and may assist with numbing pain, killing germs, or reducing redness.

2. Rest your voice

When you have voice loss, your vocal cords need time to heal.

Try to avoid situations that require a lot of talking or shouting so you can rest your voice.

If you have to talk in a meeting or front of a group, avoid the natural temptation to strain your voice further to be heard.

Try calling into a speakerphone that can be turned up or using another amplifying device.

Use your voice as infrequently as you can, try and avoid whispering as this can put additional strain on your larynx.

3. Gargle warm salt water

You can soothe a sore and irritated throat with warm salt water.

Mix salt with warm water, take a sip into your mouth, and gargle it around the back of your throat.

Then spit it out, and repeat as often as necessary.

4. Tea with honey

It’s one of the best things as home remedies for voice loss. 

There’s nothing more soothing for an irritated throat than a warm cup of tea, plus tea can do a lot more than soothe.

Studies suggest compounds found in teas such as green tea are believed to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.

Supercharge your tea with the healing powers of honey.

Research suggests that honey reduces mucus production and treats coughs as effectively as over-the-counter medications.

5. Slippery elm tea with lemon

Slippery elm tea is made from the ground and dried bark of the slippery elm tree.

It’s long been used in Eastern and Native Indian herbal medicine to treat inflammation of the upper airways.

It may be useful for soothing a sore throat, but more evidence is needed.

Add lemon to your tea for an extra immune boost.

6. Ginger root

Ginger is very famous as one of the home remedies for voice loss. 

Ginger root has many health benefits, studies suggest it has antimicrobial properties which may be beneficial for infections.

But if taken in large quantities, ginger may also cause unwanted side effects such as irritation to your throat and mouth.

7. Products containing essential oils

Essential oils contain the natural chemicals that give plants their essence (smell and flavor).

Eucalyptus tree products are also found in many over-the-counter medications, including lozenges and creams.

Studies suggest eucalyptus oil may have antimicrobial properties against both bacteria and viruses.

8. Garlic and Ginger

Throughout history, many different cultures have used garlic for the treatment and prevention of disease.

Studies suggest that garlic supplements may reduce symptom severity and duration of illness and the number of colds and flu your experience.

Ginger is also a natural remedy that people have used for its medicinal properties for centuries.

Research suggests that ginger has anti-microbial properties.

So it may help to relieve laryngitis from an infectious cause.

However, ginger may also cause mouth or throat irritation, if a person consumes large amounts.

A person can use fresh, chopped ginger in a stir-fry or as an ingredient in herbal tea or soups.

9. Gargle diluted vinegar

Vinegar has been used for thousands of years to fight infections.

Research suggests that vinegar has antimicrobial properties.

10. Drink lots of fluids

It’s very effective as a home remedy for voice loss.

When you’re sick, it’s always a good idea to drink plenty of fluids.

This is also true when you have throat irritation.

Water, juice, clear broth, and tea will help keep you hydrated and flush out mucus.

Warm liquids, such as tea and soup, can help ease congestion by increasing the flow of mucus. 

However, you should avoid any liquids that contain caffeine, which can cause dehydration.

Home remedies for voice loss

What should you avoid when you have voice loss?

While your voice is healing, try to stay away from the following:

1. Singing and shouting

Don’t add any unnecessary stress to your vocal cords. This will just lead to more inflammation and a longer healing time.

2. Whispering

It sounds odd, but whispering puts more stress on your vocal cords than speaking

3. Smoking

Any type of smoking, including cigarettes, can irritate your throat, cause coughing, and prolong healing time.

4. Avoid decongestants

These medications can dry out your throat.

When to see a doctor?

Voice loss typically gets better on its own in about a week.

The inflammation leaves the area raw, and it’s easier to get an infection. 

Some people’s laryngitis is caused by a viral infection (such as a cold) or overuse of their voice, which means that antibiotics won’t help.

If you’re a singer or someone who needs to use their voice.

A doctor may prescribe corticosteroids, which sometimes work to reduce inflammation in your vocal cords.

If your hoarseness lasts more than a couple of weeks, you may have chronic (long-lasting) laryngitis

Chronic laryngitis should be investigated by a doctor because it could have an underlying cause, such as acid reflux or a bacterial infection.


Voice loss can be caused by a variety of different factors.

Voice loss usually isn’t a serious problem, and with home remedies for voice loss, it should go away in no more than 3 weeks.

If symptoms last longer than 3 weeks, consult your primary care physician for the proper steps to take toward treatment.

Read more about Home remedies to solve daily problems with natural items 

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