Homemade Medicine For Vomiting | Easy Remedies To Apply

Homemade medicine for vomiting has a lot of prescriptions, but first of all, what does vomiting mean?

It is an involuntary forceful action by which one expels the contents of the stomach through the mouth and/or the nose.

It's considered one of the defense mechanisms the body makes to eliminate any harmful substance entering the body.

Vomiting itself is not a disease but may be a symptom of a lot of conditions.

homemade medicine for vomiting

Mechanism of vomiting

It occurs when muscles of the stomach wall start to contract and push food or other substances into the esophagus and then out through the mouth or nose if expelled substances enter the throat.

During that abdominal intrapressure increases and the abdomen rises.

Vomiting may occur alone and all of a sudden or may be precipitated by nausea.

Causes of vomiting

Many conditions can cause vomiting whether localized to the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) or rather than it, generally, the main causes are:

- Gastroenteritis (most common type is viral infection)

- GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)

- Pancreatitis

- Appendicitis

- Irritable and inflammatory bowel syndromes

- Food poisoning

- Food allergy

-Drug-induced vomiting (as a side effect of a lot of medications or even drug allergy)

- Migraine

- Motion sickness

- Pregnancy

- Complication of diabetes (ketoacidosis)

- Kidney stones

- Alcoholism

- COVID-19

- Anxiety

Symptoms associated with vomiting

Many symptoms can occur (all or some of them) with vomiting and may continue after it including:

- Nausea

- Gag reflex

- Abdominal cramps and pain

- Diarrhea

- excessive salivation

- Dizziness

- Headache

homemade medicine for vomiting

What are the types of vomiting, and when should you seek medical advice?

Vomiting may be acute (1-2 days duration) or chronic (continue for 7 days or more) according to the underlying cause.

Generally, you don't need specific medications if it is acute, and not associated with other severe symptoms.

Also, if it is early-onset, especially in viral gastroenteritis, vomiting can subside within 1-2 days.

On the other hand, you should consult a specialist if you have :

- Persistent vomiting or nausea for more than two days not responding to homemade medicine for vomiting.

- You have any other severe association with vomiting like severe anorexia or diarrhea.

- You can't keep any food or fluids in your stomach.

- You doubt that the cause is food poisoning or drug allergy.

- Severe dehydration.

- Severe dizziness.

- Little or no urine outcome.

- Loss of weight compared to the period before illness.

- Greenish/yellowish/bloody vomiting.

homemade medicine for vomiting

Homemade medicine for vomiting helps you to get rid of it

First of all, you should try to take fluids as much as you can related to the times and amount of each vomit to avoid dehydration even if you are anorexic.

Because of the anorexia and nausea which mainly associate vomiting you should be picky in your types of fluid and food to avoid increasing the trouble.

Here are some homemade medicine for vomiting and remedies easy to apply:


Any GIT disorders including vomiting can be managed by using ginger.

It is one of the most effective natural herbal remedies for nausea and vomiting.

Chewing a piece of ginger or drinking ginger tea can be a good choice of homemade medicine for vomiting.


It's a highly recommended homemade medicine for vomiting because of its ability to eliminate nausea by its calming effect through relaxation of the stomach wall muscles.

Relaxation of stomach muscles also relieves abdominal cramps and pain.

Eating peppermint candies or drinking its tea leads to the relaxation of GIT.


Lemon is very beneficial in controlling and reducing nausea.

Its water and even zests if smelt can dramatically eliminate the bad feeling of nausea.

Mix lemon juice and salt in warm water to get the desired effect.

It neutralizes stomach acidity and helps in relieving upset stomach.


A very nice homemade medicine for vomiting

It has a strong taste and smell which help in rapid relief of nausea and vomiting.

Distracting effect on the brain from nauseating thoughts.

You can easily take a few clove flowers when you travel to decrease motion    

sickness and nausea.


Drinking a cup of hot anise tea can help you to decrease nausea and vomiting.

It has a soothing effect on stomach wall muscles so it decreases pain and cramps.


Cumin seeds help reduce nausea and vomiting.

You can easily prepare its tea by boiling some cumin seeds with water for a few minutes to get the result.

It is an easy homemade medicine for vomiting with an applicable remedy.


Bananas have a very effective rule in controlling stomach upset and decreasing vomiting and diarrhea.

It contains magnesium and potassium which are important to keep electrolyte balance that may be affected by vomiting.

They are also important for the proper function of the GIT.


Onion juice is a very effective homemade medicine for vomiting.

It is very helpful to reduce vomiting.


Chamomile tea is a very well-known herbal remedy for helping in many GIT

issues such as vomiting, nausea, indigestion, anorexia, motion sickness            

and flatulence (gases).

It is a very good choice as a homemade medicine for vomiting.


Cardamom seeds are well known as a type of spice seeds but it also has 

a very useful effect as a home remedy to stop or decrease vomiting through

its aromatic effect.


The obtained concentrated fluid after boiling rice can be diluted with water to

get an effective liquid to relieve nausea and vomiting.

It is also a very easy homemade medicine for vomiting.


Cinnamon is one of the best aromatic components that can be used in 

handling nausea and vomiting.

For best results make cinnamon tea by boiling it with water.


Lavender is a very effective herbal component in relieving nausea and vomiting.

You can soak your body in lavender water or inhale its oil for the best result.

To summarize:

Vomiting is a forceful action to expel the content of the upper GIT (esophagus and stomach) through the mouth and/or nose.

It can be acute or chronic and has many reasons.

It ranges from home manageable to a must seeking medical advice.

Homemade medicine for vomiting is easy and has several remedies to apply and components to use to get rid of it in many cases.

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