Ringworm On Scalp Treatment At Home | Top 11 Home Remedies

Ringworm on scalp treatment at home can be beneficial as early intervention is critical to prevent spreading the infection to other family members. 

Fortunately, ringworm on the scalp can respond well to home treatments.

What exactly is ringworm?

The name of this condition can be tricky as it’s not caused by any type of worm. Instead, it’s caused by a fungus called tinea which is highly contagious and can live on the dead tissues of skin like hair and nails.

This fungus causes a red, itchy, scaly patch on the skin which develops over time to the shape of a circle or a ring, hence the name “ringworm”.

Ringworm can affect any area of the skin including the face. When it affects the groin area the condition is called jock itch. When it affects the area between the toes it’s called the athlete’s foot.

The infection is transmitted through skin contact with an infected person or animal. 

Young children are the most susceptible to develop ringworm on the scalp.

Some people can be asymptomatic carriers of the organism and transmit it to other family members.

Here are 11 simple yet effective ways for ringworm on scalp treatment at home:

ringworm on scalp treatment at home

1.Soap and water

If you have ringworm on the scalp, you need to keep the area as clean as possible to prevent further spreading of the infection and keep the area under control.

Ringworm on scalp treatment at home should be initiated by washing the affected area with water and a soap that has antibacterial properties before applying any treatments on the scalp.

It’s very important to dry the area thoroughly after washing it, as moisture encourages the spreading of the fungus. 

You should also wash your hands with soap and water after touching the affected area.

- You can use pine and coal-tar soap, but be careful as they can be irritating to sensitive skin. 

Note: Before using any of the mentioned substances for ringworm on scalp treatment at home you should apply a small amount to a healthy area of the skin to make sure you don’t have any allergies or sensitivity.

 2.Aloe vera

Aloe vera has antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.

Aloe vera can be effective as a natural remedy for ringworm on scalp treatment at home due to its cooling effect that helps to soothe itching, inflammation, and discomfort.

You can apply aloe vera gel on the affected area three to four times a day. You may also find aloe vera ointments or creams.


ringworm on scalp treatment at home


Turmeric is very effective for ringworm on scalp treatment at home as it has anti-inflammatory properties and extensive antimicrobial abilities. It’s also an effective antifungal that inhibits growth.

 The active ingredient in turmeric known as curcumin is believed to be responsible for the health benefits.

 To use turmeric for topical application, mix the powder with a small amount of water or coconut oil to form a paste then apply it to the affected area and wait for it to dry before wiping it off.

Note: Turmeric may leave a yellow stain on lighter skin tones but it will fade within a few days.


ringworm on scalp treatment at home

 4.Coconut oil

Coconut oil has both microbial and antifungal properties due to its content of fatty acids that can kill fungi by damaging their cell wall.

 It’s an extremely effective topical remedy for ringworm on scalp treatment at home because it’s easy to apply to the scalp and an effective hair conditioner.

 - You should warm coconut oil either in your hand or in a microwave until it becomes liquid then apply it to the affected area three times a day.

 5.Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has powerful antifungal properties and can be very effective in treating ringworm when applied topically.

 To use apple cider vinegar for ringworm on scalp treatment at home, you dip a cotton ball into the undiluted apple cider vinegar then wipe it on the affected area twice or three times a day. 


ringworm on scalp treatment at home

6.Lemongrass oil

Lemongrass oil is an effective remedy for ringworm on scalp treatment at home because it acts by reducing the activity of several types of fungus including ringworm.

-You should dilute lemongrass oil with a carrier oil then apply it using a cotton ball.

-Another way to use lemongrass for ringworm on scalp treatment at home is by applying a brewed lemongrass tea bag directly to the ringworm.

 7.Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is both popular and effective for ringworm on scalp treatment at home due to its antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

 Tea tree oil can be applied to the affected area using a cotton ball two or three times a day.

 -If you have sensitive skin you can dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil such as coconut oil.

 8.Oregano oil

Oregano oil is a great topical remedy for ringworm on scalp treatment at home and maybe a more powerful antifungal than other available commercial products.

 Oregano oil can inhibit and treat fungal skin infections owing to two potent antifungals called thymol and carvacrol.

-You should dilute oregano oil with a carrier oil then apply it using a cotton ball.


ringworm on scalp treatment at home

Note: When using essential oils for ringworm on scalp treatment at home, test that you’re not allergic to them first. Dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil such as olive or coconut oil. Then, rub it onto an area of healthy skin. If you do not react in 12 to 24 hours, it should be safe to use on the affected area.

9.Powdered licorice 

licorice is used for ringworm on scalp treatment at home because it has significant antiviral, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. 

 To use licorice for the topical application you need to make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of powdered licorice root into a cup of water. Boil this mixture, then reduce heat and simmer for a couple of minutes. Once it has cooled, it should form a paste.

Apply this paste to the affected area twice a day, allowing it to sit for at least 10 minutes each time before wiping off.

 10.Grapefruit seed extract                                

Grapefruit seed extract can be used for ringworm on scalp treatment at home by mixing a drop of grapefruit seed extract to a tablespoon of water then applying the mixture to the affected area twice daily.


ringworm on scalp treatment at home


Garlic is usually used to treat fungal infections including Candida. However, there are no sufficient studies on its use to treat ringworm.

 Garlic can be used topically for ringworm on scalp treatment at home by making a paste. Start by crushing some garlic cloves then blend the garlic with some olive or coconut oil. 

Apply a thin layer of paste to the affected area and cover with gauze twice a day, allowing it to sit in place for up to 2 hours before rinsing off.

Note: If you reacted to the garlic paste through stinging, swelling, or redness on the scalp, rinse off immediately and do not apply this paste again.

 Ways to prevent the infection:

Practicing good hygiene comes in hand with using natural remedies for ringworm on scalp treatment at home and helps to prevent the occurrence of the infection.

Here are some pieces of advice to prevent infection:

-Make sure to shower regularly.

-Always keep your skin and hair clean and dry.

-Always wash your hands with soap and water.

-Avoid sharing combs or hairbrushes with anyone.

-Avoid sharing towels or bed sheets with an infected person.

-Change your bed sheets regularly.

Note: Although ringworm on scalp treatment at home can be very effective, some cases might be severe and could require an over-the-counter medicated antifungal shampoo that contains any of the following active ingredients: ketoconazole, selenium sulfide, and pyrithione zinc.



Ringworm is a fungal infection that can appear on any area of the skin and is transmitted to others very easily through physical contact. 

Thankfully ringworm on scalp treatment at home can be achieved by using natural remedies, maintaining a good level of hygiene, and keeping your skin dry. 

If the case is severe, medicated shampoos can be used.


Written by:Dr.Sarah Anwar 

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