Simple Home Remedies For Dry Eyes | Do Them With Yourself

Simple home remedies for dry eyes, if you have dry eye disease such as eye drops, some vitamins, washing your eyelid, and making a change in your lifestyle. eye drops are the most common home remedies for dry eyes because eye drops work like artificial tears which give your eyes moist.

Dry eye disease can make you less efficient at work and reduce the time you spend with your family. So dry eye disease makes you uncomfortable in your life.

The American Journal of ophthalmology indicates that 16 million adult people have dry eye disease. A 2012 Gallup poll expects that by 2022 29 million Americans will have dry eye disease. So simple home Remedies for dry eyes will be useful for you.

Simple home remedies for dry Eyes

What are the reasons for dry eye disease?

Dry eye syndrome can be happening by using certain medications as antihistamines, antidepressant drugs, drugs for Parkinson's disease, drugs used to lower your blood pressure, and nasal decongestants.

Advanced age leads to reduced tears from your eyes that cause dry eye disease. And when the tiny glands in your eyelid don't make enough tears to keep your eyes healthy and your vision clear.

If you have one of those reasons check simple home remedies for dry eyes.

What are the symptoms of dry eye disease?

Some symptoms refer to dry eye disease such as feeling burn in your eyes. or when your eyes look red. Or feeling uncomfortable in your eyes as if there is some dust in them. or when you have a sensitivity of light and your vision is blurred. This is why we discuss simple home Remedies for dry eyes.

Simple home remedies for dry Eyes

What are the risk factors for dry eye syndrome?

There are many risk factors for dry eye syndrome as elderly age 65 and above, smoking, deficiency of vitamins, diabetes disease, use of contact lenses continuously, and the females have more risk factors for dry eye syndrome.


What is the composition of tears?

Before you choose simple home Remedies for dry eyes you should know the composition of tears. Tears are composed of oil, water, and mucus.


What is the importance of components of tears?

All components of tears are important to give your eyes if there is inflammation in your eyelids may plug oil-making glands and lead to dry eye disease. Also can help you to find simple home Remedies for dry eyes


What is the benefit of warm compresses?

Warm compresses as one of the simple home Remedies for dry eyes help to reduce irritation and reduce plugged oils in your eyes.

So put the warm compresses on your closed eyes for a minute. press by your finger gently on your eyelid for helping to get rid of plugged oils. These compresses help you to lower the inflammation in your eyes.


Choose one of the following  simple home Remedies for dry eyes:

You can feel better and comfortable with simple home remedies for dry eyes. as washing your upper and lower eyelid gently, provide your meals with vitamins because vitamins important for your healthy eyes as vitamin c, vitamin D, vitaminB12 and riboflavin, too much alcohol can cause dry eye disease .so you shouldn't drink too much alcohol and if you drink then drink less amount of alcohol, your eyes can have irritation from the light which come from your television and your smartphone that cause dry eye disease. so you must give your eye rest.

You should provide your diet with essential fatty acids because omega 3 oils are important for the gland that produces tears to improve its functions. And omega3 can be located in chia seeds, palm, walnuts, flax seeds, fish oil, salmon, and tuna.

Don't smoke because there is a relationship between smoking and dry eye disease. Smokers have a high risk of dry eye disease and irritation of their eyes. So you should not smoke or stay in a place that has smoker people. Smoker people can have changes in the composition of their tears which is the main reason for dry eye disease. so you should avoid smoking or passive smoking. When you avoid smoking it is considered one of the simple home remedies for dry eye disease.

Water is one of the simple home remedies for dry eyes important for giving your eyes health. By drinking from 8 to 10 glasses of water make your eyes healthy and avoid dry eye disease and give your eyes hydration and allow your eyes to make tears. So if you have dry eye disease you should drink more water to get health and hydration to your eyes. you need more sleep because when you don't sleep well it affects your eye health and causes dry eye disease. So adult people should sleep from seven to eight hours at night. If you have trouble sleeping, you can solve it by doing exercise in the morning and going to sleep in a dark and comfortable room, and go to bed at the same time every night. So if you suffer from dry eye disease you should get more sleep.

Gels and ointments give comfort to your eyes if you suffer from dry eye disease. but gels and ointments make blurred vision so you should use them before you go to sleep only. There are some warnings about using gels and ointments such as don't use gels and ointments if you don't need to use them.

Gels and ointments can do interference with meibomian glands that increase the symptoms of dry eye disease. If you use gels and ointments for a long time it can mask the main cause of dry eye disease. changing your lifestyle and the environment surrounding you like smoke, heat, dust, and air conditioning can be some reasons to have dry eye disease so you should avoid these reasons as possible.

Wear sunglasses if you have dry eye disease because sunglasses protect your eyes from light if you suffer from light sensitivity. So wearing sunglasses is one of the simple home remedies for dry eye disease.

Choose the right eye drops when you choose eye drops for your eyes to choose them with no preservatives. because eye drops that have preservatives make your eyes irritated. particularly if you are used to them more than four times every day. so choosing the right eye drops is important to avoid dry eye disease.

Blink more where blinking helps you to get eye health and open the glands. You just follow my previous simple home Remedies for dry eyes treatment.


How can you know if you are blinking enough?

Try these steps to make sure about your blinking rate.

The first step closes both your eyes for two seconds and opens. The second step closes your eyes one more time for two seconds then press the eyelids together for two seconds. the third step opens both your eyes. the fourth step and the last every twenty-minute repeat it about twenty times per day.  


Our dew treats for you today are to confirm that simple home remedies for dry eyes can help you if you suffer from dry eye disease and give your eyes comfortable and healthy. Many people have a risk of dry eye diseases such as advanced people 65 and above. Females have more risk factors to have a dry eye disease

By: Dr. Lamiaa


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