The Best Home Remedies For Canker Sores | Easy And Effective

Although most Canker ulcers may be self-limited, the subsequent home remedies for Canker Sores can speed up the healing process and help lesions disappear soon.

Canker Sores (aphthous ulcers ) occur inside the mouth or on the gum, they will be painful, irritating, and cause some difficulties in speaking and eating. 

The precious reason for Canker Sores isn't known yet, some could also be caused by Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) bacteria or inflammatory bowel syndrome. 

Canker Sores are short-lived, departing within two weeks. 

home remedies for Canker Sores

Here are some home remedies for Canker Sores 

1- Using antiseptic mouthwashes

If you have got several Canker Sores in your mouth you ought to use mouthwashes with antiseptic properties to scale back the number of bacteria in the mouth, help in healing, and stop Canker Sores from worsening. 

It is one among the foremost common home remedies for Canker Sores. 


Some mouthwashes are often prepared at home :

-Baking Soda mouthwash 

Baking soda help in restoring PH balance and reducing inflammation.

The way to apply 

-Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in ½ cup of warm water. 

-swirl this solution in your mouth for 15 to 30 seconds, then spill it out. 

-Repeat every few hours if needed. 

If you swallow the solution it is not harmful but it is so salty, so take care. 


Saltwater mouthwash

It can be useful in drying out Canker Sores, although it can hurt a bit. 

The way to use

-Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in ½ cup of warm water. 

-swirl this solution in your mouth for 15 to 30 seconds, then spill it out. 

-Repeat every few hours if needed. 

Sage mouthwash

Sage tea is traditionally used for mouth inflammation so Sage mouthwash works for many mouth problems. 

It has antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory,y and astringent effects. 

It is one of the traditional home remedies for Canker Sores. 

You can find Sage mouthwash prepared in pharmacies and use as directed or you can prepare by yourself at home :

-Add boiling water to 1to2 tablespoons of fresh Sage leaves. 

-Steep for at least 5 minutes. 

-Strain and let the solution cool.

-Swish the solution around your mouth for 2 minutes. 

-Swallow the rinse or spit it out. 


DGL mouthwash 

It is made from DeGlycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL), an herbal Licorice extract that has an anti-inflammatory effect.

DGL is available in capsules form can be used to make mouthwash :

-Mix the powder of one DGL capsule "200 milligrams"  with one cup of warm water. 

-Swish the solution around your mouth for 3 minutes. 

-Spit it out. 

DGL is available as a mouth patch to help in Canker Sores healing which is applied to a sore and left for at least 30 minutes. 

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) mouthwash 

Apple cider vinegar is considered to be a cure for everything including mouth ulcers because of its antimicrobial effect. 

Although of that you should use caution because it's acidic to cause or worsen the Canker Sores.

How to apply 

-Add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to 1 cup of water. 

-Swish the mixture around the mouth for 30 seconds to 1 minute. 

-Spit it out. 

-Repeat daily. 

Some people suggest applying ACV directly on the ulcers with a cotton swab that can decrease the time of healing in some people, but it also can cause more pain and irritation for other people. 

Because of the acidity of ACV, you should rinse your mouth with water after using it to prevent damage to tooth enamel. 

Hydrogen peroxide rinse 

Hydrogen peroxide can relieve pain and irritation caused by Canker Sores. 

It can minimize the number of bacteria in the mouth. 

It is one of the most useful home remedies for Canker Sores. 

The way to use 

-Mix one part Hydrogen peroxide with one part water. 

-Gargle the solution. 

-Rinse out the mouth with water. 

Don't swallow Hydrogen peroxide. 

Echinacea mouthwash 

Echinacea has immune-boosting power that can help heal Canker Sores or prevent their forming. 

The way to use 

-Add about 1 teaspoon of liquid Echinacea to equal parts warm water 

-Gargle for about 2 minutes. 

-Spit out or swallow the solution. 

-Repeat up to 3 times daily. 


2-Topical antiseptic agents are effective as home remedies for Canker Sores:

They are useful ways of home remedies for Canker Sores. 

Using Coconut oil 

Coconut oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that may cure Canker Sores caused by bacteria and help reduce redness and pain. 

It also tastes good. 

-Apply coconut oil to the sores. 

-Reapply several times per day till cure. 

Using Honey to sores 

Honey is effective in reducing pain, size, and redness. 

It prevents secondary infection. 

Apply honey to the ulcers four times daily. 

It is common as one of the home remedies for Canker Sores. 

Applying yogurt to the sores is a method of home remedies for Canker Sores 

Studies show that live probiotic cultures such as lactobacillus may help eradicate H.Pylori, eating yogurt that contains live probiotic cultures may help. 

To cure Canker Sores, eat at least 1 cup of yogurt per day. 

Applying a calming Chamomile compress 

Chamomile contains 2 components with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. 

How to apply 

-Use a wet Chamomile tea bag on the Canker sore. 

-Leave on for a few minutes. 

-Or rinse your mouth with freshly brewed Chamomile tea.

-Repeat 3-4 times per day. 

Alum powder paste 

Alum powder is made from potassium aluminum sulfate which has an astringent effect that may help shrink tissues and dry Canker Sores. 

How to use 

-Make a paste by mixing a small amount of Alum powder with a drop of water. 

-Put the past on the ulcers. 

-Leave on for 1_2 minutes. 

-Rinse your mouth. 

-Repeat daily. 

Coating the sores with Milk of Magnesia 

It contains magnesium hydroxide that changes the pH of the mouth so the sore can't thrive. It can also prevent irritation and relieve pain. 

To use :

-Apply a small amount to the sore.

-Let it for several seconds. 

-Rinse and repeat three times daily. 


3-Nutritional supplements 

Having nutritional supplements may help home remedies for Canker Sores. 

Vitamin B complex supplements 

Studies show that one of the reasons for Canker Sores is having low amounts of vitamin B in your diet, so taking 1000 micrograms of vitamin B-12 daily had fewer Canker Sores outbreaks. 

But having vitamin B complex supplements may have side effects so consult the doctor before use. 

Zinc lozenges as an immunity booster 

One of the reasons for Canker Sores is immunity weakness and zinc is a mineral that boosts the immune system. 

Taking zinc regularly may eradicate Canker Sores. 

Home Remedies For Canker Sores

4-Improve oral hygiene habits 

One of the home remedies for Canker Sores is your lifestyle.


Brush your teeth gently 

Brush your teeth with a soft brush twice daily to reduce the number of bacteria and speed the healing. 

Avoid acidic, spicy, or abrasive foods 

That can increase irritation and pain. 


When you should visit your doctor 

If you have several home remedies for Canker Sores but you don't relieve them or the sores become worse according to their size and depth. 



Home Remedies For Canker Sores are highly effective and easy to apply. 

Home remedies for Canker Sores are very important to relieve pain and speed up the healing process. 


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By: Dr. Hager Gomaa

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