The Most Common Mild Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symptoms

When you want to know mild pelvic organ prolapse symptoms, you need to know what is pelvic organ prolapse and how does it happen?

Pelvic organ prolapse is a type of pelvic floor disorder, which affect women. We can learn more about pelvic floor disorder, especially when some women get more than one pelvic floor disorder.

What is the pelvic floor

Every one of us has a pelvic floor, which is a group of muscles that carry and surround our pelvic organs, and its function is to keep those organs in the right place in the pelvic cavity.

Pelvic organs include The bladder, The uterus, The vagina, The rectum, and The small bowl.

If the pelvic floor muscles are weak for any reason it may lead to a pelvic floor disorder called pelvic organ prolapse and the woman can observe this problem through mild pelvic organ prolapse symptoms.

mild pelvic organ prolapse symptoms

Pelvic floor disorder

Pelvic floor disorders affect women mainly. They include urinary incontinence, anal incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse. 

Urinary incontinence

This means that the bladder and urethra sphincter muscles lose control and which leads to a leak of urine.

It happens more with women than men because of pressure like pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause.

Anal incontinence

It is also called fecal incontinence which means that someone loses control of defecation.

It may be because of long-lasting diarrhea or constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, hemorrhoids, or pressure as in pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. So it also affects women more than men.

Pelvic organ prolapse

It means descending of organs which in the pelvic floor because of the weakness of muscles and ligaments that surround it. 

Each organ has a special medical term that describes its descending:


This refers to the prolapse of the bladder into the vagina, and it is considered the most common condition.


It means a prolapse of the urethra.


It refers to the prolapse of small bowls.

Uterine prolapse

It happens when the uterus drops down into the vagina.


It is a prolapse of the rectum.

Vaginal vault prolapse

This is the prolapse of the vagina. 

In most cases, women suffer from mild pelvic organ prolapse symptoms in the morning, but it gets worse with the day.

Pelvic organ prolapse

As we know, it is the dropping of the pelvic organ into the vagina.

It isn’t a life-threatening disease, but we can consider it a disorder that decreases the quality of life of anyone who suffers from it.

Maybe the big problem with pelvic organ prolapse is that women sometimes consider mild pelvic organ prolapse symptoms normal, or are embarrassed to describe its discomfort.

So women need more awareness about this disorder and its symptoms to help them overcome it.

Causes of pelvic organ prolapse

About 3% of U.S. women suffer from mild pelvic organ prolapse symptoms, and this is because of any pressure in the abdomen that leads to making surrounding muscles and ligaments weak as

1- Hysterectomy

2- Obesity

3- Long lasting constipation may lead to strains that make pressure on the abdomen causing mild pelvic organ prolapse symptoms.

4- Pelvic organ cancers.

5- Any respiratory problems that may cause long-term cough like smoking.

6- Lifting heavy things continuously.

7- And the most common cause of pelvic organ prolapse is pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause.

mild pelvic organ prolapse symptoms

Mild pelvic organ prolapse symptoms include

1- A backache.

2- Feeling fullness due to the dropping of organs in the pelvic cavity.

3- When the bladder prolapses, it causes urinary problems and women may suffer from urine leakage.

4- If the rectum prolapses, it leads to constipation or on the other side loss the bowel control.

5- Vaginal bleeding, and you may feel that something drops out of the vagina.

6- Rectum prolapse, small intestine prolapse, and uterine prolapse, they all cause painful intercourse.

Some women didn’t complain of any mild pelvic organ prolapse symptoms, maybe they think it is normal changes or the pain won’t go on. But other women notice every pain or change they feel.

mild pelvic organ prolapse symptoms

Treatment of pelvic organ prolapse

Some cases have a history of congenital mild pelvic organ prolapse symptoms and this may help the woman to know that her complaint is not normal and that she needs to see a doctor.

There are different types of pelvic organ prolapse treatment, that differ according to the severity of the case:

Behavioral treatment

By making exercise and physical therapy, and strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Mechanical treatment

By inserting a pessary -a small plastic device - that helps in supporting the dropping organs.

Hormonal treatment

If the cause is menopause and mild prolapse happens through it, tell your doctor about that, so he will use a hormonal treatment like estrogen which has many forms.

A cream

You can apply it to the vagina.

A tablet

You may insert it into the vagina.

An estrogen-releasing vaginal ring

Surgical treatment

We can turn to surgical treatment in severe cases, either by repairing the affected muscles or organs or by removal of the dropping organ like in a hysterectomy. 

Prevention of pelvic organ prolapse

You need to avoid pelvic organ prolapse, especially if you have a congenital history of injury. All tips are considered a sort of improvement in your lifestyle as 

1- Keep your weight in a healthy range.

2- Avoid constipation and strains by using natural laxatives from green foods or medical laxatives.

3- Prevent smoking to avoid any respiratory problems that lead to long-term coughs.

4- Avoid lifting heavy things.

5- And one of the most essential tips is practicing Kegel exercise daily, which helps you keep your muscles strong.


Although it is described as mild pelvic organ prolapse symptoms, it is still irritable and causes pain and discomfort. 

And you need to be aware of it to ask the doctor for his advice and know that it is treatable. And it is not embarrassing to complain of symptoms like that.

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