White Discharge During Pregnancy | When Should We Worry

During pregnancy, it is normal to have many changes in the body but don’t be afraid most of these signs are normal like white discharge during pregnancy. 

White discharge during pregnancy and others one

In the menstrual cycle and start of pregnancy the white discharge increases but it is a healthy discharge it is called (leukorrhea).

It is clear or white and may have a mild odor but any change may indicate other problems. 

1. Clear or milky white 

It is indicated for normal discharge it is healthy for the vaginal especially if the odor smells mild. 

Its volume increases during pregnancy to prevent any uterine or vaginal infection. 

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy becomes heaviest in the last weeks.

And contains pink mucus so it is mean the body is preparing to labor. 

At the end of pregnancy, this discharge increases and contains streaks of sticky, jelly-like pink mucus.

That is called (show) a sign that the body is preparing for the birth. 

So any change may indicate infection or preterm labor. 

2. White and lumpy 

Discharge which is white or off-white and cheesy appearance can indicate a yeast infection. 

But in small cases, there are some bleeding spots with the discharge.

It is called a bloody yeast infection and can occur during pregnancy due to the imbalance in estrogen hormone.

However, the body during pregnancy becomes more likely to get a yeast infection.

And other symptoms like itching, burning, and painful urination support having a yeast infection. 

3. Green or yellow 

It is suggested to have a sexually transmitted disease (STIs) such as chlamydia or trichomoniasis.

Other symptoms include itching, redness, and irritation in the genitals. 

The dangers of STIs affect women and children and the complication may not appear early but later.

When the child becomes older it can affect the nervous system and cause infertility in women. 

4. Gray 

It may indicate bacterial vaginosis and the odor becomes fishy; it is characteristic of bacterial infection.

Its result for abacterial imbalance in the vaginal. 

5. Brown 

It is old blood accumulated in the body which can be an early symptom of pregnancy.

But if the blood becomes dark brown it must be taken into consideration. 

6. Red 

It is a dangerous symptom, it may be an ectopic pregnancy or preterm labor.

If the blood is heavy or having clots or strong cramps in the uterus. 

So any discharge that appears during pregnancy must be taken into consideration it may be normal or have a medical condition but the white discharge during pregnancy is often a normal condition 

The yeast infection in pregnancy 

The white discharge during pregnancy is normal but when becomes lumpy and has a bad smell.

It is more likely to become a yeast infection it is occurring due to some reasons such as: 

1-Taking antibiotics which can change the balance between bacteria in the vaginal area. 

2- Diabetes when becomes uncontrolled. 

3- If your husband has any yeast infection may pass through sexual intercourse. 

4- Medication or conditions that affect the immune system will increase the chance of having yeast infections like corticosteroids and HIV. 

The yeast infection is almost due to the fungus candida.

But don't be afraid that the infection won't affect the mother and child if treated well. 

Treatment for yeast infection in pregnancy 

The white discharge during pregnancy when turns into vaginal yeast is not a big problem.

It doesn't affect the health of the mother or child but the uncomfortable sensation may affect the daily life. 

The treatment must be a topical treatment to avoid any problems for the child. 

They may be vaginal creams or vaginal suppositories or vaginal wash. 

A few numbers of the over medications are used for yeast infections including clotrimazole (such as canesten), miconazole (such as monistat), and terconazole.

The treatment course should be 7 days but in pregnancy may take a longer time. 

But if you notice any small change in the white discharge during pregnancy, call the doctor.

To ensure that discharge is normal or an indication of yeast infection, bacterial infection, or STDs to prevent any harm to the mother and baby. 

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Home remedies to prevent infected white discharge during pregnancy 

When the white discharge during pregnancy increases more the usual we could follow some tips from home to prevent the infection:

1. Probiotics 

When eating food that contains probiotics like yogurt may decrease any discharge and prevent inflammation.

As it helps restore the acid balance in the vaginal area. 

2. Coconut oil 

The coconut oil has an antifungal activity and some research confirmed that coconut oil has activity against candida albicans.

So we can use it by applying the oil directly to the affected area but make sure that the oil is pure and doesn’t contain any other oils. 

3. Tea tree oil 

Has activity against bacteria, fungi, and yeast.

Some suppositories contain tea tree oil but we must use it diluted.

4. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 

It has a role in increasing the body's immunity so the body can restore balance in the vaginal area. 

It has antimicrobial activity so can add to food to decrease the growth of bacteria and fungi, but don't apply it directly to the area.

5. Apple vinegar 

Apple vinegar has antibacterial and antifungal activity and prevents the adherence of fungi in the membrane so inhibits growth. 

So when the white discharge during pregnancy starts to change its nature, small remedies at home can face it and prevent its development into any infection. 

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How to avoid increasing white discharge during pregnancy? 

With small tips and personal hygiene, we will decrease abnormal white discharge during pregnancy and prevent infection: 

1- Stop using tampons.

2- Don’t use douching. 

3- Avoid wearing tiny clothing especially jeans as it increases the risk of infection. 

4- Don’t use scented personal hygiene products like toilet paper. 

5- Wiping the genital area from front to back to prevent spreading any infection. 

6- Keep the genital area dry, especially after showering or swimming in the sea or pools. 

7- Wearing underwear made from breathable material like fabric or cotton. 

8- Eating healthy food and avoiding too sugary food as the sugar provides a good media for yeast infection. 

9- Trying probiotics and food that help in keeping the balance in the vaginal and prevent bacterial vaginosis. 

During pregnancy, we must take care of the women's health to prevent any infection.

As white discharge during pregnancy may turn into severe infection affecting the mother and child. 

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When to see the doctor? 

Any change in the natural discharge is considered an alarm to see the doctor.

Any change in color, odor, or consistent indication of infection either yeast or bacterial. 

In case heavy blood and clots are emergency cases need to see the doctor immediately. 

When taking the medication course and don't find any results must see the doctor. 

But generally, white discharge during pregnancy is considered a normal case even when increase in amount but in the normal range.


The white discharge during pregnancy is almost a normal condition.

But any change in the color or smell is indicative of infection or any medical condition.

So women must see medical care if any change appears or have any bleeding or clots. 

To read more about pregnancy health: 

Menstrual pain during pregnancy 

Pelvic pain during pregnancy 

Pregnancy with fibroid uterus 

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