9 Easy And Natural Home Remedies For Cavities to Apply

Home remedies for cavities and dentophobia are somehow related to each other. You may have heard about dentophobia or know someone who has it. If not, let me tell you it's the fear of dentists, which is a common phobia among people of all ages, especially children.

Consequently, we look for natural remedies at homes to reduce and prevent the feeling of pain in our teeth.

What cavities and their causes?

Cavities are decayed areas of the teeth that developed into tiny holes. They are the world's most common health problems, which occur in the hard part of the tooth that resulted from bacterial action.


The responsible bacteria that cause cavities are the mutans streptococci. Their mechanism of action is to convert the remaining sugar and food into acids, which accumulate and demineralize the enamel (the coat of the teeth mainly consists of calcium and phosphate), leading to its weakness and damage.

Home remedies for cavities

The start of home medicine at prehistoric:

In 1948, the world health organization (WHO) presented a definition of health which states that health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.


Beginnings of home medicine in prehistoric times depended on a trial-and-error system, where some plants were used as food to know which of them are poisonous and which have medicinal value that helps to heal from diseases. Some diseases are treated using herbal remedies such as colds and toothaches. 


The primitive doctors showed their wisdom during the treatment of the soul and body of the patient, where the patient feels better when both the doctor and the patient believe in the effectiveness of the drug, and this is what is called in modern medicine the placebo treatment that is used in our time.


Home remedies for cavities

Find natural home remedies for cavities:

Home remedies for cavities are easy to be found in every home, so check out these home remedies and habits:

1-Sesame or coconut oil

Oil pulling is a traditional Ayurvedic practice and the most famous one of home remedies for cavities. It started in India and is done by swishing oil around the mouth for several minutes before spitting it out.


A study published in 2009 found that utilizing sesame oil in the pulling technique reduced the plaque and bacteria to the same range as a mouthwash. Other studies showed that the potential benefits of oil pulling for gingivitis prevent tooth sensitivity.



It is the best recipe for home remedies for cavities as its high content of compounds, and antibacterial germs made it occupy a distinguished position among the natural recipes for treating tooth decay.



The way to use licorice to treat this problem is simple and represented in brushing the teeth daily with this plant powder.


3-Salt solution

The salt solution is the most common and easy one of the natural home remedies for cavities that can be relied upon to treat tooth decay. It acts as an oral antiseptic that fights infections and relieves the pain associated with this problem.


To prepare this solution, add a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water while stirring, and after making sure that the salt has dissolved.


The solution is ready to be gargled,  accounting for the best possible results to account for the mouth rinse with it 3times a day. A natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory because it contains eugenol, a chemical compound that is present in the composition of analgesic drugs. There are two ways to use cloves in the treatment of tooth decay, the first is to apply clove powder on the affected tooth or molar, taking into account the pressure gently for no less than 10 minutes, and the second method is to rinse the mouth with warm cloves soaked twice daily.



Using turmeric is the most effective method of home remedies for cavities because it contains high concentrations of antioxidants, such as curcumin characterized by its ability to combat the oral bacteria that cause this problem.


Putting a little turmeric on the tooth or molar affected by cavities, twice a day, may spare those with tooth decay from going to the doctor.




One of the home remedies for cavities that contribute to the treatment of tooth decay, as garlic contains antibacterial properties that cause this disease.


As for the way to use it, we add chopped garlic to flour, water, and salt, then put the mixture on the affected tooth or molar for no less than 10 minutes, then rinse the mouth well with running water, and for best results repeat this twice daily.


6-Chewing sugar-free gum

It helps the saliva in the mouth to get rid of the acids caused by the cracking of food by the bacteria present in the dental plaque, and also contributes to getting rid of the very small food particles that are left after eating.


Therefore, it is recommended to chew sugar-free gum for 20 minutes after meals each time. In a study published in the Journal of conservative dentistry in 2015, it was found that chewing sugar-free gum after the fronts helps to re-enable tooth enamel and reduce the levels of bacteria.


7-Guava leaves

It contains antimicrobial substances that can help treat cavities caused by tooth decay. Simply chew guava leaves or add ground guava leaves to the water.





It has an important role in the prevention of dental caries by bacterial enzymes, in addition to the possibility of re-enhancement of mineralization and inhibition of crystallization, demineralization. Fluoride compounds can be in kinds of toothpaste, mouthwashes, supplements, and vitamins.


9-Vitamin D 

Vitamin D is the effective compound of home remedies for cavities that help reduce tooth decay, so you should consume food rich in vitamin D such as yogurt, milk, or dairy products, and the sun is the natural source of vitamin D.


There are many home remedies for cavities, but we mentioned the easiest ones that were tested by people and proved their efficacy.

Home remedies for cavities


When to visit the dentist?


You may not be aware of the risk of cavities as not all cavities can cause pain. That is why it is essential to visit the dentist regularly even if you have dentophobia.


If you experience any sign of an allergy to the ingredients mentioned above, visit the dentist as soon as possible.

Written by: Dr. Menna Hosny


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