Home Remedies For Vulvar Itching And Burning | Best Remedies

HOME REMEDIES FOR VULVAR ITCHING AND BURNING, the main complaint of any woman is vaginal problems. The severity of itching differs from one woman to another and from reason to another.

Many women consult others or follow some traditions and begin with home remedies for vulvar itching and burning if they feel the comfort it is okay if not they should consult a doctor.

Home Remedies for vulvar itching and burning

Vulvovaginitis definition:

Inflammation of vagina and vulva accompanied by irritation, itching, redness, and abnormal vaginal secretions.


If the symptoms are mild, these require home remedies for vulvar itching and burning.

If you have severe symptoms, you must visit the doctor.

Home Remedies for vulvar itching and burning

Causes or predisposing factor:

1- Fungal infection(candida Albicans):

The most common cause because this area is highly moist and less ventilated so increased incidence of fungal growth.

It is characterized by white, thick, cheesy vaginal secretion.

2- Bacterial infection(Gardnerella spp):

Characterized by painful urination, fishy odor, greenish, white, or gray vaginal secretion.

3- Viral: genital herpes.

4- Dryness of skin: overcome by using softening cream.

5-Irritants: due to the usage of sprays or vaginal washes.

6-Skin disease: eczema or psoriasis.

7-STIs: sexually transmitted infections:

Neisseria gonorrhea or chlamydia.

Home Remedies for vulvar itching and burning

Types according to severity:


Mild itching and burns need home remedies for vulvar itching and burning.


Severe inflammation with redness, hotness, swelling, painful sensation, difficult urination, unusual vaginal discharge( green. Gray. yellow), and offensive odor.

Home remedies for vulvar itching and burning are useless. You need to visit the gynecologist.


Home remedies for vulvar itching and burning:

(1)Baking soda: added to water then used as a paste for 10 - 40 min. Used in case of fungal vaginitis because baking soda acts as an antifungal especially against c Albicans Albicans.

(2)Yogurt: put on an irritant area to relieve the common. The common home remedy in fungal cases has a probiotic effect as it increases the growth of beneficial bacteria of the vagina that interfere with the fungal growth.

Usage of yogurt honey mixture is more effective than antifungal cream.

It is safe in different stages of pregnaputtingsed either by putting some youth directly inside the vagina or using a yogurt soaked tampon.

Use a pad to avoid dirty clothes.

(3)Use code ton underwear as a preventive treatment.

(4)Apple cider vinegar: cheap has no side effects. Added to warm water and used as a vaginal wash.

(5)Probiotics medication: used as a preventive treatment. After a prolonged antibiotic course. a physician by the physician to increabeneficialwth of beneficial vaginal bacteria.

(6)Coconut oil: has fungicidal Albicans candida Albicans by putting it directly inside the vagina or using a soaked tampon

dirty pad to avoid dirty clothes.

(7)Antifungal gal medication: in the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the firm of pessaries or cream.

(8)Cortisone cream: not used for more than one week. used its side vagina. avoid its insertion inside.

(9)Probiotic daybeds: as yogurt or maybe milk as it increases beneficial bacteria.

(10)General hygiene: daily vaginal hygiene minimizes or prevents infection by using warm water.

Vagina was washed normally by vaginal secretions.

Avoid soap usage, avoid vaginal douches as it causes ascending infection.

Other traditional home remedies for vulvar itching and burning:

  • Garlic: used in case of bacterial vaginosis as it has a strong antibacterial effect.

  • Hydrogen peroxide: cheap safe, used in bacterial vaginosis.

  • Tea tree oil: has antibacterial and antifungal effects. Contraindicated use concentrated because it irritates the vagina first could be examined as some people have an allergy to tea tree oil.

It is used diluted by other carrier oil as olive oil or coconut oil, or with soaked tampons.

  • Boric acid pessaries: taken once daily, contraindicated in pregnancy.


Our dewtreats for you today are that Vulvar itching, burns, and restlessness is your main complaint, herbal home remedies for vulvar itching and burning are the perfect solution safely without any side effects.

 By: Asmaa Bashir


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