Natural remedies for bronchitis are believed to relieve symptoms of acute bronchitis from herbal teas to steam inhalation. In this article, we will list the different natural remedies for bronchitis that may improve bronchitis symptoms at home.
But first, let's discuss the different types of bronchitis and their symptoms.
What is bronchitis?
Bronchitis is an inflammation in the lining of bronchial tubes which carry air into and out of the lungs.
It is usually caused by viral or bacterial infection resulting in symptoms like cough with or without mucus, shortness of breath, chest discomfort, sore throat, and runny nose. Bronchitis may be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term).
Using natural remedies for bronchitis may help relieve symptoms along with the medical treatment.
Chronic bronchitis is a constant inflammation in the lining of the bronchial tubes that lasts for at least three months and is repeated for at least two years in a row.
It is a serious medical condition that requires medical attention and is a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Unlike chronic bronchitis, acute bronchitis (which is very common) usually improves within a week to 10 days without lasting effects.
The most effective Natural remedies for bronchitis
Now, let’s list the different home natural remedies for bronchitis.
Ginger is believed to have an anti-inflammatory effect against respiratory infection.
You can use fresh ginger to make tea or add it to food.
Usually eating ginger is safe for everyone but don’t take ginger
as a supplement or medication if you:
- Pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Have diabetes.
- Have any type of blood disorder.
- Have heart problems.
Garlic has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune system benefits. Also, studies showed that garlic can effectively inhibit the growth of infectious bronchitis virus so it can be used as one of the most effective natural remedies for bronchitis.
You can eat fresh garlic but if you dislike the taste you can add it to food or try adding it to hot water with lemon.
Use garlic in small amounts to make sure it will not upset your stomach. If you have a bleeding disorder use cautiously.
Turmeric has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects.
To take turmeric you can:
Add fresh turmeric to the salad.
Mix ½ teaspoon of powdered turmeric with a teaspoon of honey to make a paste.
Use powdered or fresh turmeric to make a tea.
Don’t take turmeric if you have:
- Stomach issue.
- Gall-bladder issues.
- Bleeding or blood disorders.
- Iron deficiency.
Gargling with salt water
Gargling with warm salt water may reduce pain in the throat and break up the mucus. Avoid hot water which may increase irritation of the throat.
Steam Inhalation
A steam inhalation can break up mucus so you can expel it easily and is considered one of the easiest natural remedies for bronchitis.
You can put hot water in a bowl, cover your head with a towel, and inhale the steam. You can also add a menthol vapor rub to help with moving the mucus.
Honey and lemon
Honey and lemon are one of the most popular natural remedies for bronchitis, either alone or in teas. Honey is known for its antimicrobial effect and lemon is known for its vitamin C content which is believed to increase body immunity.
Drink Broth
Generally drinking plenty of fluids helps to hydrate you while breaking up mucus making it easier to cough it up.
Like grandmothers’ natural remedies for bronchitis, drink warm broth to break up mucus and give your body the nutrients it needs. Drink plenty of water as well, and stay away from drinks like coffee or soda that dehydrate you.
Thyme has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and antiseptic properties that were proven to improve cough symptoms.
You can take OTC syrups containing thyme or use the herb to make an infusion.
Getting sufficient sleep will allow your body to recover and rest.
Lifestyle changes
A healthy lifestyle helps you prevent illness and recover faster when you are sick.
- Stop smoking if you smoke, and avoid places where you may inhale smoke.
- Avoid visiting places where pollution is high.
- Wear a surgical mask if you’re exposed to pollution.
- Boost your immunity with a healthy diet.
- Wash your hands to prevent the spreading of infection.
- Try to use a humidifier and make sure to clean it regularly.
When to see a doctor?
While many cases can be treated at home by using natural remedies for bronchitis, certain signs could indicate you should see your healthcare provider.
Contact your health care professional if:
Cough is accompanied with fever (more than 38 C).
Cough produces blood.
You have persistent symptoms for more than two weeks.
There is a worsening in the shortness of breath or wheezing.
Diagnosis can be done by physical examination but in some cases X-ray may be needed.
For acute bronchitis, antibiotics are usually not needed but bronchodilators, expectorants, decongestants, and painkillers may help.
For chronic bronchitis antibiotics may be needed to fight infection also steroids and oxygen administration may help manage long-term symptoms.
Natural remedies for bronchitis can relieve simple symptoms in most cases that could be resolved on their own in a week or two.
But if symptoms persist natural remedies for bronchitis wouldn’t be enough you should contact your healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
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