Shenandoah Women's Healthcare | Obstetrician-Gynecologist In Virginia

Whatever the Obstetrician-gynecology care you need Shenandoah women's healthcare Certified experts will provide it for you. Your health is our first priority. 

About Shenandoah women's healthcare:

At Shenandoah Women’s Healthcare, they offer compassionate, women’s healthcare tailored to all stages of women’s life in the Shenandoah Valley.

Certified midwives do more than care for pregnant women. They are experts in women's health and provide care for women from an early age through menstruation and beyond.

Midwives love to help women understand their choices, and respect the strength of women's bodies and the process of childbirth.

Their team of talented, well-rounded doctors will help you understand all the treatment options available to you and provide consistent guidance and support along the way. Above all else, they consider themselves your health partners, always striving to create lasting relationships with patients. They specialize in:

  • Gynecological disease

  • Uterus

  • Preventive care

  • Surgical care

Our Services

1.Gynecology & Adolescent Gynecology

What kinds of gynecological care are available?

In Shenandoah women's healthcare physicians and midwives invite you to take charge of your life and take part in your care and treatment.

Women's care is not just a pelvic exam, Shenandoah women's healthcare providers focusing on your overall health and happiness by taking a holistic approach to women’s health care.

In addition to regular tests, they also offer the following services:

  • Menopausal Care: Your provider can help guide you through the natural changes of menopause and help manage hot flashes and other symptoms.

  • Family Planning and Birth Control: The  Shenandoah women's healthcare health care team can help you understand your options so you can make the best decisions for your family and your health.

  • Reproductive Care: Your provider can help you understand your reproductive health and increase your chances of having a happy, healthy baby.

Shenandoah women's healthcare | Obstetrician-gynecologist in Virginia

What gynecological problems can be treated at SWHC?

We know that a woman's health can be affected by a variety of conditions and circumstances. At  Shenandoah women's healthcare, we offer specialized treatment for conditions such as:

  • Endometriosis.

  • Symptoms of PMS.

  • Fibroids, polyps, and ovarian cysts.

  • Unusual moments.

  • Bowel/bladder problems related to lower back problems.

We also offer many office-based solutions to common women's issues. A few procedures we can do in our Harrisonburg office include:

  • Colposcopy Procedures, LEEP or Laser

  • Ablation in November

  • IUD insertion

  • Nexplanon installation / removal

  • Endometrial biopsies

  • Ultrasound is local

  • Diagnosis and treatment of STIs

How often should I see a gynecologist?

Many women undergo a pelvic examination at least one time each year. which is recommended by The American College Of Obstetricians And Gynecologists as a general rule.

Is it important to see a gynecologist annually?

It is important to go in and get regular sexually transmitted infections tests, pap smears, pelvic tests, physical exams, and breast examinations during your visit. This type of preventive care allows us to diagnose any health problems early.

Shenandoah women's healthcare | Obstetrician-gynecologist in Virginia

2. Family Planning & Birth Control: Learn about the best option for you?

Having a family can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.  

At Shenandoah Women’s Healthcare, lot’s of medical services is available to you, including:

  • Pre-counseling

  • Birth Control

  • STI testing

What are births control options available?

Today, the options are almost endless. The right path depends on your lifestyle, your body, and your future plans. Here are Some of the most commonly used birth control methods:

  • Hormonal methods: A pill, a ring

  • Depo-Provera injections

  • IUDs (intrauterine devices)

  • Pregnancy insertion

Is birth control right for me?

As with most medicines, birth control is not for everyone. You need to make sure that you don’t have any of these problems first

  • Blood clots

  • Breast cancer

  • Diabetes or liver disease

  • Heart attack, and other serious heart problems

  • High blood pressure

  • Migraine headaches with aura (light vision, zigzag lines)

Contact Us and Talk to one of the  Shenandoah women's healthcare providers about your risks and health problems. They can help you decide which contraceptive methods are safe and convenient for you.

Shenandoah women's healthcare | Obstetrician-gynecologist in Virginia3. Pregnancy & Childbirth

What types of prenatal care services do Shenandoah women's healthcare offer?

When it comes to maternity care,  Shenandoah women's healthcare aims to maintain maternal and child health, monitor the development of any high-risk conditions, and provide education for you and your family about pregnancy, birth, and adoption.

Shenandoah Women’s Healthcare prenatal services include:

  • Appointment: You will have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with your doctors and midwives at regular times during pregnancy, to monitor your health, and answer all your questions.

  • Testing: For your convenience, they can do ultrasound, web work, and non-stress tests in their office.

  • Education: You will have access to a wealth of information and resources before, during, and after pregnancy, including our maternity and breastfeeding classes, and New Mom's Support Group. Click here for more information on maternity classes (see dates and descriptions in the event calendar).

  • Massage Therapy: Prenatal massage can help reduce the most common discomfort that comes with a normal pregnancy, including back pain, leg cramps, swelling, and headaches.

  • Human Resource Planning: Work is a stressful but completely natural part of parenting. We will help you plan a safe birth that fits your needs and desires.

What should I bring to my first appointment?

Bring a list of current medications.

What type of birth can I have?

When it comes to childbirth, the first thing to do is a healthy mother and baby, but they will also do their best to help you have the kind of birth you want.  Shenandoah women's healthcare has successfully assisted mothers with a variety of births, including:

  • 100% natural activity without pain medication

  • Work with an epidural or medication option

  • VBAC (Birth of the Vagina After Surgery)

  • Category C (including repeating categories C)

  • Early discharge from hospital after childbirth

Your registered nurse will work with you to understand your needs and make your information as good and worry-free as possible.

Shenandoah women's healthcare | Obstetrician-gynecologist in Virginia

4.MonaLisa Touch

What does the MonaLisa Touch procedure involve?

The MonaLisa Touch procedure is a laser regenerative laser treatment that can reduce itching, irritation, and pain. At Shenandoah Women’s Healthcare, they use a SmartXide laser system, which allows safe and effective treatment. 

The laser regenerates collagen within the walls of the vagina, rejuvenates and restores tissue.

Depending on the severity of your symptoms, we usually recommend 1-3 treatments over 40-60 days between treatment sessions.

Is MonaLisa Touch right for me?

The MonaLisa Touch procedure treats common vaginal symptoms that occur due to low estrogen levels such as:

  • Female genital dryness

  • Loosening

  • Painful sex

  • Urinary incontinence

  • Other genital problems

Women may experience symptoms of vaginal atrophy. Many women experience it after giving birth and sometimes after cancer treatment.

The MonaLisa Touch procedure is ideal for many women because it is less invasive and can eliminate the need for surgery and medication. 

Talk to Shenandoah Women’s Healthcare staff to see if this procedure can be right for you or not.

Is the procedure painful?

No. It does not even include any anesthesia, local or otherwise. All you will hear is a simple vibration.

What will my recovery be like?

You may suffer from temporary side effects associated with the MonaLisa Touch process. Such as: 

  • Slight redness

  • Swelling, but that should be temporary

  • General discomfort in the first few days after your treatment session is also common.

It is recommended that you:

  • Take a break for one or three days before resuming your normal procedure 

  • Avoid lifting heavy weights 

  • Exercising too hard

  • Taking a hot bath at the same time

Your provider will give you detailed instructions after treatment.

If you experience any side effects that seem unusual or long-lasting, come see your doctor at  Shenandoah women's healthcare right away. The procedure results in a recovery process that takes 40-60 days to complete, so a second treatment is possible, if necessary, after this time.

When will I see the results?

You will start to see results soon. They will improve even in the following months, eliminating any vaginal dryness, irritation, or urinary incontinence that you have experienced before the procedure.

MonaLisa Touch can also help improve your sexual pleasure during sex.

Do not let the discomfort of a woman's genitals protect you from feeling self-confident and feminine. MonaLisa Touch offers a vaginal rejuvenation experience that can help you feel younger and more confident in your skin. Contact us today to schedule your first consultation and find out if this treatment may be the right one for you. We look forward to hearing from you!

Shenandoah women's healthcare | Obstetrician-gynecologist in Virginia

5. Annual Women’s Health Exams

Why are annual women’s health exams important?

Your annual health check-up is designed to maintain or improve your overall quality of life. By talking to one of our experienced healthcare providers, checking your medical history, and any necessary diagnostic tests, our annual Well Woman Exams tests can help diagnose and diagnose many conditions, including:

  • Cancer: Early detection of breast and cervical cancer improves long-term survival rates and may provide extended treatment options.

  • Heart Disease: Laboratory tests and discussions about your health and genetic risk factors can help you learn about the risk of heart disease.

  • Diabetes: Early detection, diet, exercise, medication, and support group health care are ways to reduce the risk of diabetes.

  • Osteoporosis: A strong skeletal structure can help you stay active and healthy as you grow older. Annual testing of calcium and other essential nutrients can help.

  • Endometriosis: It is sometimes misdiagnosed, and our doctors are highly trained to help diagnose and treat this painful condition.

  • Depression: Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Open communication with your healthcare provider is a good first step.

  • Anemia: Low levels of iron and vitamins can lead to low levels of energy and other side effects. Proper testing can help you stay healthy!

  • Your annual health check-up can also help you understand the risks of dementia, common ailments, and other health issues.

What kind of preparation do I need for my health exam?

Come prepared with a list of your medications and be prepared to discuss changes As part of your annual health exam, your provider will perform the following:

  • Perform physical examinations including breast tests for breast cancer screening and Pap smear according to cervical cancer screening guidelines

  • Review your medical and family history to identify potential risks

  • Ask about your home and work lifestyle

  • Discuss the medications and supplements you are taking, their effectiveness, and other possible alternatives

  • It helps you develop a better understanding of your sexual and reproductive health

  • Additional diagnostic tests based on your health requirements

Your medical examination will take 30-60 minutes to complete. Depending on the type of service provider your provider provides, the full results may not be available in a few days.

Will insurance pay for my health exam?

Many types of insurance cover health checks every year, but you may be liable to pay jointly. We accept various programs from insurance companies such as Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, Optima-Medicaid, Virginia Premier, Anthem Healthkeepers Plus, United, and we are members of Valley Health Plan and Multiplan networks. Call our office for more information.

Shenandoah women's healthcare | Obstetrician-gynecologist in Virginia6. Health Education/Lactation

While breastfeeding is a natural process, it is also a learning process. Extensive research has shown that mothers and other caregivers need effective support in establishing and maintaining appropriate breastfeeding methods. ”- World Health Organization

We believe education is important, and Rebecca's main goal is to encourage and empower all women who embark on this journey to raise their families. With hands-on techniques and strategies to build self-confidence, Rebecca works with each patient in detail and communicates regularly until individual goals are met. While encouraging breastfeeding, she also helps close the gap in postpartum care.

Our goal is better outcomes for mothers and babies.

Learn about science, benefits, expectations, milk supply, and appropriate strategies. Also, dispel myths to save yourself from stress! Recommended during pregnancy and partners are encouraged to come! The cost is $ 45 for registration. 

She also sees patients individually asking for help from the office. This can be during pregnancy with some anxiety and/or after the baby is born to help deal with certain challenges. 

Maternity classes with hospital trips are included.

Expectations Experience is an antenatal education that goes beyond the basics — covering key details found in any maternity class and adapting each class to meet the different interests and needs of that particular group.

We offer in-depth parenting classes for all parents, whether they are your first or fifth child. Evening self-study classes are available to "experienced parents", who just want a review of staff information.


7. Fertility Care

What does it mean to be “infertile”?

Generally, an infertility evaluation is recommended if:

  • You are under 35 and have not become pregnant after 12 months of normal sex without any form of contraception.

  • You are over 35 and not yet pregnant after trying for six consecutive months.

What causes infertility in women?

  • One of your eggs should produce an egg that can be fertilized.

  • That egg must go into the fallopian tube.

  • The egg must be fertilized.

  • The fertilized egg must travel through the fallopian tubes to the uterus.

  • Once in the uterus, the fertilized egg must begin to develop.

Any disruption in this process will prevent pregnancy from happening. In some cases, infertility can be caused by:

  • Genetic factors

  • Diseases such as Polycystic ovary syndrome or endometriosis

  • Injury to the fallopian tube, uterus, or cervix

  • Hormonal imbalances

A good way to get an answer to this question is to contact Shenandoah Women's Healthcare through a fertility consultation.

What should I expect when I come in for an evaluation?

If you meet with one of our providers, they will do a thorough medical examination and risk factors that could harm your chances of getting pregnant.

If you have been trying to get pregnant for more than a year (six months if you are over 35), they will start a fertility test, where they will do:

  • Determine whether to remove eggs using a blood test, ovulation predictor test, and/or ultrasound test

  • Use a special X-ray - known as a hysterosalpingogram - to check the health of your uterine and uterine tubes

For all of your fertility tests, their providers will be available to answer any questions you may have. It is important that you fully understand your reproductive health and all the options available.

What risk factors can affect my fertility?

There are a variety of risk factors that reduce your chances of getting pregnant. If you meet with one of our providers, we will take a closer look at potential risks, including:

  • Your weight and age

  • Previous history of STIs (STDs)

  • History of tubal disease or endometriosis

  • Smoking and heavy drinking

Check Shenandoah women’s health and spa Blog for more health care advice and beauty tips.


Shenandoah Women's Healthcare

240 Lucy Dr, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Phone: 540-418-3831

Fax: 540-438-0797


At Shenandoah Women’s Healthcare, they offer compassionate, women’s healthcare tailored to all stages of women’s life in the Shenandoah Valley.

Their team consists of experienced obstetricians, gynecologists, and highly qualified, experienced physicians. At their office in Harrisonburg, Virginia, you will find midwives and doctors, who work together to help you manage your physical and emotional health. They instruct and interpret laboratory work and other tests, do physical exercises, and answer any questions you have about your health.

Nada Hosny Khalifa 


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Hello, I’m a content writer from Egypt Specialized in medical content writing, With a bachelor’s degree in microchemistry. I’m also equipped with strong analytical and technical skills which made me certain that I can make a significant contribution to your project. My goal is to inspire and help you translate what you think about into meaningful professional content. I have accomplished some medical content projects you can check out for them in my portfolio. Finally, I’m looking forward to work with you and sharing our experience together.

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