The Best 9 Home Remedies For Boils On Inner Thigh In 2022

Home remedies for boils on inner thigh, Boils are bumps that occur under the skin due to bacterial or many other different causes. they can infect many areas of your body. They can be treated with many simple home remedies. 

If the boil gets larger despite using home remedies, call your doctor don’t squeeze or drain it. If you squeeze or drain it, the infection will spread to the nearby areas or the infection will get deeper. 

So you have to call your doctor to drain it. In this article, we will talk about boils, especially home remedies for boils on inner thigh.

home remedies for boils on inner thigh

What are the boils?

Boils are painful infections of the hair follicle and surrounding skin. They begin as a red pump then fill with bus and white blood cells. Boils appear under the skin and may be small or large in size. 

They are also called skin abscesses. They can appear anywhere on the body. But they are most common on the face, neck, back, buttocks, armpits, and shoulders. 

Sweety and hairy areas as well as areas of friction such as the inner thigh. also can develop near the nose or around the ear. we will take especially on boils on the inner thigh. 

Causes and risk factors for boils:

Boils appear due to many causes like bacterial infection as staphylococcus aureus or blocked sweat glands, or ingrown hair.

There are some factors that increase the risk of boils:

  • Bad hygiene

  • Obesity

  • Small skin injuries

  • Diabetes

  • Acne

  • Eczema

  • Shaving

  • Immunity disorder

  • Close contact with an infected person

  • Receiving chemotherapy

home remedies for boils on inner thigh

Symptoms of boils on inner thigh: 

Boils are usually small but can grow larger as a golf ball. Boils symptoms include:

  • Redness, swelling, and pain.

  • Yellow or white tip boil.

  • Crusting or oozing.

  • It may be accompanied by fatigue, fever, or ill-health.

Are boils contagious? 

Boils are not contagious, but if the cause of the boil is a bacterial infection as staphylococcus aureus, the infection may occur. Staphylococcus aureus micro organism spreads easily by skin to skin contact and contaminated objects.

These bacteria usually do not harm unless they find a break in the skin. so to avoid spreading the infection don’t share towels and clothes.

Don’t touch the boil, and keep it covered. wash your hand frequently to prevent spreading the infection.

home remedies for boils on inner thigh

Home remedies for boils on inner thigh:

Tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil is one of the best home remedies for boils on inner thigh.

It is a strong antiseptic and antibacterial oil.

It should be diluted when applied topically as it is very concentrated may cause burns. Mix five drops of tea tree oil with one teaspoon (5ml) of coconut oil or olive oil.

Dilute tea tree oil then apply topically twice or three times a day. Do this until the biol disappears

Raw onion:

Raw onion is one of the home remedies for boils on inner thigh.

Cut a thick slice, put in a gauze. Place it on the boil for one hour once or twice a day.     

 Fresh garlic:

Fresh garlic is one of the natural home remedies for boils on the inner thigh. Press the garlic, put the extracted juice on the boil for 10 to 30 minutes once or twice daily.

Epsom salt:

Epsom salt isn’t just a relaxing therapy, it is one of the home remedies for boils on inner thigh.

 It may help to dry pus. Dissolve the salt in warm water soak a cloth. apply the cloth topically for 20 minutes three times a day until the boil disappears.

Turmeric powder:

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is one of the good home remedies for boils on inner thigh. 

It can be used topically or orally or both of them. To drink it, boil one teaspoon of turmeric powder in water or milk. Let it cool then drink it three times a day.

For topical use, mix turmeric powder with ginger, water, or both to make a paste. Use the paste topically twice a day till the biol disappears.

Castor oil:

Castor oil has many active constituents, especially ricinoleic acid, which makes it has a potent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Ricinoleic acid content makes castor oil one of the good home remedies for boils on inner thigh. 

Apply castor oil directly on the skin three times a day till the boil disappears.

Applying heat:

Applying heat to the affected area increases blood supply, white blood cells, and antibodies to this area to fight the infection.

Applying heat is one of the best home remedies for boils on inner thigh you can try. 

Put a warm cloth on the affected area for 20 minutes. Do this three or four times daily. Till the boil disappears.

Over-the-counter antibiotics:

Over-the-counter antibiotics are the fastest home remedies for boils on inner thigh. So many people keep Neosporin antibiotics at home. 

Apply the antibiotic ointment topically twice a day till the boil disappears.


home remedies for boils on inner thigh

Neem oil:

Neem oil has antimicrobial antibacterial antiseptic properties. That made it one of the natural home remedies for boils on inner thigh. 

Neem oil should be applied topically on the affected area three or four times a day till the boil disappears.

When to call the doctor?

You should call your doctor in these cases:

  • If the boil is getting bigger despite using home remedies for boils on inner thigh.

  • There is a fever.

  • It hasn’t improved after one week.

  • It is bigger than 2 inches.

  • It is accompanied by symptoms of infection.

  • There are pumps near the boil.

  • You have diabetes.

  • You have recurring boils for several months.

  • Extreme pain.

How to prevent boils on the inner thigh?

Bacteria are everywhere in our world. So while and after using home remedies for boils on inner thigh, you should follow some steps.

For example:

  • Wash your hand. 

  • Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers.

  • Clean cuts, scrapes, and wounds carefully.

  • Don’t share towels, razors, sheets, etc.

  • Keep all surfaces you touch clean and disinfected.

  • Wash your clothes in hot water.

  • Ues a hot dryer to dry clothes and kill any bacteria.

  • Cover the boil with a dry bandage.

  •  Always Change the bandages to keep the boil clean and dry.


Everyone is suspected of boils anywhere in his body. Some simple home remedies may be useful treat them. They are most common in the face, neck, back, buttocks, armpits, and shoulders. Sweaty and hairy areas as well as areas of friction such as the inner if you have a boil, don’t squeeze it. Use home remedies to treat the boil. If the boil gets bigger, go to the doctor.

Read more about:

The Best Natural Remedies For Boils

Turmeric For Boils

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