The Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In 2022

Home remedies to get rid of bed bugs should be applicable as they are rapidly spread. Bed Bugs are arthropods found in old furniture, box springs, mattresses, and bed frames.

Home remedies to get rid of bed bugs are important to control infection.

Bed bugs belong to the family Cimicidae (Hemiptera) which is divided into two species called Cimex lectularius, Cimex Hemiptera. 

They are less than 1cm in length so undetected with the eye. Bed bugs are small, oval, brownish with flat bodies which help to hide into tiny spaces, areas of clutter.

Home remedies to get rid of bed bugs

Mechanism of action of bed bugs

  • Using home remedies to get rid of bed bugs is very important as bed bugs are blood-sucking species for humans.

  • Bed bugs are 5-7mm in length, have reduced wings, and become flat with modified mouthparts for piercing and sucking via two mechanism vessel feeders and pool feeders. Vessel feeder via inserting its tip into a capillary. 

  • A pool feeder at first damages the super facial tissue then feeds on accumulated blood or extravasated blood.

The onset of action of bed bugs

  • Using home remedies to get rid of bed bugs is an important responsibility as bed Bugs normally feed at night when the host sleeps.

  • Feeding takes 3-21 minutes. In proper condition, adult bed bugs can survive with meals for 1 year. Each female lays approximately 300 eggs in her lifetime, and hatch within 10 days.

  • The immature stage of bed bugs is called nymphs which last for 6 weeks.

Weapons of bed bugs

  • We should apply different home remedies to get rid of bed bugs as bed bugs inject different pharmacologically active substances (some enzymes) such as hyaluronidase, proteases, and kinins which cause inflammation. 

  • qualify the host for its bite by injecting anticoagulants, and anesthetic compounds, both make the host not feel its bite. Bed bugs have two heat, and lipid barriers that resist insecticides.

Mode of transmission

  • Home remedies to get rid of bed bugs should be applicable as bed bugs are found in developing countries, Asia, Africa, and Europe. 

  • Home remedies to get rid of bedbugs depend on where they are found. 

  • They move from one place to another easily as people travel. 

  • They accumulate in places where people sleep.

Symptoms of the infection of bed bugs

  • Bed bugs bite hosts at night at exposed areas of their body, arm, neck, or leg. 

  • Bed bugs cause irritation, itching sensation and lead to various symptoms according to the host.

  • In some people, the injury becomes localized. On the other side skin swell, make papule scratching become bloody, and may lead to secondary bacterial infection with two species MRSA (Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus), VRE (Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus), which are called superbugs from bed bugs.

Manifestations of bed bugs

Home remedies to get rid of bed bugs must be applied when we see obvious signs of bed bugs.

Rusty red color on bedsheets

It is considered dried blood of bed bugs.

Eggshells of bed bugs

Eggshells are not easily found but tend to be seen as white spots on your carpet, furniture, and mattress.

Black spots

Black dots appear when the skin of bed bugs is shed.

Living bed bugs

Bed bugs themselves can be seen when having a good meal and become bigger.

Home remedies to get rid of bed bugs


Mothballs are one of the home remedies to get rid of bed bugs. Mothballs are small balls of chemical pesticide and deodorant sometimes used when storing clothing and other articles susceptible to damage from bed bugs. They are called bed bug repellers.

Rubbing alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is one of the home remedies to get rid of bed bugs. Spraying rubbing alcohol shows efficacy in getting rid of some bed bugs by dissolving their cells but not all as they multiply easily. Rubbing alcohol is hazardous as it is flammable.

home remedies to get rid of bed bugs


Vacuum is one of the home remedies to get rid of bed bugs. Vacuuming your bedsheets, furniture, tiny places where bed bugs are.

Use a stiff brush on your mattress to remove bed bugs and eggs. You should wash the vacuum box properly then dry it on high heat as soon as possible.

Steam cleaning

Steam cleaning is also considered one of the home remedies to get rid of bed bugs. Steam cleaning is an effective method in destroying bed bugs at high heat above 140⁰ Fahrenheit.

It is shown that washing objects with extreme heat then drying at superheat is beneficial in getting rid of bed bugs.


Freezing objects that are applicable to freeze at 0⁰C considers one of the home remedies to get rid of bed bugs.


Vinegar is one of the home remedies to get rid of bed bugs from our kitchen. Vinegar has a strong odor that plays on the nervous system of bed bugs, not for eggs. It is used as adjuvant therapy but not alone.


Borax is an effective method that is used as one of the home remedies to get rid of bed bugs. Borax is natural acid salt dissolved in water so it is used in washing machines for your bed sheets and mattress.

It is also sprinkled on the mattress and left for 24 hours. It causes asphyxia to bed bugs. They will have difficulty breathing then die.

Diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous is the most effective natural method in getting rid of bed bugs as it kills approximately 90%of bed bugs. It takes a week to see action.

It has a rough, hard surface so when applied to the mattress, bed sheets carrying bed bugs destroy its weak exoskeleton into several pieces.

You should take several precautions when handling it. Diatomaceous earth is one of the home remedies to get rid of bed bugs.

Baking soda

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is sprinkled on bed sheets and mattresses as a natural remedy to get rid of bed bugs.

You should stand for a week before vacuuming to see a result. It causes dehydration to the skin of bed bugs so they die as they become dry.


Bleach is a chemical component used as one of the home remedies to get rid of bed bugs. Bleach considers a coarse chemical substance that causes oxidation to the outer shell of bed bugs.

The disadvantage of bleach staining so you should not use it on clothes, bedsheets, and furniture.

Black walnut tea

Black tea has antibacterial, antifungal, and insecticidal properties.

Sprinkling it in areas of clutter has a good role in getting rid of both bed bugs and eggs.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is one of the natural oils used as home remedies to get rid of bed bugs. Tea tree oil has antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, antibiotic, and antiparasitic properties. It is used in mild cases by diluting 20 drops in a spraying bottle to be used.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper, oregano essential oil, and ginger are mixed. One teaspoon of the mix is added to a cup of water in a pan then boil for 7 minutes. Put the mixture in a spray bottle then spray on mattresses and bedsheets. Using it as adjuvant therapy is not alone.

Lavender and peppermint oil spray

Lavender and peppermint oil are used as home remedies to get rid of bed bugs. Peppermint oil repels bed bugs due to its strong scent. Although lavender oil is used for relaxation it shows efficacy in getting rid of bed bugs.

home remedies to get rid of bed bugs


Lemongrass is one of the home remedies to get rid of bed bugs. Lemongrass is a grass native to India and Sri Lanka. Lemongrass double-edges it serves as a repellent and killer.

Due to its odor, it repels bed bugs. The acidity of lemongrass kills bed bugs and their eggs.


Pyrethrum is a genus of plants now classified as chrysanthemum or Tanacetum, a bright flower of a variety of colors that are considered one of the home remedies to get rid of bed bugs. It assaults the nervous system of bed bugs.

home remedies to get rid of bed bugs


Clove plays a role as one of the natural home remedies to get rid of bed bugs by the same mechanism of lemongrass. Apply clove oil on the mattress, and bed sheets containing bed bugs.

Indian lilac

Indian lilac is a herb that is considered one of the home remedies to get rid of bed bugs. The leaves of Indian lilac are crushed then spread on mattresses or boil the leaves, and strain the solution. Taking a  shower with this solution protects the host from bites of bed bugs.

Some cases require using antihistamines such as chlorpheniramine, and anti-inflammatory corticosteroids such as hydrocortisone.


Keep in mind using home remedies to get rid of bed bugs is very important to control infection.

Bed bugs are found in all areas that contain old furniture, mattress, bed frames, and areas of clutter so we should take all precautions to get rid of bed bugs by convenient methods as we write above.

Injuries caused by bed bugs should be treated well to avoid lethal infection.

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