Blood In Dog Urine Home Remedies | Remedies For UTI In Dogs

Blood in dog urine home remedies could be the first matter you will think about and search for when you see blood in your dog urine.

               blood in dog urine home remedies

Blood in dogs urine home remedies

What are the suggestions to identify the red color of your dog's urine?

It isn't easy to see the color of your dog's urine unless you see it on the pale and non-absorbent ground but you can see the stream of urine of your dog in a clean container and this is better.

This will help you to see the abnormalities in your dog's urine and make sure if there is any blood in your dog's urine or not.

blood in dog urine home remedies

Is it common in male dogs or female dogs

Firstly, you should know that urinary tract infection is more common in older dogs as well as female dogs urethra is wider and shorter than in males and this matter makes bacteria ascend the urethra and causes the infection.           

What are the indications of blood in dog urine that you notice on your dog

There are many symptoms you may notice when your dog urinates and it feels pain well as discomfort.

It goes to the toilet more than usual, some dogs go to the toilet as usual but you will notice they lick their genitals more than usual.

Causes of the blood in the dog's urine

First, let me tell you that there are many causes of blood in dog urine you should know first.

I'll show them before giving you a list of blood in dog urine home remedies. 

There are causes of upper and lower urinary tract inflammation or infection:

Causes of the blood in the lower urinary tract include

Bladder stones

They are crystals that are formed in the bladder and cause inflammation, bleeding, and urethral blockage.

Bladder cancer

The symptoms of it are similar to urinary tract infection as it causes blood in urine and difficulty urinating.

Bladder infection

It can be caused by different matters such as skin allergies and urethral anatomy. In this case, blood in dog urine home remedies which I'll list will be helpful.

Prostate problems

Prostate problems and prostate enlargement are causes of blood in dog urine.

Other causes

  • Disease due to infection such as bacterial and viral infection

  • Trauma

  • An unknown idiopathic cause

  • Chemotherapy also can cause blood in dog urine and blood in dog urine home remedies isn't useful in this case

What are the Causes of blood in the upper urinary tract

Kidney infection

If you see blood in your dog's urine this indicates that one or both kidneys of your dog is infected.

Kidney stones

Also, that is one of the reasons that cause blood in dog urine.

Kidney cancer

That cause is uncommon in dogs but if your dog has kidney cancer it will lead to blood in dog urine.

blood in dog urine home remedies

The effect of the PH on your dog infection

Before I tell you about blood in dog urine home remedies, I want to tell you something about the PH of your dog urine which plays a main role in the reasons and the treatment of blood in your dog urine.

Normal dogs have slightly acidic urine and the PH is around 6:7.

But, when the PH differs from that range and becomes too high or too low due to crystal formation and bladder stones also formed due to an intact diet, this will cause UTI thus blood in dog urine.

So, I have an idea that I think it's one of the blood in dog urine home remedies, which is…

You can buy urine PH strips from vet clinics or any pharmacy, and by this strip, you can check the PH urine of your dog, but You should do it in the morning before giving it food.

This idea will help you to know the PH of your dog's urine and thus you can adjust what your dog eats and avoid bladder crystals formation of stones.

To adjust the PH of your dog's urine, you should know the effect of carbs and starches on the PH.

Because too many carbs and starches will make the PH lower and make alkaline urine.

This will lead to crystal formation and bladder stones also. So adjust the number of carbs in your dog's diet.

           blood in dog urine home remedies       

Can I give an antibiotic to my dog by myself

Probably you will think of giving your dog antibiotics to help it and relieve the pain of your dog but you mustn't do this before going to the vet and he will lead you to make urine analysis and thus prescribes suitable antibiotics for your dog.

Urine analysis will test the following:

- PH

- Urine-specific gravity

- Ketones

- Glucose

- Blood

- Bilirubin

This will be an accurate way to give your dog antibiotics but this isn't one of the blood in dog urine home remedies.

Using blood in dog urine home remedies is easy, safe, and can give you quick solutions.

Now, How can I treat blood in my dog's urine naturally?

blood in dog urine home remedies

Suggestions for blood in dog urine home remedies

Natural Urinary Tract Infection remedies in dogs


Arnica Montan

Arnica Montana acts as an anti-inflammatory because it has phenolic acids and flavonoids. 

The way you apply it as blood in dog urine home remedies is to crush up the flower of that plant until you get a pulpy texture then apply the pulp to the inflamed area and cover it with a gauze. Repeat this after it dries.


According to the National Center for Biotechnology, the upper part of alfalfa that is found above the ground contains fatty acids and cinnamic acid derivatives which play a major role in relieving the pain and the discomfort caused by the inflammation.

The method of preparing alfalfa is to use a food processor to grind it too finely until it becomes a thick paste, then put this paste on the affected area

Boswellia serrata bark

To use Boswellia serrata as an anti-inflammatory, crush the bark until the fibers are exposed after that rub fibers on the affected area.

Dried meadowsweet 

It has an anti-inflammatory effect because it has salicylate compounds that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

To use it, put the dried leaves and flowers of the plant in hot water for at least 10 minutes to activate salicylate compounds then let it cool.

Give your dog a teaspoon of it per day until the inflammation subsides.

So we can consider it one of the blood in dog urine home remedies.

blood in dog urine home remedies


Ginger has an anti-inflammatory effect as it has organic substances such as gingerol that suppress cytokines and nitric oxide which promotes inflammation in tissues.

For using ginger as blood in dog urine home remedies, mix it with cinnamon powder in a mortar and pestle.

Apply the juice that is extracted to the affected area and cover that area with a piece of gauze.

Cinnamon powder

The cinnamon powder contains cinnamic acid which inhibits nitric oxide and is considered an inflammatory agent.

To use it as an anti-inflammatory agent take a teaspoon of it and mix it with a little amount of water to form a paste.

Also, you can add drops of vegetable oil to make it thicker then apply to the affected area and cover it with a piece of gauze.

I think it's an easy suggestion for blood in dog urine home remedies.

Yucca bark and root

It contains polyphonic that suppresses the formation of nitric oxide and I told you about its effect previously.

To use it you should mix its bark and root with mortar and pestle to form a paste then apply the mixture to the affected area and don't forget to cover it with gauze.

Turmeric Powder

Turmeric powder contains curcumin, which is an anti-inflammatory and has an antioxidant effect.

To use it as blood in dog urine home remedies, add it to your dog meals and water but, avoid adding it in large amounts as it has a peppery bite when ingested in large amounts.

blood in dog urine home remedies

Vitamin C

We use vitamin C in this case to acidify dog urine. It prevents the development of bacteria in the bladder.        

Apple cider vinegar

You may think it isn't a suitable suggestion for blood in dog urine home remedies, but it is useful for the inflammation that your dog is suffering from.

Apple cider vinegar helps to lower the PH of the urine of your dog and this makes it an unsuitable environment for bacteria to develop.

For small dogs, you can add one teaspoon to their water and for large dogs, you can add two teaspoons.

blood in dog urine home remedies

Large amounts of water during the day

Finally, I think the most effective way to help your dog that has UTI is to make your dog drink as large amounts of water as possible during the day.

As it helps your dog to dilute its urine, and this helps it relieve the pain by carrying bad bacteria out of the body, you can apply water in these ways…

- Offer it several bowls of fresh water in your home.

- Mix water with his kibble to make a portage.

- Give it ice cups some dogs prefer.

- Add drops of beef broth to water.

These were the top home remedies for dog UTI, try them before going to the Vet!

If you see blood in your dog's urine, I advise you to read this article. You will find many suggestions for blood in dog urine home remedies and symptoms that help you to indicate blood in dog urine.

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