Partners In Women's Health | Gynecology And Obstetrics Service

Partners In Women's Health is a group of highly qualified medical teams, considered with women's health and wellness using the most advanced technologies.

If you look for the best care in gynecology and obstetrics here you are. A team of experts cooperates to give you the best services in a comfortable atmosphere.

Partners in women's health believe that health is the most important blessing you have. Better health equals better life you can live. Women can get complete care in gynecology and obstetrics by using the best technology such as digital mammography, bone densitometry, and 4D ultrasound.

Those care are provided for both high-risk pregnancies and normal ones. It also performs invasive surgery such as hysterectomy.


parteners in women’s health

What services that partners in women's health  provide:

Partners In Women's Health doctors are available for you all time 24 hours every day for 7days a week,365day in a year to provide you with all services that you can get.

Gynecology service:

Annual exam and pap smear:

An annual gynecology exam is incredibly important to be sure that you are well and catch any abnormal issue at the earliest time to get better management and recovery. 

It takes one hour every year to live the rest of it safely. The Best time to begin the annual exam is When a girl reaches thirteen years old, but a pelvic exam and pap smear are done around age twenty-one.

If you don't have a file with partners in women's health they will take your history and measure your vital signs such as height, weight, temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate.

The doctor will examine your breasts and pelvic and may perform a pap test. Pap smear is done after reaching 21years old every 3 years until you become a 65 years old woman, to detect any abnormal tissue in the cervix such as cancer or sexually transmitted diseases.


Contraceptives and birth control:

Partners in women's health are also concerned with preventing pregnancy or contraception by using many methods. But your doctor will choose the right method for your medical history as all contraception methods have benefits and risks. 

1- Intrauterine device :

The safest birth control method and most efficient. Its failure rate is less than 1%. It is a long-acting method that prevents pregnancy until you remove it. IUD may be made of copper or silver and it may contain hormones.

2- Hormonal contraceptives:

Such as pills, patches, injections, and implants, those hormonal contraceptives stop ovulation and fertilization. This method needs a follow-up schedule as its effectiveness is dependent on use.

3- Barrier method:

As condoms, sponges, and diaphragms prevent sperm from reaching the uterus. But they have a high risk of failure.

4- Sterilization:

It is permanent contraception as tube ligation in females.

Sexual transmitted diseases screenings:

HIV, Herpes, Syphilis are examples of serious sexually transmitted infections STDs don't have symptoms in the beginning.


Menopause is a natural process all women must go through at age between 40-60 years old.  Reduction in female reproductive hormones. It is associated with night sweats, weight gain, dryness of the vagina, and mood changes.

If you go through what you should do is call partners in women's health to help you manage symptoms. The treatment available for menopause is hormone replacement therapy as Estrogen/Progesterone in the form of pills, patches, and gels.


Gynecological condition:

In partners in women's health, you can find services for many gynecological conditions and receive the best care and treatment from the medical team. These conditions are such as:

1-Ovarian cysts

2-Urinary incontinence

3- Hysterectomy

4- Polycystic ovarian syndrome

5- Uterine fibroids

6- Vaginal prolapse

7- Heavy menstrual cycle

parteners in women’s health

Obstetrics services at partners in women's health:

To form a family you must prepare for it. Receiving a new family member is gorgeous but you should know about this step well and give him the best care. Here in partners in women's health, you can receive what you search for.

There are obstetrics services available for all from the beginning of your idea to form a family. 

1- Preconception counseling:

Getting counseling before conception by 3-6 months, partners in women's health provide counseling sessions to detect any abnormalities, illness, or risk pregnancies by taking a family history and laboratory tests.

2- Prenatal care:

Caring during your pregnancy by a professional medical team. Once you know you get pregnant you will need extra care as:

-First-trimester screening

-Ultrasound examination

-Childbirth and environment

3- Postpartum care:

Welcome to your baby, congratulations you have become a mum. Now you should take care of yourself and your baby. Partners in women's health will help you don't be afraid.

They help you to go back to your normal life with your baby. Giving medication that will help you, teaching you instructions and activities, planning to follow up appointments, supporting and helping you to overcome Postpartum depression if you have it.

.parteners in women’s health


Partners in women's health are your guide in your way to form a family, be sure you will find them at any time you need help. As women are half of society they deserve such great partners.

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Read more about Women Comprehensive Health

Read more about Women Comprehensive Health

By:Dr. Hager khedr

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