Topical Skin Cancer Treatment Home Remedies | True Or False

Many people in the world like to use home remedies even in serious diseases Such as topical skin cancer treatment home remedies. In this article, we will debate that topic objectively and scientifically to understand the truth of the matter.

Who doesn’t like summer holidays for going to the beach, and getting a tan under the sun? Of course, no one...?!

Ok, have you ever thought that exposure to the sun could cause a dangerous disease called skin cancer and there are topical skin cancer treatment home remedies that some people applied; If you don’t know about it.


Topical skin cancer treatment home remedies


Let me tell you Some information that can help you to save yourself.

In the beginning, What are the causes of skin cancer?

1-Spent a lot of time under the UV rays of the sun.

2- Exposure to toxins and radiation.

3- Having a weak immune system.

4- Your body has less pigmentation.

5- If your family has a history of the disease. 


Also, studies were proven that men are more affected than women by this. However, most people if they find an abnormal lesion such as:

1- Dark lesions on Fingertips, Palms, toes, and mucous membrane of the mouth and genital organs.

2-A small lesion with irregular borders and different colors.

3- Painful lesions.

4 - Amole with changes in colors and size; people prefer to directly use the topical skin cancer treatment home remedies rather than see the doctor and get appropriate treatment. So, why does it happen?


Why do people prefer topical skin cancer treatment home remedies?

People are different in their reasons for instance:

1- Some people would rather apply topical skin cancer treatment home remedies than take the particular treatment from a special doctor because those have medically beneficial properties as apple cider vinegar.

2-Other avoid going to the hospital for the biopsy and chemotherapy.

3- Most people take a recommendation of using topical skin cancer treatment home remedies from trusted friends or aged siblings.

4- Also, without a doubt, the topical skin cancer treatment home remedies are cheaper than any other treatment.

So, let’s ask the important question here….


Topical skin cancer treatment home remedies

What are the topical skin cancer treatment home remedies?

I will tell you some of them.

1- Apple cider vinegar: 

It’s the common topical skin cancer treatment home remedy for its beneficial effect.  The people conclude that it could protect the skin from cancer and reduce the acidity of the body based on the idea that was brought by Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg which was that skin cancer is a result Of increasing the acidity in the body and lowering the oxygen also the cancer cells produce lactic acid.

They wet a piece of cotton with apple cider vinegar then used in the lesion but you have to know that way was not proven to cure the skin cancer.  


2- Purple eggplant extract:

Some people use the cream of eggplant extract with 10% concentration of solasodine rhamnosyl glucoside as an important one of topical skin cancer treatment home remedies because there is a study from cancer letter said that is the eggplant extract has an effective treatment of skin cancer especially on basal and squamous cell carcinoma also dor keratosis. 


3- Coconut oil:

It is popular for moisturizing and reducing itching skin. Also, fighting against free radical formation helps to protect the skin from cancer.


Topical skin cancer treatment home remedies


4- Black raspberry seed oil:

It can target the tumor, has immune properties, and fights cancer cells.

For that, it is used as topical skin cancer treatment home remedies.


5-Essential oils:

We use essential oils in our daily life but some of us do not know that essential oils are used as topical skin cancer treatment home remedies because they could protect against skin cancer and can soothe any skin lesions.


6-Myrrh oil:

This kind of oil affects fighting skin cancer cells. We get it from a Thorny tree sap besides its benefit on skin cancer it could be helped by treating many diseases.  


7- Frankincense oil:

It is considered as one of the topical skin cancer treatment home remedies for its ability in skin cancer-fighting. Moreover, it is used as a healing agent.


Even though many people use those topical skin cancer treatment home remedies as a result of their benefit, they can hurt themself because of it …… HOW IS THAT?

1- People are not the same in either their immunity or responses to the treatment.

Some of them are allergic to specific topical skin cancer treatment home remedies Such as apple cider vinegar and some oils.

2-Natural products including topical skin cancer treatment home remedies have a delayed effect of treating skin cancer and the case becomes serious.

3-Black salve is an ointment that contains zinc and chloride; there is a claim that it could treat cancerous cells but no evidence has been proven that it can work on it otherwise, it can change the case into the worst and cause more side effects. 


Topical skin cancer treatment home remedies


After knowing the harmful effects of topical skin cancer treatment home remedies; I’m sure that you are asking now, How can I protect myself From skin cancer?

For answering that question you have to do the following :

1- Talk to the doctor if find any abnormal lesion and don’t wait to see the effect of Topical skin cancer treatment home remedies.

2- Stay out of the sun from 10 a.m to 4 p.m and find a shaded place.

3- Use sunscreen when you are out with SPF 30 or higher according to the AAD

(American Academy of Dermatology Association) to protect yourself from UV rays.

4- Wear clothes with long sleeves, pants, and sunglasses for protection from sun rays.

5- Never use tanning beds because they can cause skin cancer.

6-Take care of your diet and eat healthy foods rich in: (Vit A, E, and C), polyphenols, Zinc, Selenium, Beta carotene, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Lycopene; whereas studies back that diet can help to prevent common skin cancer because it has antioxidants.


It’s obviously after all that topical skin cancer treatment home remedies, not the best way to cure skin cancer although some of them have benefits and if you insist on using Topical skin cancer home remedies ask your doctor first and remember your health Isn’t a game to play with also as we know prevention is better than cure.

Written by: Dr. Naglaa AbdAllah


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