Nasal Polyp Treatment At Home | Get A Comfortable Breath

Nasal polyp treatment at home is one of the matters frequently searched nowadays; due to its elevated recurrence rate.

Many people are seeking strategies and methods to relieve it instead of repeated use of steroid sprays.

To explore more about nasal polyps and their treatments at home, let’s join this journey.Nasal polyp treatment at home

What are nasal polyps?

Polyps of the nose are common non cancerous, recurrent, usually asymptomatic teardrops-like eruptions, appearing in the lining of the nose or sinuses.

They are commonly linked to inflammation, asthma, nasal infection or allergy.

Polyps are typically asymptomatic, but can sometimes cause sneezing, itching, snoring or enlargement and breathing difficulty.

Doctors treat nasal polyps surgically or medically, besides nasal polyp treatment at home that helps to control them.

How to cure nasal polyps?

As mentioned before, these polyps can recur again after treatment, which makes it necessary to learn some approaches for nasal polyp treatment at home.

Patients can control polyps by some natural remedies like chamomile, turmeric, peppermint, garlic or ginger.

Nasal polyp treatment at home by garlic and ginger

Ginger and garlic carry many benefits for health and immunity, and also can be used as a treatment line for polyps.

You can add crushed garlic or ginger (about (1-2) tsp) or their powder or extract to your food.

How to use turmeric for nasal polyps?

curcumin is the main component of turmeric spice that has anti-inflammatory functions, helping to reduce airway irritation.

Try to add about (1-2) tsp of turmeric to your food regularly or prepare your special turmeric tea. You can add any other herb for better taste.

Topical nasal polyp treatment at home

In addition to general remedies, there are a number of topical approaches to control symptoms as:

1. Neti pot

Nasal irrigation is one of the most effective ways to treat and manage nasal problems when applied in a correct manner.

You can use neti pot or clean plastic syringe as follow:

  1. Fill a syringe or neti pot with warm sterile distilled or pre-boiled water mixed with salt (1 tsp of salt and 1 tsp of bicarbonate with 500 ml water, it should have a tear or sweat taste).

  2. Flow water through nostrils while tilting head sideways; to ensure that water can run thoroughly inside nasal passages, and come out of the other nostril.

  3. Blow nose to get rid of the excess salty water.

  4. Repeat the previous steps 3 times for each nostril.

2. Steam

Studies showed that inhaling a steam besides neti pot nasal irrigation can be helpful to control symptoms and reduce it.

In addition to warm steam inhalation during taking a shower, you can prepare a pan of boiled water and inhale the coming steam by putting a towel on your head; to prevent steam escaping.

Also you can add some herbs such as chamomile, tea tree oil, eucalyptus or peppermint to boiled water for better benefits.

You must take care while using hot water; to avoid burns.

Besides steam, you can use a clean air humidifier as a supportive way for nasal polyp treatment at home by managing mucus flow and avoiding blockage of nasal passages. 

3. Eucalyptus

The active substance of this plant "cineol" has a decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect; so drug companies often add it to many nasal decongestant drugs. 

Some people may have allergy to it; so you must try a simple sensitivity test before using it by adding a drop of eucalyptus oil to (1) tsp of any carrier oil, then put it on your forearm, and monitor its effect after 24 hours.

You can use it as a topical nasal polyp treatment at home as follow:

  1. mix about (3-5) drops of its oil to (28.5) ml of carrier oil.

  2. Dip a small ball of cotton in mixture, then dap it carefully to nasal passages.

4. Peppermint

Menthol has a good effect in treating cold symptoms and decongestion.

In addition to taking a hot drink of peppermint tea, you can prepare a mixture of peppermint oil and any carrier oil, with the same percentages and method of eucalyptus oil.

5. Tea tree oil

Essential oils such as tea tree oil have great health benefits, and are usually used as natural remedies or added to medications; to manage inflammation and infection.

Use tea tree oil as a nasal polyp treatment at home by following these steps:

  1. Mix (3-5) drops of it with about (28.5) ml of almond, olive oil or any other carrier oil.

  2. Dip a small cotton piece in the solution, then dap it to nasal passages.Nasal polyp treatment at home

Other ways of nasal polyp treatment at home

Herbal treatment of nasal polyps not limited to the previously mentioned ones only, so there are a group of other treatments:

1. Cayenne pepper nasal polyp treatment at home

Due to its efficiency, capsaicin (the main component of cayenne pepper) is used in nasal polyps treatment spray.

It postes immunity and manages inflammation also.

Use cayenne pepper as spice by adding about (1-2) tsp to your food, or prepare a hot drink of it sweetened with honey for good taste.

2. Butterbur

Butterbur extract or supplement is intended to manage problems that cause or caused by polyps; as it can control pain and allergy.

3. Echinacea

Echinacea reduces airways irritation and infections, so it is used commonly for cold treatment and also can help in nasal polyp treatment at home.

4. Probiotics

It is a normal flora that lives in our bodies, balances the harmful ones and protects us from many diseases.

You can get probiotics from some foods such as pickled vegetables, yoghurt and kombucha.

How to cure nasal polyps permanently at home?

All home treatments mentioned above are temporary approaches that help to reduce symptoms or the size of polyps only, but not a final treatment for polyps.

Prevention of nasal polyps

Prevention of occurrence or complications is the best way to control a disease; so there are several measures that must be followed.

  1. Ensure that your hands are clear and clean often; to avoid bacterial entrance to the nose.

  2. Stay at a well aerated place and avoid places of chemicals, fumes, smoking and fuels; to avoid additional irritation.

  3. Wear a mask if needed and stay away from dusty areas.

  4. Take vitamin D supplements; as studies proved that daily intake of (4000) iu of it for a month is efficient nasal polyp treatment at home.

  5. Do yoga breathing exercises to enhance breathing and decrease nasal congestion.

  6. Follow doctor instructions related to control of irritation or asthma.

Nasal polyp treatment at home isn't a complex procedure, just try to follow given amounts and steps to achieve best results. Despite good results that can be obtained by these remedies, be careful when using any approach and contact a doctor when required.

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