Home Remedies for Killing Exposed Nerve In Tooth | Reduce Pain

You may wonder if you know that there are home remedies for killing exposed nerve in tooth you can try as a temporary solution for your pain until you can go to a dentist.

Home remedies are medical recipes that you are used to hearing from your grandma and I'm sure you were joking about these recipes and don't believe that it could work but guess what? These recipes, especially these home remedies for killing exposed nerve in tooth, will be very effective and useful as an emergency solution for your problem.

home remedies for killing exposed nerve in tooth

What makes the tooth nerve to be exposed?

Lack of any hygiene measures in your mouth make it a fertile environment for bacteria to grow and be activated to cause endely tooth decay that is called "a cavity". 

If you persist in neglecting your oral hygiene, this cavity will progress through the dentin and cause the tooth nerve"pulp" to be exposed causing pain that you can't bear.

Symptoms of exposed nerve in a tooth:

-Persistent pain with stimuli like cold, hot and sweet ones without stimuli. 

-Swelling of the periodontium around the tooth. 

-Pain that can disturb your sleep for days

-These symptoms may progress to a bad odor and taste from exudate from the tooth.


In your hands, There are 20  home remedies for killing exposed nerve in tooth

1-Baby aspirin

Baby aspirin can be crushed and applied to the affected area of the tooth directly that will allow it to dissolve and give some relief for your pain.

2-Tea bag

If you don't suffer from a cold, you can put the teabag in cold water to relieve the pain and swelling of the tooth.


You can use powdered ginger and mix it with a few drops of water to make a thick paste then apply it to the affected area that can relieve the pain.

Be careful to keep this paste away from the surrounding gingiva so as not to irritate it.


Ice can numb the pain in your affected tooth.

You can either put a cold piece in a towel and put it on the affected area within a 15 minutes interval, or you can put an ice piece inside your mouth for a few seconds.

Be careful when you put the ice piece inside your mouth as it is hard and can break your teeth. 

5-Elevate your head

It is an easy one of home remedies for killing exposed nerve in tooth

Although it is difficult to go to sleep if your teeth hurt you, sleeping in a flat position will raise your pressure and exacerbate the pain. 

Otherwise, you can sleep with your head slightly raised or sleep sitting on a chair. 

6-Over the counter medication

Aspirin or ibuprofen will play a great role in decreasing your pain. 

Alternating using ibuprofen with acetaminophen will give you better results. 

7-Toothache gels

Drug stores sell gels that can be applied directly to the affected tooth so relieving the pain. 

These gels contain substances that alleviate the pain like eugenol and clove oil. 

8- Don't eat sweet food

Be careful when your teeth hurt you, you become sensitive to some foods like 

-Soda and alcohol

-Fruits with seeds like strawberries.

-Foods that need excessive pressure to be chewed.

home remedies for killing exposed nerve in tooth

9-Rinse with saltwater

The most traditional one of the home remedies for killing an exposed nerve of a tooth

You can mix a half spoon of salt with a half cup of warm water to make a mouth wash and rinse with it.

It is effective due to two reasons, one is for removing any sticky food debris between teeth.

The other reason is because salt has a disinfected effect, reducing inflammation.

10-Hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide is very useful and effective the home remedies for killing exposed nerve in tooth.

It can be used as a mouthwash by mixing 1 part 3 of hydrogen peroxide with 2 parts of water.


Garlic is usually used as an antibiotic due to its antibacterial effect, so it is used as one of the home remedies for killing an exposed nerve of a tooth.

Allicin is the main ingredient of garlic and it has a powerful antibacterial effect.

You can chew some fresh garlic or you can crush it and mix it with water to make a paste or put some garlic oil on a cotton pellet and apply it to the affected area.

11-Vanilla extract

Due to its inflammatory effect, it can be used to relieve toothache.

Put 2 or 3 drops of vanilla extract directly into the affected area.


Like the other home remedies for killing exposed nerve in tooth, wheatgrass has antibacterial effects.

Thus you can take some wheatgrass juice and rinse with it.

13-Guava leaves

Using guava leaves by two methods, either by chewing it or by making a tea with its leaves and leaving it to cool then rinse it.

Guava leaves have a great antibacterial effect that would alleviate toothache.


Cloves are a great option of home remedies for killing exposed nerve in the tooth.

There are several methods to use it. You can put some drops on a cotton pellet and then apply it on the tooth or put some drops directly on the affected area or by applying drops in a glass of water as a mouthwash.

15-Peppermint tea

Some researchers note its antibacterial effect and sedative effect as one of its active ingredients is menthol that can numb the toothache.

Swishing peppermint tea or sucking wet tea bags would be helpful.

16-Pepper and salt

Mixing an equal amount of salt and black pepper to make a thick paste and apply it to the affected area will lessen the pain.

This remedy is not for gingiva so be careful when you apply it.

17-Cucumber slices

You can take a cucumber slice and put it on the affected tooth. If you aren't sensitive to the cold, put it on cold.

Or you can mash it and mix it with rock salt to make a paste.

18-Baking soda

It is a very great substance. You can wet the cotton belt with water and then cover it with baking soda and then apply it. This will decrease inflammation.

19-Plantain leaf

You can chew a leaf of plantain until it becomes well-chewed then with your fingers fill the affected area with the chewed leaf. This can give you some pain relief.


Asafetida is a plant that contains resin used for medical purposes and gum-like material.

Ground asafetida with some fresh lemon juice makes a paste that can be applied to tooth sore by a cotton ballet.

home remedies for killing exposed nerve in tooth


I will be honest with you that there aren't any home remedies for killing exposed nerve in tooth. You are joking surely, you think that you can bear the pain without anesthesia???

A visit to a dentist is a must. These home remedies only can lessen your pain as an emergency deal with your problem if the pain comes at night and disturb your sleep until morning or going to a dentist.

Your pain won't go until the removal of the cause by a professional dentist.


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Written by: Dr/Mariem elkholy.


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