Home Remedies

Home Remedies, All You Need To Know About Caring At Home. Home remedies category provides you with different methods to care for yourself, family, and your pets

1,211 Hits - Aug 7, 2021, 12:23 PM - Abdelmonem elsayed Elkerba
An infestation of bed bugs can be aggravating, especially if they continually return. While you wait for the exterminator, you can apply these natural ways to kill bed bugs, to keep them under control as much as possible.
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2,109 Hits - Aug 6, 2021, 6:01 PM - Fatma Omar
Vaginal thrush is caused by the overgrowth of candida Albicans. It’s harmless if treated well, but it can cause many...
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1,648 Hits - Aug 6, 2021, 5:49 PM - Wajiha shalaby
Personal hygiene is very necessary, so please always keep your mouth and your teeth clean to avoid any issue that...
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1,099 Hits - Aug 6, 2021, 7:48 AM - Israa gamal
Ringworm is a fungus infection, so you should avoid those who have it. Ringworm natural treatment is used to...
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1,236 Hits - Aug 4, 2021, 3:54 PM - Rokea Mohsen
PBS animal health organization is the best solution for animal health to take care of animals and make the world...
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1,756 Hits - Aug 4, 2021, 6:53 AM - Esraa
If you want a natural treatment for mouth ulcers, you find more options, however, you should know that what works for someone does not properly show the same result for you. If your ulcer is not healed or gets worse you should call the health care provider. Any natural treatment for mouth ulcers can irritate the skin so you should do patch test before using any treatment. If any irritation, redness or discomfort occurs you should stop the natural treatment immediately.
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1,329 Hits - Aug 3, 2021, 3:50 PM - Naira Mousa
Finally, you know several examples used in stomach pain treatment home such as water, ginger, cumin,cinnamon, lemon Juice, bananas, rice,...
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1,361 Hits - Aug 3, 2021, 8:33 AM - Dr. Aya Tarek Mousa
Finally, Remember If you pop a boil, you just gild the lily. You might spread the infection. So, Don’t do...
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1,284 Hits - Aug 2, 2021, 7:38 PM - Nada Elashkar
Thrush could be transmitted easily from one to another by skin to skin contact, So we should try to get...
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1,428 Hits - Aug 2, 2021, 1:34 PM - Ahmed khater
Ringworm is a common infection that could be treated easily if you understood the nature of the disease and its...
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